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Robots and Empire (Robot #4) Page 133
Author: Isaac Asimov

"I was."

"You scarcely need me, it would seem. There is more than one way of adjusting minds. However, I ended by doing something. The captain's change of mind was accompanied by a strong favorable emotion toward Madam Gladia. I took the opportunity of strengthening that."

"That is the reason you are needed. I could not have done that."

"You will be able to yet, friend Daneel. Perhaps quite soon."

D.G. returned. "Believe it or not, she will see you, Daneel. The darter and driver will be here in a moment - and the sooner you leave, the better. I will be heading toward Gladia's apartment at once."

The two robots stepped outside in the hallway to wait.

Giskard said, "He is very happy."

"So it would seem, friend Giskard," said Daneel, "but I fear - the easy part is over for us. We have easily arranged to have Madam Gladia grant us leave to move about on our own. We have then, with some difficulty, persuaded the captain to make it possible for us to see the Undersecretary. With her, however, it may be that we will come to a dead end."


The driver took one look at Giskard and his courage seemed to fail him. "Listen," he said to Daneel, "I was told I'd be paid double to take a robot, but robots aren't allowed in the City and I could get in plenty of trouble. Money isn't going go help me if I lose my license. Can't I just take you, mister?"

Daneel said, "I am a robot, too, sir. We are now in the City and that is not your fault. We are trying to get out of the City and you will be helping us. We are going to a high government official who, I hope, will arrange that and it is your civic duty to help us. If you refuse to take us, driver, you will be acting to keep robots in the City and that may be considered to be against the law."

The driver's face smoothed. He opened the door and said gruffly, "Get in!" However, he carefully closed the thick translucent partition that blocked him off from his passengers.

Daneel said quietly, "Was much required, friend Giskard?"

"Very little, friend Daneel. Your statement did most of the necessary work. It is astonishing that a collection of statements that are individually true can be used, in combination, to yield an effect that the truth should not."

"I have observed this often in human conversation, friend Giskard, even in that of normally truthful human beings. I suspect that the practice is justified in the minds of such people as serving a higher purpose."

"The Zeroth Law, you mean."

"Or the equivalent - if the human mind has such an equivalent. - Friend Giskard, you said a short while ago that I will have your powers, possibly soon. Are you preparing me for that purpose?"

"I am, friend Daneel."

"Why? May I ask that?"

"The Zeroth Law again. The passing episode of shakiness on my feet told me how vulnerable I was to the attempted use of the Zeroth Law. Before this day is over, I may have to act on the Zeroth Law to save the world and humanity and I may not be able to. In that case, you must be in position to do the job. I am preparing you, bit by bit, so that, at the desired moment, I can give you the final instructions and have it all fall into place."

"I do not see how that can be, friend Giskard."

"You will have no trouble in understanding when the time comes. I used the technique in a very small way on robots I sent to Earth in the early days before they were outlawed from the Cities and it was they who helped adjust Earth leaders to the point of approving the decision to send out Settlers."

The driver, whose darter was not on wheels but remained a centimeter or so above the ground at all times, had moved along special corridors reserved for such vehicles and had done so speedily enough to justify the name of the vehicle. He now emerged into an ordinary City corridor, which was paralleled on the moderately distant left by an Expressway. The darter, moving now much more slowly, made a left turn, swooped under the Expressway, came out on the other side, and then, a curving half-mile later, stopped before an ornate building front.

The darter door opened automatically. Daneel emerged first, waited for Giskard to follow, then handed to the driver a piece of foil he had received from D.G. The driver looked at it narrowly, then the doors closed sharply and he left speedily without a word.


There was a pause before the door opened in response to their signal and Daneel assumed they were being scanned.

When it did open, a young woman led them gingerly into the vitals of the building. She avoided looking at Giskard, but she showed rather more than a mild curiosity in Daneel.

They found Undersecretary Quintana behind a large desk. She smiled and said, with gaiety that seemed somewhat forced, "Two robots, unescorted by human beings. Am I safe?"

"Entirely, Madam Quintana," said Daneel gravely. "It is as unusual for us to see a human being unaccompanied by robots.

"I assure you," said Quintana, "I have my robots. I call them underlings and one of them escorted you here. I am amazed that she didn't faint at the sight of Giskard. I think she might have if she hadn't been warned and if you yourself weren't so extraordinarily interesting in appearance, Daneel. But never mind that. Captain Baley was so enormously pressing in his desire that I see you and my interest in maintaining comfortable relations with an important Settler world was such that I have agreed to the interview. However, my day remains busy even so and I will be grateful if we can dispose of this quickly. What can I do for you?"

"Madam Quintana - " began Daneel.

"One moment. Do you sit? I saw you sitting last night, you know."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)