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Author: Michael Crichton

Alex fumbled in her pocket. "Get back," she warned him.

"We're not going to hurt you, Ms. Burnet," the man said. He was a good head and a half taller than she, and big, muscular. Just as he reached for her, she got her finger on the button and sprayed pepper in his face.

"Shit! Goddamn it!" He threw his arm up to protect his eyes, and half turned away from her. She knew that was her one chance - she kicked up, fast and hard, hitting him in the throat with her high heel. He yelled in agony, and she fell backward on the sidewalk, unable to keep her balance. She scrambled back to her feet immediately. The woman was getting to her feet, her blood pouring onto the sidewalk. She ignored Alex and went to comfort the big man, who was leaning against the ambulance, bent over, clutching his throat, moaning in pain.

Alex heard distant sirens - someone had called the police - and now the woman was helping the big man into the ambulance, putting him in the passenger seat. It was happening fast. Alex started to worry that these two would get away before the cops showed up. But there wasn't much she could do. As the woman climbed into the ambulance she screamed at Alex, "We'll arrest you yet!"

"You'll what?" Alex said. The unreality of this whole incident was starting to hit her."You'll what?"

"We'll be back, bitch!" the woman screamed, starting the engine. "You won't get away!" The red flasher came on with the siren. She put the ambulance in gear.

"For what?" Alex yelled again. All she could think was that this entire business had been some dreadful mistake. But Vern Hugheswas her doctor. They had used her correct name. They had come for Jamie...

No. It was not a mistake.

"We'll arrest you yet!"

What could that mean? She turned, and hurried back into the school. Her one thought now was Jamie.

It was snack time.The kids were all sitting at their tables, eating pieces of cut fruit. Some had yogurt. They were quite noisy. Miss Holloway gave her the paper the woman had brought. It appeared to be a Xerox of stationery from Alex's law firm, signed by her. It wasn't a note from the doctor's office.

That meant that the woman in the blue suit was a cool operator. When caught, she instantly changed her story. Smiling, shaking hands with Alex. Smoothly finding an excuse for the two of them to walk back outside...Offering her the phone so that when she took it...

We don't need the kid, she'll do fine.

They had come to kidnap Jamie. But they were ready to kidnap her, instead. Why? Ransom? She had no money to speak of. Was it some lawsuit she was involved in? She'd had dangerous lawsuits in the past, but there wasn't anything pending at the moment.

She'll do fine.

Either her son or her.

Miss Holloway said, "Is there anything I should know? Or the school should know?"

"No," Alex said. "But I'm going to take Jamie home."

"They've almost finished their snack."

Alex nodded to Jamie, waved for him to come over. He came reluctantly.

"What is it, Mom?" he said.

"We need to go."

"I want to stay here."

Alex sighed. Contrary as ever. "Jamie..." she began.

"I missed a lot 'cause I was sick. Ask Miss Holloway. And I didn't get to see my friends. I want to stay. And we have hot dogs for lunch."

"I'm sorry," she said. "Go to your cubby and get your stuff. We have to leave."

In front ofthe school, two police cars and four police officers were examining the pavement. One of them said, "Are you Ms. Burnet?"

"Yes, I am."

"We have a report from a woman in the principal's office who saw the whole thing," the policeman said, pointing to a nearby window. "But there's a lot of blood here, Ms. Burnet."

"Yes, the woman hurt her nose when she fell."

"Are you divorced, Ms. Burnet?"

"Yes, I am."

"For how long?"

"Five years."

"So it is not recent."

"Not at all."

"Your relations with your ex..."

"Very cordial."

She talked to the police for a few minutes more, while Jamie waited impatiently. The police seemed to Alex to be oddly reluctant to become involved; they were detached, and seemed to feel they had come upon a private matter, like a domestic dispute.

"Are you filing a complaint?"

"I would," Alex said, "but I have to take my son home now."

"We can give you the paperwork to take home."

"That will be fine," she said.

One of the cops gave her a business card and said to call if there was anything further she needed. She said she would. Then she and Jamie started home.

Out on the street,the world around her suddenly seemed entirely different. Nothing could be more cheerfully bland than the sunlight of Beverly Hills. But now, Alex saw only menace.

She didn't know where that menace was coming from, or why. She held Jamie's hand. "Are wewalking home?" he said, sighing.

"Yes, we're walking." But even as he asked, she started to wonder. They lived only a few blocks from the school. But was it safe to go home? Would those people with the ambulance be waiting? Or would they hide themselves better the next time?

"It's too far to walk." Jamie trudged along. "And too hot."

"We're walking. And that's all there is to it." As they walked, she flipped open her cell and dialed the office. Her assistant, Amy, answered.

"Listen, I want you to check recent county filings. Find out if my name comes up as a defendant anywhere."

Chapter 56-58

"Is there something I need to know?" Amy asked, laughing. But it was a nervous laugh. Wrongdoing by an attorney might land their assistants in jail. It had happened a couple of times recently.

Michael Crichton's Novels
» The Lost World (Jurassic Park #2)
» Timeline
» Sphere
» Congo
» Airframe
» Prey
» Next
» Disclosure
» The Great Train Robbery
» Eaters of the Dead
» The Andromeda Strain
» Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park #1)
» State Of Fear
» The Terminal Man
» Rising Sun
» Binary