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Robots and Empire (Robot #4) Page 18
Author: Isaac Asimov

Fastolfe nodded. "I will try to persuade your government. But if I fail?"

Baley said in a low voice, "If you fail - and if, therefore, our people fail - there remains only one alternative. The Spacers themselves must settle the Galaxy. The job must be done."

"And you will be content to see the Spacers expand and fill the Galaxy, while the Earthpeople remain on their single planet?"

"Not content at all, but it would be better than the present situation of no expansion by either. Many centuries ago, Earthpeople flocked to the stars, established some of the worlds that are now called Spacer worlds, and those first few colonized others. It has been a long time, however, since either the Spacers or Earthpeople have successfully settled and developed a new world. That must not be permitted to continue."

"I agree. But what is your reason for wanting expansion, Baley?"

"I feel that without expansion of some sort, humanity cannot advance. It doesn't have to be geographical expansion, but that is the clearest way of inducing other kinds of expansion as well. If geographical expansion can be undertaken in a fashion that is not at the expense of other intelligent beings; if there are empty spaces into which to expand; then why not? To resist expansion under such circumstances is to ensure decay."

"You see those alternatives, then? Expansion and advancement? Nonexpansion and decay?"

"Yes, I believe so. Therefore, if Earth refuses expansion, then Spacers must accept it. Humanity, whether in the form of Earthpeople or Spacers, must expand. I would like to see Earthpeople undertake the task, but, failing that, Spacer expansion is better than no expansion at all. One alternative or the other."

"And if one expands but not the other?"

"Then the expanding society will become steadily stronger and the nonexpanding one steadily weaker."

"Are you certain of that?"

"It would be unavoidable, I think."

Fastolfe nodded. "Actually, I agree. It is why I am trying to persuade both Earthpeople and Spacers to expand and advance. That is a third alternative, and, I think, the best."


Memory flickered past the days that followed - incredible mobs of people moving ceaselessly past each other in streams and eddies-racing Expressways being mounted and dismounted - endless conferences with innumerable officials-minds in crowds.

Particularly minds in crowds.

Minds in crowds so thick that Giskard could not isolate individuals. Mass minds mixing and melting together into a vast pulsating grayness with all that was detectable being the periodic sparks of suspicion and dislike that shot outward every time one of the multitude paused to look at him.

Only when Fastolfe was in conference with a few officials could Giskard deal with the individual mind and that, of course, was when it counted.

Memory slowed at one point near the end of the stay on Earth, when Giskard could finally maneuver a time alone with Baley again. Giskard adjusted a few minds minimally in order to make certain there would be no interruption for some time.

Baley said apologetically, "I haven't really been ignoring you, Giskard. I simply haven't had the opportunity to be alone with you. I don't rate highly on Earth and I cannot order my comings and goings."

"I have, of course, understood that, sir, but we will have some time together now."

"Good. Dr. Fastolfe tells me that Gladia is doing well. He may be saying that out of kindness, knowing that that is what I want to hear. I order you to be truthful, however, is Gladia, in fact, doing well?"

"Dr. Fastolfe has told you the truth, sir."

"And you remember, I hope, my request when I last saw you on Aurora that you guard Gladia and protect her from harm."

"Friend Daneel and I, sir, are both mindful of your request. I have arranged it so that when Dr. Fastolfe is no longer alive, both friend Daneel and I will become part of Madam Gladia's establishment. We will then be in an even better position to keep her from harm."

"That," said Baley sadly, "will be after my time."

"I understand that, sir, and regret it."

"Yes, but it can't be helped and a crisis will come - or may come - even before that and yet still be after my time."

"What is it, sir, that you have in mind? What is this crisis?"

"Giskard, it is a crisis that may arise because Dr. Fastolfe is a surprisingly persuasive person. Or else, there is some other factor associated with him that is accomplishing the task."


"Every official that Dr. Fastolfe has seen and interviewed now seems to be enthusiastically in favor of emigration. They were not in favor earlier or, if they were, it was with strong reservations. And once the opinion making leaders are in favor, others are sure to follow. This will spread like an epidemic."

"Is this not what you wish, sir?"

"Yes, it is, but it is almost too much what I wish. We shall spread out over the Galaxy - but what if the Spacers don't?"

"Why should they not?"

"I don't know. I advance it as a supposition, a possibility. What if they don't?"

"Earth and the worlds its people settle will then grow stronger, according to what I have heard you say."

"And the Spacers will grow weaker. There will, however, be a period of time during which the Spacers will remain stronger than Earth and its Settlers, though by a steadily diminishing margin. Eventually, the Spacers will inevitably become aware of Earthpeople as a growing danger. At that time the Spacer worlds will surely decide that Earth and the Settlers must be stopped before it is too late and it will seem to them that drastic measures will have to be taken. That will be a period of crisis that will determine the entire future history of human beings."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)