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Open Season Page 84
Author: Linda Howard

Jack studied the sandy-haired man, the clear, cold eyes and utter calm of his manner. “You’ve got the goods on all of them, don’t you? You documented everything.”

“That’s right.” Sykes gave a thin smile. “Just in case. I like having a little leverage when things go wrong. And sooner or later, they always go wrong. You just gotta learn when to get out.”

Jack left the room and placed the call to the district attorney in Scottsboro. If a deal had to be made, he thought Sykes would be a better state witness than Mayor Nolan, simply because Sykes struck him as more ruthless and organized. Sometimes you had to deal with the devil, and this was one of those times.

Then he called the motel where he’d left Daisy, wanting to give her the word that she was safe. The front desk switched him through to her room, and he listened to the ringing. Four rings. Five. Six. He began to sweat

Maybe the front desk had put him through to the wrong room; mistakes happened. He disconnected, called back, and asked for her room again. One ring. Two. A cold fist knotted in his chest She should be there. Three. Maybe she was getting something to eat at the Huddle House. Four.

Sykes was here. There was no way Daisy was in any danger now.


She wouldn’t have left for any reason, would she? She was safe there. But what if she’d come up with one of her off-the-wall plans and thought she could trap Sykes or the mayor?


Logic told him she was okay. The worst fear he’d ever known, however, whispered all sorts of scenarios to him, scenarios that ended with Daisy—


He tried to imagine a life without Daisy in it, and it was like hitting a stone wall. Full stop. Nothing.


“Hello?” Her voice was a little breathless, as if she’d been running.

The relief that poured through him was almost as shattering as the fear had been. His hand tightened on the receiver, and he briefly closed his eyes, “What took you so long?” he growled.

“I was outside with Midas. Actually, the leash slipped out of my hand and I’ve been chasing him.”

He hadn’t meant to say anything, but he was still so shaken from those few moments of terror that the words slipped out. “I thought you’d left.”

She paused. “Left? As in left left, rather than just stepped outside for a minute or gone to get something to eat?”

“I was afraid you’d come up with one of your plans—”

“Have I ever given you any reason to think I’m stupid?” she demanded angrily. “I’m safe here; why would I leave? That’s what always happens in movies; either the woman or the kid disobeys instructions and does exactly what they’ve been told not to do, thereby putting both themselves and everyone else in danger. I’ve always thought that if they were that stupid, then let them die before they have a chance to breed. My goodness, you’d think I make a habit of—”

“Daisy,” he said softly.

She paused in her tirade. “Are you about to apologize?”

Maybe that would speed things up. “Yeah. I’m sorry I panicked.”

“Apology accepted,” she said in that prim voice that made him want to grin.

“I called with some good news, sweetheart. Sykes walked into the station a little while ago and gave him-self up, wanting to make a deal. You’re safe.”

“You mean it’s all over?”

“There’s some mopping up to do. I’ve been in contact with Morrison, and they haven’t found Lemmons and Calvin yet, but they will. The mayor’s wife got him on tape making threats against you, and Sykes is ready to roll over on everybody. I don’t know what time I’ll get back to pick you up.”

“So I don’t have to stay here tonight?”

“You might. This could go on all night.”

“When Todd brings my things, I’ll just have him drive me home instead.”

Guiltily, Jack glanced at his watch. It was after six, and he hadn’t remembered to call Todd at all. “I’ll try to catch him at his store, save him a trip.”

“You forgot to call him, didn’t you?”

He sighed. “Busted.”

“Under the circumstances, you’re forgiven. Has my mother called?”

He’d had his cell phone with him all day, even carrying it into the John with him, so he knew he hadn’t missed any calls. “Not yet.” Mrs. Minor wouldn’t wait too much longer before checking on Daisy, though.

“Just get her number, and I’ll call her back when I get home. Call Todd now,” she reminded him.

“I will.” He did, and luck was with him; Todd was still in Huntsville. Jack brought him up to date and asked him to pick up Daisy.

“Sure, no problem.” Todd paused. “Sykes mentioned the sex trade. He may have some information on the men I’m looking for, or on the dealers who sell the date-rape drugs.”

“The way this thing’s spreading out, anything’s possible. If you want to ask him some questions your-self, I can swing it.”

Another pause. “I can’t get officially involved.”

“I know. I’ll get the D.A. to question him about drugs, but if you want to talk to him personally later, just let me know.”

“For now, I’ll stay behind the scenes and see what the D.A. comes up with.”

“It’s your call. Just don’t forget to pick up Daisy. By the way, she has her puppy with her.”

Todd said warily, “You said that like you’re warning me about something.”

Linda Howard's Novels
» Kiss Me While I Sleep (CIA Spies #3)
» All the Queen's Men (CIA Spies #2)
» Kill and Tell (CIA Spies #1)
» Cry No More
» Dream Man
» Ice
» Mr. Perfect
» Now You See Her
» Open Season
» Troublemaker
» Up Close and Dangerous
» White Lies (Rescues #4)
» Heartbreaker (Rescues #3)
» Diamond Bay (Rescues #2)
» A Game of Chance (Mackenzie Family #5)
» Midnight Rainbow (Rescues #1)
» Mackenzie's Magic (Mackenzie Family #4)
» Shades of Twilight
» Mackenzie's Pleasure (Mackenzie Family #3)
» Son of the Morning