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Prey Page 56
Author: Michael Crichton

"Okay. Any of them should do fine for our purposes," I said. "We only need the radioactivity to last for one night, after we tag the swarm."

Mae said, "We usually put the isotopes in FDG. It's a liquid glucose base. You could spray it."

"That should be fine," I said. "Where are the isotopes now?"

Mae smiled bleakly. "In the storage unit," she said.

"Where is that?"

"Outside. Next to the parked cars."

"Okay," I said. "Then let's go out and get them."

"Oh, for Christ's sake," Ricky said, throwing up his hands. "Are you out of your mind? You nearly died out there this morning, Jack. You can't go back out."

"There isn't any choice," I said.

"Sure there is. Wait until nightfall."

"No," I said. "Because that means we can't spray them until tomorrow. And we can't trace and destroy them until tomorrow night. That means we wait thirty-six hours with an organism that is evolving fast. We can't risk it."

"Risk it? Jack, if you go out now, you'll never survive. You're fucking crazy even to consider it."

Charley Davenport had been staring at the monitor. Now he turned to the group. "No, Jack's not crazy." He grinned at me. "And I'm going with him." Charley began to hum: "Born to Be Wild."

"I'm going, too," Mae said. "I know where the isotopes are stored."

I said, "It's not really necessary, Mae, you can tell me-"

"No. I'm coming."

"We'll need to improvise a spray apparatus of some kind." David Brooks was rolling up his sleeves carefully. "Presumably, remotely controlled. That's Rosie's specialty."

"Okay, I'll come, too," Rosie Castro said, looking at David. "You're all going?" Ricky stared from one to another of us, shaking his head. "This is extremely risky," he said. "Extremely risky."

Nobody said anything. We all just stared at him.

Then Ricky said, "Charley, will you shut the fuck up?" He turned to me. "I don't think I can allow this, Jack ..."

"I don't think you have a choice," I said.

"I'm in charge here."

"Not now," I said. I felt a burst of annoyance. I felt like telling him he'd screwed the pooch by allowing a swarm to evolve in the environment. But I didn't know how many critical decisions Julia had made. In the end, Ricky was obsequious to management, trying to please them like a child pleasing a parent. He did it charmingly; that was how he had moved ahead in life. That was also his greatest weakness.

But now Ricky stuck out his chin stubbornly. "You just can't do it, Jack," he said. "You guys can't go out there and survive."

"Sure we can, Ricky," Charley Davenport said. He pointed to the monitor. "Look for yourself."

The monitor showed the desert outside. The early afternoon sun was shining on scrubby cactus. One stunted juniper in the distance, dark against the sun. For a moment I didn't understand what Charley was talking about. Then I saw the sand blowing low on the ground. And I noticed the juniper was bent to one side.

"That's right, folks," Charley Davenport said. "We got a high wind out there. High wind, no swarms-remember? They have to hug the ground." He headed toward the passageway leading to the power station. "Time's a-wasting. Let's do it, guys." Everybody filed out. I was the last to leave. To my astonishment, Ricky pulled me aside, blocked the door with his body. "I'm sorry, Jack, I didn't want to embarrass you in front of the others. But I just can't let you do this."

"Would you rather have somebody else do it?" I said.

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You better face facts, Ricky. This is already a disaster. And if we can't get it under control right away, then we have to call for help."

"Help? What do you mean?"

"I mean, call the Pentagon. Call the Army. We have to call somebody to get these swarms under control."

"Jesus, Jack. We can't do that."

"We have no choice."

"But it would destroy the company. We'd never get funding again."

"That wouldn't bother me one bit," I said. I was feeling angry about what had happened in the desert. A chain of bad decisions, errors and fuckups extending over weeks and months. It seemed as if everyone at Xymos was doing short-term solutions, patch-and-fix, quick and dirty. No one was paying attention to the long-term consequences.

"Look," I said, "you've got a runaway swarm that's apparently lethal. You can't screw around with this anymore."

"But, Julia-"

"Julia isn't here."

"But she said-"

"I don't care what she said, Ricky."

"But the company-"

"Fuck the company. Ricky." I grabbed him by the shoulders, shook him once hard. "Don't you get it? You won't go outside. You're afraid of this thing, Ricky. We have to kill it. And if we can't kill it soon, we have to call for help."


"Yes, Ricky."

"We'll see about that," he snarled. His body tensed, his eyes flared. He grabbed my shirt collar. I just stood there, staring at him. I didn't move. Ricky glared at me for a moment, and then released his grip. He patted me on the shoulder and smoothed out my collar. "Ah hell, Jack," he said. "What am I doing?" And he gave me his self-deprecating surfer grin. "I'm sorry. I think the pressure must be getting to me. You're right. You're absolutely right. Fuck the company. We have to do this. We have to destroy those things right away."

Michael Crichton's Novels
» The Lost World (Jurassic Park #2)
» Timeline
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» Airframe
» Prey
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» Eaters of the Dead
» The Andromeda Strain
» Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park #1)
» State Of Fear
» The Terminal Man
» Rising Sun
» Binary