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Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5) Page 14
Author: Isaac Asimov

"No," said Bliss. "What is edible for you would be edible to me. I merely have the additional problem of metabolizing such food into Gaia as well as into my own tissues. It represents a psychological barrier that rather spoils my enjoyment of the food and causes me to eat slowly, but I will overcome that with time."

"What about infection?" said Pelorat, in high-pitched alarm. "I can't understand why I didn't think of this earlier. Bliss! Any world you land on is likely to have microorganisms against which you have no defense and you will die of some simple infectious disease. Trevize, we must turn back."

"Don't be panicked, Pel dear," said Bliss, smiling. "Microorganisms, too, are assimilated into Gaia when they are part of my food, or when they enter my body in any other way. If they seem to be in the process of doing harm, they will be assimilated the more quickly, and once they are Gaia, they will do me no harm."

The meal drew to its end and Pelorat sipped at his spiced and heated mixture of fruit juices. "Dear me," he said, licking his lips, "I think it is time to change the subject again. It does seem to me that my sole occupation on board ship is subject-changing. Why is that?"

Trevize said solemnly, "Because Bliss and I cling to whatever subjects we discuss, even to the death. We depend upon you, Janov, to save our sanity. What subject do you want to change to, old friend?"

"I've gone through my reference material on Comporellon and the entire sector of which it is part is rich in legends of age. They set their settlement far back in time, in the first millennium of hyperspatial travel. Comporellon even speaks of a legendary founder named Benbally, though they don't say when he came from. They say that the original name of their planet was Benbally World."

"And how much truth is there in that, in your opinion, Janov?"

"A kernel, perhaps, but who can guess what the kernel might be."

"I never heard of anyone named Benbally in actual history. Have you?"

"No, I haven't, but you know that in the late Imperial era there was a deliberate suppression of pre-Imperial history. The Emperors, in the turbulent last centuries of the Empire, were anxious to reduce local patriotism since they considered it, with ample justification, to be a disintegrating influence. In almost every sector of the Galaxy, therefore, true history, with complete records and accurate chronology, begins only with the days when Trantor's influence made itself felt and the sector in question had allied Itself to the Empire or been annexed by it."

"I shouldn't think that history would be that easy to eradicate," said Trevize.

"In many ways, it isn't," said Pelorat, "but a determined and powerful government can weaken it greatly. If it is sufficiently weakened, early history comes to depend on scattered material and tends to degenerate into folk tales. Invariably such folk tales will fill with exaggeration and come to show the sector to be older and more powerful than, in all likelihood, it ever really was. And no matter how silly a particular legend is, or how impossible it might be on the very face of it, it becomes a matter of patriotism among the locals to believe it. I can show you tales from every corner of the Galaxy that speak of original colonization as having taken place from Earth itself, though that is not always the name they give the parent planet."

"What else do they call it?"

"Any of a number of names. They call it the Only, sometimes; and sometimes, the Oldest. Or they call it the Mooned World, which, according to some authorities is a reference to its giant satellite. Others claim it means 'Lost World' and that 'Mooned' is a version of 'Marooned,' a pre-Galactic word meaning 'lost' or 'abandoned.' "

Trevize said gently, "Janov, stop! You'll continue forever with your authorities and counterauthorities. These legends are everywhere, you say?"

"Oh yes, my dear fellow. Quite. You have only to go through them to gain a feel for this human habit of beginning with some seed of truth and layering about it shell after shell of pretty falsehood-in the fashion of the oysters of Rhampora that build pearls about a piece of grit. I came across just exactly that metaphor once when-"

"Janov! Stop again! Tell me, is there anything about Comporellon's legends that is different from others?"

"Oh!" Pelorat gazed at Trevize blankly for a moment. "Different? Well, they claim that Earth is relatively nearby and that's unusual. On most worlds that speak of Earth, under whatever name they choose, there is a tendency to be vague about its location-placing it indefinitely far away or in some never-never land."

Trevize said, "Yes, as some on Sayshell told us that Gaia was located in hyperspace."

Bliss laughed.

Trevize cast her a quick glance. "It's true. That's what we were told."

"I don't disbelieve it. It's amusing, that's all. It is, of course, what we want them to believe. We only ask to be left alone right now, and where can we be safer and more secure than in hyperspace? If we're not there, we're as good as there, if people believe that to be our location."

"Yes," said Trevize dryly, "and in the same way there is something that causes people to believe that Earth doesn't exist, or that it is far away, or that it has a radioactive crust."

"Except," said Pelorat, "that the Comporellians believe it to be relatively close to themselves."

"But nevertheless give it a radioactive crust. One way or another every people with an Earth-legend consider Earth to be unapproachable."

"That's more or less right," said Pelorat.

Trevize said, "Many on Sayshell believed Gaia to be nearby; some even identified its star correctly; and yet all considered it unapproachable. There may be some Comporellians who insist that Earth is radioactive and dead, but who can identify its star. We will then approach it, unapproachable though they may consider it. We did exactly that in the case of Gaia."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)