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Prey (Linda Howard) Page 75
Author: Linda Howard, Abby Crayden

Instead she was looking at something else.

“Staring at your butt is getting old,” she mumbled, clinging like a limpet so she didn’t fall down an entire story and land on her head.

“Aw now, be nice,” he admonished as he easily moved down the ladder with no more effort than if she’d been a child. “I wouldn’t say that about your butt.”

“You haven’t spent hours staring at my butt, or you might be singing a different song.”

Having reached the bottom, he patted her on the butt in question, then boosted her off his shoulder and stood her upright, holding her close to him and looking down so that they were practically nose to nose. “You’d be wrong about that; I’ve stared at your ass every time I got the chance.”

Thump thump! Her heartbeat went into drum-pounding mode again. What was she supposed to say to that? Was he just flirting because he wanted sex, saying whatever he thought would work, or was he serious? Wide-eyed, feeling as if she were a deer in the headlights, she stared into that intent blue gaze and tried to decide if she should blow it off as a joke or if he was serious. How could he possibly be serious?

With all the animosity that had been between them, and the fact that he was buying her out and she’d be leaving soon to set up her business in a less-competitive area, he had to be thinking about nothing more than having sex. Men could do that, compartmentalize things so that their emotions were in one storage area, their sex drives in another, and never the twain shall meet. She didn’t want anything to happen here that could foul up her thinking when they got out of this situation and things were back to normal.

He was waiting for her reaction, and from his alert, narrow-eyed expression she got the idea he was halfway expecting her to take a swing at him. Her arms wanted to move, all right, but for some reason they wanted to fling themselves around his neck; she couldn’t have that, no body parts moving independently of her will, so she firmed her lips and said, “Then stop it. No more looking at my butt.”

He made a derisive sound. “Make me. I happen to think your ass is one of the seven wonders, so no way am I going to deprive myself of the view.”

She began shaking her head in denial, waving her hands back and forth in front of him as if she could erase his words, backing a couple of awkward, hobbling steps away from him as she did. “No, no, no. Not going there. Just get all of that out of your head, because it isn’t going to happen.”

“Don’t be so sure of that,” he warned, the corners of his eyes crinkling as if he wanted to smile at her protests.

There had to be something she could say to make him back up, and suddenly she knew just what it was. “I’m very grateful to you,” she said, throwing the words at him like a weapon. “I’ll agree to selling my place to you without any problem. You don’t have to use sex to get your way.”

He straightened as if he’d been kicked by a mule, his dark brows snapping together over his nose and his eyes narrowing even more, blue fire sparking. “Damn it, don’t try to make this about any fucking piece of property!”

“What else am I supposed to think?” she asked with what she thought was a very reasonable tone. “All of a sudden you’re acting as if I’m God’s gift to men, when we both know better. Either you’re looking for easy sex, or you think you can use sex to get your way. Neither of those look like a good deal to me.”

Tight-lipped, he grabbed her slicker off the post and tossed it to her. “Let’s get this over with,” he snapped.

As she pulled on the slicker she wondered if she’d done a smart thing, pissing off the man who would be carrying her up a tall ladder, but she couldn’t have let him continue saying suggestive things that completely threw her off balance. What if he was only teasing and she’d taken him seriously? She’d have humiliated herself beyond recovery. She had kind of gotten over the embarrassment of how she’d acted at her wedding—kind of; she still felt uncomfortable at the very thought of seeing people who had been there that day, and she’d come up with every excuse in the book for not keeping in touch with the friends she’d had in Billings for that very reason. But taking Dare seriously, and then discovering he’d just been joking about finding her attractive, would be more than she could bear.

He carried her outside and she shut herself in the plastic cubicle, hurrying so he could take his turn. By the time they were back inside and had shed their wet slickers, she could hear the coffee perking. Without a word he took her back up the ladder, and Angie promised herself right then that, no matter how long it took or how much it hurt, she’d negotiate the way on her own the next time, even if she had to hop on one foot. There were things to hold on to for balance.

He all but dumped her onto the mattress as he rasped, “How do you like your coffee?”

She thought about snapping that she’d fix her own coffee, but reined in her temper. If she let herself get pulled into a red-hot back-and-forth with him, God only knew what she’d end up saying, and they’d end up doing. Her goal was to keep everything under control. “One sugar. Thank you.” She sounded so prim she wanted to slap herself.

He prepared their cups of coffee, putting one packet of sugar into hers and a whole lot more than that into his. She started to comment, but deemed silence more prudent. She wouldn’t even ask him if the coffee tasted good to him, because that would be like prodding an ill-tempered tiger. Taking the cup when he held it out to her, she scooted back against the wall, stretched her legs out, and sipped.

Linda Howard, Abby Crayden's Novels
» Prey (Linda Howard)