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The Client Page 85
Author: John Grisham

Dianne puffed her cigarette, and watched the cars crawl along the streets below. Knowing Mark, he was probably changing diapers in the nursery or assisting with surgery in orthopedics, or maybe scrambling eggs in the kitchen. St. Peter's was the largest hospital in the state. There were thousands of people under its varied roofs. He'd roamed the halls and made dozens of friends, and it would take them days to find him. She expected him to call any minute.

"I need to get back," she said, sticking the filter in an ashtray.

"If he contacts you, I need to know it." "Sure." "And if you hear from Reggie Love, I'd appreciate a call. I'll leave two men here on this floor, in case you need them." She walked away.

BY EIGHT -  THIRTY, FOLTRIGG HAD ASSEMBLED IN HIS OFFICE the usual crew of Wally Boxx, Thomas Fink, and Larry Trumann, who arrived last with his hair still wet from a quick shower.

Foltrigg was dressed like a fraternity pledge in his pressed chinos, starched cotton button-down, and shiny loafers. Trumann wore a jogging suit. "The lawyer's missing too," he announced as he poured coffee from a thermos.

"When did you hear this?" Foltrigg asked.

"Five minutes ago, on my car phone. McThune called me. They went to her house to serve her around eight, but couldn't find her. She's disappeared." "What else did McThune say?" "They're still searching the hospital. The kid spent three days there and knows it very well." "I doubt if he's there," Foltrigg said with his customary quick command of unknown facts.

"Does McThune think the kid's with the lawyer?" Boxx asked.

"Who in hell knows? She'd be kind of stupid to help the kid escape, wouldn't she?" "She's not that bright," Foltrigg said scornfully.

Neither are you, thought Trumann. You're the idiot who issued the subpoenas that started this latest episode. "McThune's spoken twice this morning with K. O. Lewis. He's on standby. They plan to search the hospital until noon, then give up. If the kid's not found by then, Lewis will zip to Memphis." "You think Muldanno's involved?" Fink asked.

"I doubt it. Looks like the kid strung them along until he got to the hospital, and at that point he was on home turf. I'll bet he called the lawyer, and now they're hiding somewhere in Memphis." "I wonder if Muldanno knows," Fink said, looking at Foltrigg.

"His people are still in Memphis," Trumann said. "Gronke's here, but we haven't seen Bono or Pirini. Hell, they might have a dozen boys up there by now." "Has McThune called in the dogs?" Foltrigg asked.

"Yeah. He's got everyone in his office •working on it. They're watching her house, her secretary's apartment, they've even sent two men to find Judge Roosevelt, who's fishing somewhere in the mountains. Memphis PD has the hospital choked off." "What about the phones?" "Which phones?" "The phones in the hospital room. He's a kid, Larry, you know he'll try to call his mother." "It takes approval from the hospital. McThune said they're working on it. But it's Saturday, and the necessary people are not in." Foltrigg stood behind his desk, and walked to the window. "The kid had six hours before anyone realized he was missing, right?" "That's what they said." " "Have they found the lawyer's car?" "No. They're still looking." "I'll bet they don't find it in Memphis. I'll bet the kid and Ms. Love are in the car." "Oh really." "Yeah. Haulin' ass." "And where might they be haulin' ass to?" "Somewhere far away."

AT NINE -  THIRTY, A MEMPHIS POLICEMAN CALLED IN THE tag number of an illegally parked Mazda. It belonged to one Reggie Love. The message was quickly sent to Jason McThune at his office in the Federal Building.

Ten minutes later, two FBI agents knocked on the door to apartment Number 28 at Bellevue Gardens. They waited, and knocked again. Glint hid in the bedroom. If they kicked the door down,. then he would simply be sleeping on this lovely and peaceful Saturday morning. They knocked the third time, and the phone started to ring. It startled him, and he almost lunged for it. But his answering machine was on. If the cops would come to his apartment, then they would certainly not hesitate to call. After the tone, he heard Reggie's voice. He lifted the receiver, and quickly whispered, "Reggie, call me right back." He hung up.

They knocked the fourth time, and left. The lights were off and the curtains covered every window. He stared at the phone for five minutes, and it finally rang. The answering machine gave its message, then the tone. Again, it was Reggie.

"Hello," he said quickly.

"Good morning, Glint," she said cheerfully. "How are things in Memphis?" "Oh, the usual, you know, cops watching my apartment, banging on the door. Typical Saturday." "Cops?" "Yeah. For the past hour, I've been sitting in my closet watching my little television. The news is all over the place. They haven't mentioned you yet, but Mark's on every channel. Right now, it's simply a disappearance, not an escape." "Have you talked to Dianne?" "I called her about an hour ago. The FBI had just told her he was missing. I explained he was with you, and this calmed her a bit. Frankly, Reggie, she's been shocked so much I don't think it registered. Where are you?" "We've checked into a motel in Metairie." "I'm sorry. Did you say Metairie? As in Louisiana? Right outside of New Orleans?" "That's the place. We drove all night." "Why the hell are you down there, Reggie? Of all the places to hide, why did you pick a suburb of New Orleans? Why not Alaska?" "Because it's the last place we'd be expected. We're safe, Clint. I paid cash and registered under another name. We'll sleep a bit, then see the city." "See the city? Come on, Reggie, what's going on?" "I'll explain it later. Have you talked to Momma Love?" "No. I'll call her right now." "Do that. I'll call back this afternoon." "You're crazy, Reggie. Do you know that? You've lost your mind." "I know. But I've been crazy before. Good-bye now." Glint placed the phone on the table, and stretched on the unmade bed. She had indeed been crazy before.

Chapter 35

BARRY THE BLADE ENTERED THE WAREHOUSE ALONE. Gone was the swaggering strut of the quickest gun in town. Gone was the smirking scowl of the cocky street hood. Gone were the flashy suit and Italian loafers. The earrings were in a pocket. The ponytail was tucked under his collar. He'd shaved just an hour ago.

He climbed the rusted steps to the second level, and thought about playing on these same stairs as a child. His father was alive then, and after school he'd hang around here until dark, watching containers come and go, listening to the stevedores, learning their language, smoking their cigarettes, looking at their magazines. It was a wonderful place to grow up, especially for a boy who wanted to be nothing but a gangster.

Now the warehouse was not as busy. He walked along the runway next to the dirty, painted windows overlooking the river. His steps echoed through the vast emptiness below. A few dusty containers were scattered about, and hadn't been moved in years. His uncle's black Cadillacs were parked together near the docks. Tito, the faithful chauffeur, polished a fender.

He glanced up at the sound of footsteps, and waved at Barry.

Though he was quite anxious, he walked deliberately, trying not to strut. Both hands were stuck deep in his pockets. He watched the river through the ancient windows. An imitation paddle wheeler hauled tourists downriver for a breathtaking tour of more warehouses and perhaps a barge or two. The runway stopped at a metal door. He pushed a button and looked directly into the camera above his head. A loud click, and the door opened. Mo, a former stevedore who'd given him his first beer when he was twelve, stood there, wearing a dreadful suit. Mo had at least four guns either on him or within reach. He nodded at Barry, and waved him on. Mo had been a friendly guy until he'd started wearing suits, which happened about the same time he saw The Godfather, and he hadn't smiled since.

John Grisham's Novels
» The Broker
» The Chamber
» The Partner
» The Client
» The Associate
» The King of Torts
» The Brethren
» The Last Juror
» Playing for Pizza
» The Litigators
» The Testament
» The Bleachers
» The Appeal
» The Firm
» The Innocent Man
» A Painted House
» A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance #1)
» Calico Joe
» Ford County
» The Street Lawyer