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Airframe Page 60
Author: Michael Crichton



REPORT No:     IRT-8-2776   TODAY'S DATE:   08 April

MODEL:           N-20             INCIDENT DATE: 04 March

OPERATOR:       Jet Atlantic     FUSELAGE No:   1280

NFA REPORTED BY: J. Ramones    LOCATION:       PS Portugal



Subject:           Main Landing Gear Wheel Failure During Takeoff


It was reported that during takeoff roll the "Wheel Not Turning" alert came on and the flight crew aborted the takeoff. The nose landing gear (NLG) tires blew and there was a fire in the wheel well which was extinguished by fire trucks on the ground. Passengers and flight crew exited via evacuation slides. No reported injuries.


Inspection of the aircraft revealed the following damage:

1.  Both flaps sustained significant damage.

2.  The  Number 1 engine  sustained  heavy soot damage.

3.  The inboard flap hinge fairing sustained minor damage.

4.  The Number 2 wheel was flat spotted with approximately 30 percent missing. There was no damage to NLG axle or piston.

Review of human factors revealed the following:

1.  Flight  deck  procedures   require   added  carrier scrutiny.

2.  Foreign repair procedures require added carrier scrutiny.

The aircraft is in the process of being repaired. Internal procedures are being reviewed by the carrier.

David Levine

Technical Integration

Product Support

Norton Aircraft Company


Summary reports were always diplomatic; in this incident, she knew, ground maintenance had been so inept that the nose wheel locked on takeoff, blowing the tires, causing what was very nearly a serious incident. But the report didn't say that; you had to read between the lines. The problem lay with the carrier, but the carrier was also the customer - and it was bad form to knock the customer.

Eventually, Casey knew, Transpacific Flight 545 would end up summarized in an equally diplomatic report. But there was much to do before then.

Norma came back. 'Transpacific's office is closed. I'll have to find that magazine tomorrow."




"Go home."

She sighed. "You're right, Norma."

"And get some rest, will you?"



Her daughter had left a message saying she was having a sleep-over at Amy's house, and that Dad said it was all right. Casey wasn't happy about it, she thought her daughter shouldn't have sleep-overs on school nights, but there was nothing she could do now. She got into bed, pulled her daughter's photograph on the bedside table over to look at it, and then turned to her work. She was going through the flight tapes of TPA 545, checking the waypoint coordinates for each leg against the written radio transcripts from Honolulu ARINC and Oakland Center, when the phone rang.

"Casey Singleton."

"Hello, Casey. John Marder here."

She sat up in bed. Marder never called her at home. She looked at the clock; it was after 9 P.M.

Marder cleared his throat. "I just got a call from Benson in PR. He's had a request from a network news crew to film inside the plant. He turned them down."

"Uh-huh ..." That was standard; news crews were never allowed inside the plant

"Then he got a call from a producer on that program Newsline named Malone. She said Newsline was making the request for plant access, and insisted they be allowed in. Very pushy and full of herself. He told her to forget it."


"He said he was nice about it."

"Uh-huh." She was waiting.

"This Malone said Newsline was doing a story on the N-22, and she wanted to interview the president. He told her Hal was overseas, and unavailable."


"Then she suggested we reconsider her request, because the Newsline story was going to focus on flight safety concerns, two problems in two days, an engine problem and slats deployment, several passengers killed. She said she'd spoken to critics - no names, but I can guess - and she wanted to give          the president an opportunity to respond."                                      

Casey sighed.

Marder said, "Benson said he might be able to get her an interview with the president next week, and she said no, that wouldn't work, Newsline was running the story this weekend."

"This weekend?"                                                         

Michael Crichton's Novels
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» State Of Fear
» The Terminal Man
» Rising Sun
» Binary