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The Affair (Jack Reacher #16) Page 66
Author: Lee Child

Then Deveraux had turned her attention to Alice Bouton.

She had started by breaking her arm.

General Dyer's two-independent-sources rule meant that the circumstances were not precisely described, because the attack had not been witnessed, but Bouton claimed Deveraux had been the assailant, and Deveraux had never denied it. The medical facts were beyond dispute. Bouton's left elbow had been dislocated and both bones in her left forearm had been snapped. She had been in a hard cast for six long weeks.

And Deveraux had spent those six long weeks pursuing the theft allegation with demonic intensity. Except that pursuing was the wrong word, initially, because at the outset there was nothing to pursue. No one knew anything had been stolen. Deveraux had first inventoried the evidence lockers and audited the paperwork. Only then had she discovered the discrepancy. And then she had made the allegation. And then she had pursued it, like an obsession, with the ultimate result being as described in General Dyer's sidebar. The court martial, and the guilty verdict.

There was a huge uproar in the Marine MP community, of course, but Bouton's guilty verdict had insulated Deveraux from any kind of formal criticism. What would have looked like a vendetta had the verdict been different was left looking like a good piece of police work entirely in keeping with the Marine Corps' sense of ethics and honor. But it was a fine line. General Dyer had been in no doubt that the case involved major elements of personal retribution.

And, unusually for such reports, he had attempted to explain why.

Again, he confirmed that conversations had been had, and interviews had been conducted, and information had been gathered, and witnesses had been consulted. The participants in these new discussions had included friends and enemies, acquaintances and associates, and doctors and psychiatrists.

The salient factor was held by all to be Alice Bouton's unusual physical beauty.

All were agreed that Bouton had been an exceptionally good looking woman. Words quoted included gorgeous, stunning, spectacular, heart-breaking, knockout, and incredible.

All the same words applied equally to Deveraux too, of course. All were agreed on that point also. No question. The psychiatrists had concluded that therein lay the explanation. General Dyer had translated their clinical language for the casual reader. He said Deveraux couldn't take the competition. She couldn't stand not to be clearly and definitively the most beautiful woman on the post. So she had taken steps to make sure she was.

I read the whole thing one more time, front to back, and then I butted all the pages neatly together and closed the jacket on them, and Garber came back into the room.


The first thing Garber said was, "We just heard from the Pentagon. John James Frazer was found dead in his office."

I said, "Dead how?"

"Looks like a freak accident. Apparently he fell and hit his head on the desk. His staff got back from lunch and found him on the floor. He was doing something with a picture of Carlton Riley."

"That's bad."


"This is not a great time to lose our Senate Liaison."

"Did you read the file?"

I said, "Yes, I did."

"Then you know we don't need to worry about the Senate anymore. Whoever replaces Frazer will have plenty of time to learn the job before the next thing comes along."

"Is that going to be the official line?"

"It's the truth. She was a Marine, Reacher. Sixteen years in. She knew all about cutting throats. She knew how to do it, and she knew how to pretend she didn't. And the car alone proves it. Right there, what more is there to say? She wrecks Paul Evers's car, and she wrecks Reed Riley's. Same MO. Same exact reason. Except this time she's only one of four beautiful women. And Munro says Riley dates her and then dumps her for the other three in succession. So this time she's three times as mad. This time she goes beyond breaking arms. This time she has her own private deer trestle behind an empty house."

"Is that going to be the official line?"

"It's what happened."

"So what next?"

"It's purely a Mississippi matter now. We have no dog in the fight, and we have no way of knowing what will happen. Most likely nothing will happen. My guess is she won't arrest herself, and she won't give the State Police any reason to either."

"So we're going to walk away?"

"All three of them were civilians. They're nothing to do with us."

"So the mission is terminated?"

"As of this morning."

"Is Kelham open again?"

"As of this morning."

"She denies dating Riley, you know."

"She would, wouldn't she?"

"Do we know anything about General Dyer?"

"He died two years ago after a long and exemplary career. He never put a foot wrong. The man was stainless."

"OK," I said. "I'll take steps."

"Toward what?"

"Toward wrapping up my involvement."

"Your involvement is already wrapped up. As of this morning."

"I have private property to recover."

"You left something there?"

"I thought I was heading right back."

"What did you leave?"

"My toothbrush."

"That's not important."

"Will the DoD reimburse me?"

"For a toothbrush? Of course not."

"Then I have a right to recover it. They can't have it both ways."

He said, "Reacher, if you draw one iota more attention to this thing there won't be anything I can do to help you. Right now some very senior people are holding their breath. We're one inch away from news stories about a senator's son dating a three-time killer. Except neither one of them can afford to say anything about it. Not him, for one reason, and not her, for another. So we'll probably get away with it. But we don't know yet. Not for sure. Right now it's still in the balance."

I said nothing.

He said, "You know she's good for it, Reacher. A man with your instincts? She was only pretending to investigate. I mean, did she get anywhere with it? And she was playing you like a violin. First she was trying to get rid of you, and when you wouldn't go, she switched to keeping you close. So she could monitor your progress. Or the lack of it. Why else would she even talk to you?"

I said nothing.

He said, "The bus is long gone, anyway. To Memphis. You'd have to wait until tomorrow now. And you'll see things differently tomorrow."

I asked, "Is Neagley still on the post?"

He said, "Yes, she is. I just made a date to have a drink with her."

"Tell her she's taking the bus home. Tell her I'm taking the company car."

He asked, "Do you have a bank account?"

I said, "How else would I get paid?"

"Where is it?"

"New York. From when I was at West Point."

"Move it to somewhere nearer the Pentagon."


"Involuntary separation money comes through quicker if you bank in Virginia."

"You think it will come to that?"

"The Joint Chiefs think war is over. They're singing along with Yoko Ono. There are big cuts coming. Most of them will fall on the army. Because the Marines have better PR, and because the Navy and the Air Force are a whole different thing altogether. So the people right above us are making lists, and they're making them right now."

"Am I on those lists?"

"You will be. And there will be nothing I can do to stop it."

Lee Child's Novels
» Not a Drill (Jack Reacher #18.5)
» Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher #11)
» High Heat (Jack Reacher #17.5)
» The Hard Way (Jack Reacher #10)
» A Wanted Man (Jack Reacher #17)
» One Shot (Jack Reacher #9)
» Deep Down (Jack Reacher #16.5)
» The Enemy (Jack Reacher #8)
» The Affair (Jack Reacher #16)
» Persuader (Jack Reacher #7)
» Second Son (Jack Reacher #15.5)
» Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
» Worth Dying For (Jack Reacher #15)
» Echo Burning (Jack Reacher #5)
» 61 Hours (Jack Reacher #14)
» Small Wars (Jack Reacher #19.5)
» Tripwire (Jack Reacher #3)
» Gone Tomorrow (Jack Reacher #13)
» Personal (Jack Reacher #19)
» Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher #12)