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Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5) Page 46
Author: Isaac Asimov

Bliss said, "How many have left Comporellon in search of Earth that she can make such a statement?"

"I doubt that any Comporellian has ever left on such a search. I told her that her fears were mere superstition."

"Are you sure you believe that, or have you let her shake you?"

"I know her fears are the purest superstition in the form she expresses them, but they may be well founded just the same."

"You mean, radioactivity will kill us if we try to land on it?"

"I don't believe that Earth is radioactive. What I do believe is that Earth protects itself. Remember that all reference to Earth in the Library on Trantor has been removed. Remember that Gaia's marvelous memory, in which all the planet takes part down to the rock strata of the surface and the molten metal at the core, stops short of penetrating far enough back to tell us anything of Earth.

"Clearly, if Earth is powerful enough to do that, it might also be capable of adjusting minds in order to force belief in its radioactivity, and thus preventing any search for it. Perhaps because Comporellon is so close that it represents a particular danger to Earth, there is the further reinforcement of a curious blankness. Deniador, who is a Skeptic and a scientist, is utterly convinced that there is no use searching for Earth. He says it cannot be found. And that is why the Minister's superstition may be well founded. If Earth is so intent on concealing itself, might it not kill us, or distort us, rather than allow us to find it?"

Bliss frowned and said, "Gaia-"

Trevize said quickly, "Don't say Gaia will protect us. Since Earth was able to remove Gaia's earliest memories, it is clear that in any conflict between the two Earth will win."

Bliss said coldly, "How do you know that the memories were removed? It might be that it simply took time for Gaia to develop a planetary memory and that we can now probe backward only to the time of the completion of that development. And if the memory was removed, how can you be sure that it was Earth that did it?"

Trevize said, "I don't know. I merely advance my speculations."

Pelorat put in, rather timidly, "If Earth is so powerful, and so intent on preserving its privacy, so to speak, of what use is our search? You seem to think Earth won't allow us to succeed and will kill us if that will be what it takes to keep us from succeeding. In that case, is there any sense in not abandoning this whole thing?"

"It might seem we ought to give up, I admit, but I have this powerful conviction that Earth exists, and I must and will find it. And Gaia tells me that when I have powerful convictions of this sort, I am always right."

"But how can we survive the discovery, old chap?"

"It may be," said Trevize, with an effort at lightness, "that Earth, too, will recognize the value of my extraordinary rightness and will leave me to myself. But-and this is what I am finally getting at-I cannot be certain that you two will survive and that is of concern to me. It always has been, but it is increasing now and it seems to me that I ought to take you two back to Gaia and then proceed on my own. It is I, not you, who first decided I must search for Earth; it is I, not you, who see value in it; it is I, not you, who am driven. Let it be I, then, not you, who take the risk. Let me go on alone. Janov?"

Pelorat's long face seemed to grow longer as he buried his chin in his neck. "I won't deny I feel nervous, Golan, but I'd be ashamed to abandon you. I would disown myself if I did so."


"Gaia will not abandon you, Trevize, whatever you do. If Earth should prove dangerous, Gaia will protect you as far as it can. And in any case, in my role as Bliss, I will not abandon Pel, and if he clings to you, then I certainly cling to him."

Trevize said grimly, "Very well, then. I've given you your chance. We go on together."

"Together," said Bliss.

Pelorat smiled slightly, and gripped Trevize's shoulder. "Together. Always."


BLISS SAID, "Look at that, Pel."

She had been making use of the ship's telescope by hand, almost aimlessly, as a change from Pelorat's library of Earth-legendry.

Pelorat approached, placed an arm about her shoulders and looked at the viewscreen. One of the gas giants of the Comporellian planetary system was in sight, magnified till it seemed the large body it really was.

In color it was a soft orange streaked with paler stripes. Viewed from the planetary plane, and more distant from the sun than the ship itself was, it was almost a complete circle of light.

"Beautiful," said Pelorat.

"The central streak extends beyond the planet, Pel."

Pelorat furrowed his brow and said, "You know, Bliss, I believe it does,"

"Do you suppose it's an optical illusion?"

Pelorat said, "I'm not sure, Bliss. I'm as much a space-novice as you are-Golan!"

Trevize answered the call with a rather feeble "What is it?" and entered the pilot-room, looking a bit rumpled, as though he had just been napping on his bed with his clothes on-which was exactly what he had been doing.

He said, in a rather peevish way, "Please! Don't be handling the instruments."

"It's just the telescope," said Pelorat. "Look at that."

Trevize did. "It's a gas giant, the one they call Gallia, according to the information I was given."

"How can you tell it's that one, just looking?"

"For one thing," said Trevize, "at our distance from the sun, and because of the planetary sizes and orbital positions, which I've been studying in plotting our course, that's the only one you could magnify to that extent et this time. For another thing, there's the ring."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)