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Prey (Linda Howard) Page 55
Author: Linda Howard, Abby Crayden

He straightened away from Angie’s tent and took another look around the silent camp. Well, fuck it. He had to have dry clothes. He made his way over to his tent, his feet sinking more deeply into the mud; the ground had deteriorated more in this direction.

He did the same routine, standing and listening for what felt like forever, and hearing nothing from inside the tent. He summoned his nerve, then quickly looked inside his own tent. No Angie. It was just as he’d left it.

That left Davis’s tent. God, he hoped and prayed the SUV keys were in Davis’s tent, and that Angie wasn’t. Or, if she was, that she was already dead, but why would she crawl into Davis’s tent to die?

Because it was the closest to where he’d last seen her.

A chill ran down his spine that had nothing to do with the cold or wet. Shit! Why hadn’t he thought of that before?

Calm down, calm down. This didn’t change anything. He still would have had to check the other tents, and he’d been very quiet and careful. The same scenario still held: If she was inside the tent, the entrance would be zipped.

Davis’s tent entrance was open, the way the other two had been. Chad checked inside, just to be certain, then straightened and looked around. Where the hell was she, unless the bear had dragged her off? He wished he had some way of knowing for certain. She wasn’t in any of the tents, therefore she was either dead or trying to walk down the mountain. If she was walking, she couldn’t be making very good time, but the fact that it was possible that she was out there made it more urgent that he find those keys and get out of the country. He didn’t know all the paths on this mountain, but he did know the direction in which she’d be going: down. And her destination was the same as his.

Which meant he didn’t have any time to waste. He ducked into Davis’s tent, wiped away the water that was streaming down his face, and began searching. Davis hadn’t brought a lot with him; he had more clothes and gear in the back of the SUV, of course, but everything he’d brought to the camp was in his saddlebags and one small duffel. Chad dumped out the contents of both, muttering under his breath and willing the set of keys to be there. Nothing. He went through everything again, more slowly this time, running his hand into every pocket of every garment, even looking under the inflatable mattress and inside the sleeping bag.

The keys weren’t here.

He sat down on the mattress and took a deep breath. Damn it, he needed those keys! Surely to God Davis hadn’t kept them in his pocket, when there was no use for them up here, but logically, that was the only other place to look. They had to be on his body, or what was left of it. Chad shuddered at the thought of searching a partially eaten carcass, then wondered if the damn bear would swallow keys and clothes, too, the way sharks did. God.

Screw this. He didn’t have time to look for Davis’s remains and paw through bloody crap. Angie’s keys would do just fine; that wasn’t what he’d planned, and that rancher, Lattimore, would be suspicious when Angie’s truck disappeared, but that was a risk he’d have to take. He burst from the tent, for the first time in hours not even noticing the rain, and headed back toward Angie’s tent.

He went through the same process, emptying the contents of her duffel onto the tent floor, kicking things over and out of his way, then looked around for her saddlebags. Abruptly it sank in on him that the saddlebags weren’t here. He checked everywhere again, just to make sure. No saddlebags.

His heart began racing again, because the implication was obvious: She wasn’t dead. She was out there, heading down the mountain, and she had an hours’ long head start on him. She’d come here for supplies first; now that he took more notice of what was in the tent, he realized that her slicker and rifle were missing, too.

He had to make it down the mountain before she did. And no matter how nauseating, he had to find the keys to the SUV.

He left Angie’s tent and hurried once more to his own tent, got his rifle. The bear was probably long gone, but it wouldn’t hurt to have more firepower, just in case. Then he left the camp and cautiously headed toward the cook site, willing himself to move forward. He was furious with himself, because Angie was ahead of him, and she might screw up all his plans. Damn it, he should’ve made sure she was dead, instead of panicking the way he had, taking the horses and running like a scared little girl. Sure, everything had gone wrong. He hadn’t expected Angie to see him shoot Davis, hadn’t expected the bear—who would have?—and he’d panicked. There was no excuse. He couldn’t let that happen again, because look how things had spiraled out of control.

Steeling himself, he pushed through the trees. It wasn’t much farther; they hadn’t gone more than thirty or forty yards, had they? Yes, right there. They’d been standing right there. But Davis’s body was gone. Chad moved closer, and stepped on something squishy. The smell of shit made him gag. He looked down, blinking as it took him a moment to realize his foot wasn’t in a pile of crap, but instead was tangled in a length of shredded intestine. “Shit!” He leaped to the side, then completely lost it.

He couldn’t control his reaction. He turned his head and violently vomited onto the ground, gagging on bile. He hadn’t eaten anything in hours, so in short order he had the dry heaves. Jesus! The pieces of carnage scattered around were no longer recognizable as a man, much less as Mitchell Davis. The rain had washed a lot of the blood into the ground, but nothing could cleanse this scene, nothing could make it anything less than horrible.

When he could control his stomach, he wiped his streaming eyes, then his mouth. He took small steps forward, trying not to step on anything else that had once been part of Davis. Even in the rain, the stench was almost overpowering. He tried to breathe through his mouth instead of his nose, but then he could actually taste the stench. His stomach heaved again, and he went through another convulsive spasm, bent over from the waist, snot streaming from his nose. He found himself looking at a piece of a shirt beside what looked to be a part of a hand. Yeah, that was a finger—badly mauled, but still recognizable.

Linda Howard, Abby Crayden's Novels
» Prey (Linda Howard)