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Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5) Page 73
Author: Isaac Asimov

"At Earth," said Trevize, trying to hide his satisfaction over the fact that the subject had come up at last.

"Yes, at the center. A sensible move, in a way. If you wish to kill a person, you strike not at a finger or a heel, but at the heart. And our fellow-Spacers, not too far removed from human beings themselves in passions, managed to set Earth's surface radioactively aflame, so that the world became largely uninhabitable."

"Ah, that's what happened," said Pelorat, clenching a fist and moving it rapidly, as though nailing down a thesis. "I knew it could not be a natural phenomenon. How was it done?"

"I don't know how it was done," said Bander indifferently, "and in any case it did the Spacers no good. That is the point of the story. The Settlers continued to swarm and the Spacers-died out. They had tried to compete, and vanished. We Solarians retired and refused to compete, and so we are still here."

"And so are the Settlers," said Trevize grimly.

"Yes, but not forever. Swarmers must fight, must compete, and eventually must die. That may take tens of thousands of years, but we can wait. And when it happens, we Solarians, whole, solitary, liberated, will have the Galaxy to ourselves. We can then use, or not use, any world we wish to in addition to our own."

"But this matter of Earth," said Pelorat, snapping his fingers impatiently. "Is what you tell us legend or history?"

"How does one tell the difference, half-Pelorat?" said Bander. "All history is legend, more or less."

"But what do your records say? May I see the records on the subject, Bander? Please understand that this matter of myths, legends, and primeval history is my field. I am a scholar dealing with such matters and particularly with those matters as related to Earth."

"I merely repeat what I have heard," said Bander. "There are no records on the subject. Our records deal entirely with Solarian affairs and other worlds are mentioned in them only insofar as they impinge upon us."

"Surely, Earth has impinged on you," said Pelorat.

"That may be, but, if so, it was long, long ago, and Earth, of all worlds, was most repulsive to us. If we had any records of Earth, t am sure they were destroyed out of sheer revulsion."

Trevize gritted his teeth in chagrin. "By yourselves?" he asked.

Bander turned its attention to Trevize. "There is no one else to destroy them."

Pelorat would not let go of the matter. "What else have you heard concerning Earth?"

Bander thought. It said, "When I was young, I heard a tale from a robot about an Earthman who once visited Solaria; about a Solarian woman who left with him and became an important figure in the Galaxy. That, however, was, in my opinion, an invented tale."

Pelorat bit at his lip. "Are you sure?"

"How can I be sure of anything in such matters?" said Bander. "Still, it passes the bounds of belief that an Earthman would dare come to Solaria, or that Solaria would allow the intrusion. It is even less likely that a Solarian woman-we were half-humans then, but even so-should voluntarily leave this world. But come, let me show you my home."

"Your home?" said Bliss, looking about. "Are we not in your home?"

"Not at all," said Bander. "This is an anteroom. It is a viewing room. In it I see my fellow-Solarians when I must. Their images appear on that wall, or three-dimensionally in the space before the wall. This room is a public assembly, therefore, and not part of my home. Come with me,"

It walked on ahead, without turning to see if it were followed, but the four robots left their corners, and Trevize knew that if he and his companions did not follow spontaneously, the robots would gently coerce them into doing so.

The other two got to their feet and Trevize whispered lightly to Bliss, "Have you been keeping it talking?"

Bliss pressed his hand, and nodded. "Just the same, I wish I knew what its intentions were," she added, with a note of uneasiness in her voice.


THEY followed Bander. The robots remained at a polite distance, but their presence was a constantly felt threat.

They were moving through a corridor, and Trevize mumbled low-spiritedly, "There's nothing helpful about Earth on this planet. I'm sure of it. Just another variation on the radioactivity theme." He shrugged. "We'll have to go on to the third set of co-ordinates."

A door opened before them, revealing a small room. Bander said, "Come, half-humans, I want to show you how we live."

Trevize whispered, "It gets infantile pleasure out of display. I'd love to knock it down."

"Don't try to compete in childishness," said Bliss.

Bander ushered all three into the room. One of the robots followed as well. Bander gestured the other robots away and entered itself. The door closed behind it.

"It's an elevator," said Pelorat, with a pleased air of discovery.

"So it is," said Bander. "Once we went underground, we never truly emerged. Nor would we want to, though I find it pleasant to feel the sunlight on occasion. I dislike clouds or night in the open, however. That gives one the sensation of being underground without truly being underground, if you know what I mean. That is cognitive dissonance, after a fashion, and I find it very unpleasant."

"Earth built underground," said Pelorat. "The Caves of Steel, they called their cities. And Trantor built underground, too, even more extensively, in the old Imperial days. And Comporellon builds underground right now. It is a common tendency, when you come to think of it."

"Half-humans swarming underground and we living underground in isolated splendor are two widely different things," said Bander.

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)