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Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11) Page 46
Author: Lee Child

"But you don't know for sure?"

"His body hasn't been found."

"But Orozco's has?"

"Yes. We saw it."

"What about Calvin Franz and Tony Swan? Why aren't they here?"

"Franz is dead. Swan too, probably."

"For sure?"

"Franz for sure."

"But not Swan?"

"Not for sure."

"And not Jorge for sure?"

"Not for sure. But probably."

"OK." She walked on, refusing to surrender, refusing to give up hope. They passed the high-end hotels one by one, moving through sketched facsimiles of the world's great cities all in the space of a few hundred yards. Then they saw apartment buildings. Milena led them through a left turn, and then a right, onto a parallel street. She stopped under the shade of an awning that led to the lobby of a building that might have been the best place in town four generations of improvements ago.

"This is it," she said. "I have a key."

She slipped her backpack off her shoulder and rooted through it and came out with a change purse. She unzipped it and took out a door key made of tarnished brass.

"How long did you know him?" Reacher asked.

She paused for a long moment, trapped into contemplating the use of the past tense, and trying to find a way of making it seem less than definitive.

"We met a few years ago," she said.

She led them into the lobby. There was a doorman behind a desk. He greeted her with a degree of familiarity. She led them to the elevator. They went up to the tenth floor and turned right on a faded corridor. Stopped outside a door painted green.

She used her key.

Inside, the apartment wasn't a breathtaking spread, but it wasn't small, either. Two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen. Plain decor, mostly white, some bright colors, a little old-fashioned. Generous windows. Once the place must have had a fine view of the desert but now it looked straight at a newer development a block away.

It was a man's place, simple, unadorned, undesigned.

It was a real mess.

It had been through the same kind of trauma as Calvin Franz's office. The walls and the floor and the ceiling were solid concrete, so they hadn't been damaged. But other than that, the treatment had been similar. All the furniture was ripped up and torn apart. Chairs, sofas, a desk, a table. Books and papers had been dumped everywhere. A TV set and stereo equipment had been smashed. CDs were littered everywhere. Rugs had been lifted and thrown aside. The kitchen had been almost demolished.

Milena's cleaning up had been limited to piling some of the debris around the perimeter and stuffing some of the feathers back into a few of the cushions. She had stacked a few of the books and papers near the broken shelves they had come from.

Apart from that, there hadn't been much she could do. A hopeless task.

Reacher found the kitchen trash, where Curtis Mauney had said the crumpled napkin had been found. The pail had been torn off its mounting under the sink and booted across the room. Some stuff seemed to have fallen out, and some hadn't.

"This was more about anger than efficiency," he said. "Destruction, almost for its own sake. Like they were just as much mad as worried."

"I agree," Neagley said.

Reacher opened a door and moved on to the master bedroom. The bed was wrecked. The mattress had been destroyed. In the closet, clothes were dumped everywhere. The rails had been torn down. The shelves had been smashed. Jorge Sanchez had been a neat person to start with, and his neatness had been reinforced by years of living with military restraints and standards. There was nothing left of him in his apartment. No shred, no echo.

Milena was moving around the space, listlessly, putting more stuff in tentative piles, stopping occasionally to leaf through a book or look at a picture. She used her thigh to butt the ruined sofa back to its proper position, even though no one would ever sit on it again.

Reacher asked her, "Have the cops been here?"

"Yes," she said.

"Did they have any conclusions?"

"They think whoever came here dressed up as phony contractors. Cable, or phone."


"But I think they bribed the doorman. That would be easier."

Reacher nodded. Vegas, a city of scams. "Did the cops have an opinion as to why?"

"No," she said.

He asked her, "When did you last see Jorge?"

"We had dinner," she said. "Here. Chinese takeout."


"His last night in Vegas."

"You were here then?"

"It was just the two of us."

Reacher said, "He wrote something on a napkin."

Milena nodded.

"Because someone called him?"

Milena nodded again.

Reacher asked, "Who called him?"

Milena said, "Calvin Franz."


Milena was looking shaky, so Reacher used his forearm to clear shards of broken china off the kitchen countertop, to give her a place to sit. She boosted herself up and sat with her elbows turned out and her hands laid flat on the laminate, palms down, trapped under her knees.

Reacher said, "We need to know what Jorge was working on. We need to know what caused all this trouble."

"I don't know what it was."

"But you spent time with him."

"A lot."

"And you knew each other well."

"Very well."

"For years."

"On and off."

"So he must have talked to you about his work."

"All the time."

"So what was on his mind?"

Milena said, "Business was slow. That's what was on his mind."

"His business here? In Vegas?"

Milena nodded. "It was great in the beginning. Years ago, they were always busy. They had a lot of contracts. But the big places dropped them, one by one. They all set up in-house operations. Jorge said it was inevitable. Once they reach a certain size, it makes more sense."

"We met a guy at our hotel who said Jorge was still busy. 'Like a one-armed paperhanger.'"

Milena smiled. "The guy was being polite. And Jorge put a brave face on it. Manuel Orozco, too. At first they used to say, We'll fake it until we make it. Then they said, We'll fake it now we're not making it anymore. They kept up a front. They were too proud to beg."

"So what are you saying? They were going down the tubes?"

"Fast. They did a bit of muscle work here and there. Doormen at some of the clubs, running cheats out of town, stuff like that. They did some consulting for the hotels. But not much anymore. Those people always think they know better, even when they don't."

"Did you see what Jorge wrote on the napkin?"

"Of course. I cleared dinner away after he left. He wrote numbers."

"What did they mean?"

"I don't know. But he was very worried about them."

"What did he do next? After Franz's call?"

"He called Manuel Orozco. Right away. Orozco was very worried about the numbers, too."

"How did it all start? Who came to them?"

"Came to them?"

Reacher asked, "Who was their client?"

Milena looked straight at him. Then she turned and twisted and looked at O'Donnell, and then Dixon, and then Neagley.

"You're not listening to me," she said. "They didn't really have clients. Not anymore."

"Something must have happened," Reacher said.

Lee Child's Novels
» Not a Drill (Jack Reacher #18.5)
» Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11)
» High Heat (Jack Reacher #17.5)
» The Hard Way (Jack Reacher #10)
» A Wanted Man (Jack Reacher #17)
» One Shot (Jack Reacher #9)
» Deep Down (Jack Reacher #16.5)
» The Enemy (Jack Reacher #8)
» The Affair (Jack Reacher #16)
» Persuader (Jack Reacher #7)
» Second Son (Jack Reacher #15.5)
» Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
» Worth Dying For (Jack Reacher #15)
» Echo Burning (Jack Reacher #5)
» 61 Hours (Jack Reacher #14)
» Small Wars (Jack Reacher #19.5)
» Tripwire (Jack Reacher #3)
» Gone Tomorrow (Jack Reacher #13)
» Personal (Jack Reacher #19)
» Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12)