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Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11) Page 14
Author: Lee Child

Twelve down. Odds now one in forty-two. Better, but not good. The key didn't fit anything in the fifth row. Nor the sixth. Eighteen down. One-third gone. Odds improving all the time. Look on the bright side. Neagley was still talking. He could hear her. He knew that behind her people in the line would be getting impatient. They would be shuffling their feet. They would be looking around, bored and inquisitive.

He started on the seventh row, at the top. Rocked the key. It didn't move. No go with the middle box. Nor the lowest. He shuffled right. Neagley had stopped talking. The clerk was explaining something. She was pretending not to understand. Reacher moved right again. The eighth row. The key didn't fit the top box. The lobby was going quiet. Reacher could feel eyes on his back. He dropped his hand and tried the middle box in the eighth row.

Rocked the key. The small metallic sound was very loud.


The lobby was silent.

Reacher tried the lowest box in the eighth row.

Rocked the key.

It moved.

The lock opened.

Reacher stepped back a foot and swung the little door all the way open and crouched down. The box was stuffed. Padded envelopes, big brown envelopes, big white envelopes, letters, catalogs, magazines wrapped in plastic, postcards.

Sound came back to the lobby.

Reacher heard Neagley say, "Thank you very much for your help." He heard her footsteps on the tile. Heard the line behind her move up. Sensed people refocusing on their chances of getting their business done before they grew old and died. He slid his hand into the box and raked the contents forward. Butted everything together into a steady stack and clamped it between his palms and stood up. Jammed the stack under his arm and relocked the box and pocketed the key and walked away like the most natural thing in the world.

Neagley was waiting in the Mustang, three doors down. Reacher leaned in and dumped the stack of mail on the center console and then followed it inside. Sorted through the stack and pulled out four small padded envelopes self-addressed in Franz's own familiar handwriting.

"Too small for CDs," he said.

He arranged them in date order according to the postmarks. The most recent had been stamped the same morning that Franz had disappeared.

"But mailed the night before," he said.

He opened the envelope and shook out a small silver object. Metal, flat, two inches long, three-quarters of an inch wide, thin, capped with plastic. Like something that would go on a keyring. It had 128 MB printed on it.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Flash memory," Neagley said. "The new version of floppy discs. No moving parts and a hundred times the storage capacity."

"What do we do with it?"

"We plug it into one of my computers and we see what's on it."

"Just like that?"

"Unless it's password-protected. Which it probably will be."

"Isn't there software to help with that?"

"There used to be. But not anymore. Things get better all the time. Or worse, depending on your point of view."

"So what do we do?"

"We spend the drive time making mental lists. Likely choices for his password. The old-fashioned way. My guess is we'll get three tries before the files erase themselves."

She started the motor and eased away from the curb. Pulled a neat U-turn in the strip mall's fire lane and headed back north to La Cienega.

The man in the dark blue suit watched them go. He was low down behind the wheel of his dark blue Chrysler sedan, forty yards away, in a slot that belonged to the pharmacy. He opened his cell phone and dialed his boss.

"This time they ignored Franz's place completely," he said. "They talked to the landlord instead. Then they were in the post office a long time. I think Franz must have been mailing the stuff to himself. That's why we couldn't find it. And they've probably got it now."


Neagley plugged the flash memory into a socket on the side of her laptop computer. Reacher watched the screen. Nothing happened for a second and then an icon appeared. It looked like a stylized picture of the physical object she had just attached. It was labeled No Name. Neagley ran her forefinger over the touch pad and then tapped it twice.

The icon blossomed into a full-screen demand for a password.

"Damn," she said.

"Inevitable," he said.


Reacher had busted computer passwords many times before, back in the day. As always, the technique was to consider the person and think like them. Be them. Serious paranoids used long complex mixes of lower-case and upper-case letters and numbers that meant nothing to anyone, including themselves. Those passwords were effectively unbreakable. But Franz had never been paranoid. He had been a relaxed guy, serious about but simultaneously a little amused by security demands. And he was a words guy, not a numbers guy. He was a man of interests and enthusiasms. Full of affections and loyalties. Middlebrow tastes. A memory like an elephant.

Reacher said, "Angela, Charlie, Miles Davis, Dodgers, Koufax, Panama, Pfeiffer, M*A*S*H, Brooklyn, Heidi, or Jennifer."

Neagley wrote them all down on a new page in her spiral-bound notebook.

"Why those?" she asked.

"Angela and Charlie are obvious. His family."

"Too obvious."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Miles Davis was his favorite music, the Dodgers were his favorite team, and Sandy Koufax was his favorite player."

"Possibilities. What's Panama?"

"Where he was deployed at the end of 1989. I think that was the place he had the most professional satisfaction. He'll have remembered it."

"Pfeiffer as in Michelle Pfeiffer?"

"His favorite actress."

"Angela looks a little like her, doesn't she?"

"There you go."


"His all-time favorite movie," Reacher said.

"More than ten years ago, when you knew him," Neagley said. "There have been a lot of good movies since then."

"Passwords come from down deep."

"It's too short. Most software asks for a minimum of six characters now."

"OK, scratch M*A*S*H."


"Where he was born."

"I didn't know that."

"Not many people did. They moved west when he was little. That's what would make it a good password."


"His first serious girlfriend. Hot as hell, apparently. Terrific in the sack. He was crazy about her."

"I didn't know anything about that. Clearly I was excluded from the guy talk."

"Clearly," Reacher said. "Karla Dixon was, too. We didn't want to look emotional."

"I'm crossing Heidi off the list. Only five letters, and he was too much into Angela now anyway. He wouldn't have felt right using an old girlfriend's name for a password, however hot and terrific she was. I'm crossing Pfeiffer off for the same reason. And who was Jennifer? His second girlfriend? Was she hot, too?"

"Jennifer was his dog," Reacher said. "When he was a kid. A little black mutt. Lived for eighteen years. Broke him up when it died."

"Possibility, then. But that's six. We've only got three tries."

"We've got twelve tries," Reacher said. "Four envelopes, four flash memories. If we start with the earliest postmark we can afford to burn the first three. That information is old anyway."

Neagley laid the four flash memories on the hotel desk in strict date order. "You sure he wouldn't have changed his password daily?"

Lee Child's Novels
» Not a Drill (Jack Reacher #18.5)
» Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11)
» High Heat (Jack Reacher #17.5)
» The Hard Way (Jack Reacher #10)
» A Wanted Man (Jack Reacher #17)
» One Shot (Jack Reacher #9)
» Deep Down (Jack Reacher #16.5)
» The Enemy (Jack Reacher #8)
» The Affair (Jack Reacher #16)
» Persuader (Jack Reacher #7)
» Second Son (Jack Reacher #15.5)
» Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
» Worth Dying For (Jack Reacher #15)
» Echo Burning (Jack Reacher #5)
» 61 Hours (Jack Reacher #14)
» Small Wars (Jack Reacher #19.5)
» Tripwire (Jack Reacher #3)
» Gone Tomorrow (Jack Reacher #13)
» Personal (Jack Reacher #19)
» Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12)