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Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5) Page 82
Author: Isaac Asimov

"Well," said Pelorat, "we're out. Where's the ship?"

All of them stood bathed in the still luminous twilight.

Trevize muttered, "It seems to me that it was in that direction."

"It seems so to me, too," said Bliss. "Let's walk," and she held out her hand to Fallom.

There was no sound except those produced by the wind and by the motions and calls of living animals. At one point they passed a robot standing motionless near the base of a tree, holding some object of uncertain purpose.

Pelorat took a step toward it out of apparent curiosity, but Trevize said, "Not our business, Janov. Move on."

They passed another robot, at a greater distance, who had tumbled.

Trevize said, "There are robots littered over many kilometers in all directions, I suppose." And then, triumphantly, "Ah, there's the ship."

They hastened their steps now, then stopped suddenly. Fallow raised its voice in an excited squeak.

On the ground near the ship was what appeared to be an air-vessel of primitive design, with a rotor that looked energy-wasteful, and fragile besides. Standing next to the air-vessel, and between the little party of Outworlders and their ship, stood four human figures.

"Too late," said Trevize. "We wasted too much time. Now what?"

Pelorat said wonderingly, "Four Solarians? It can't be. Surely they wouldn't come into physical contact like that. Do you suppose those are holoimages?"

"They are thoroughly material," said Bliss. "I'm sure of that. They're not Solarians either. There's no mistaking the minds. They're robots."


"WELL, THEN," said Trevize wearily, "onward!" He resumed his walk toward the ship at a calm pace and the others followed.

Pelorat said, rather breathlessly, "What do you intend to do?"

"If they're robots, they've got to obey orders."

The robots were awaiting them, and Trevize watched them narrowly as they came closer.

Yes, they must be robots. Their faces, which looked as though they were made of skin underlain with flesh, were curiously expressionless. They were dressed in uniforms that exposed no square centimeter of skin outside the face. Even the hands were covered by thin, opaque gloves.

Trevize gestured casually, in a fashion that was unquestionably a brusque request that they step aside.

The robots did not move.

In a low voice, Trevize said to Pelorat, "put it into words, Janov. Be firm."

Pelorat cleared his throat and, putting an unaccustomed baritone into his voice, spoke slowly, gesturing them aside much as Trevize had done. At that, one of the robots, who was perhaps a shade taller than the rest, said something in a cold and incisive voice.

Pelorat turned to Trevize. "I think he said we were Outworlders."

"Tell him we are human beings and must be obeyed."

The robot spoke then, in peculiar but understandable Galactic. "I understand you, Outworlder. I speak Galactic. We are Guardian Robots."

"Then you have heard me say that we are human beings and that you must therefore obey us."

"We are programmed to obey Rulers only, Outworlder. You are not Rulers and not Solarian. Ruler Bander has not responded to the normal moment of Contact and we have come to investigate at close quarters. It is our duty to do so. We find a spaceship not of Solarian manufacture, several Outworlders present, and all Bander robots inactivated. Where is Ruler Bander?"

Trevize shook his head and said slowly and distinctly, "We know nothing of what you say. Our ship's computer is not working well. We found ourselves near this strange planet against our intentions. We landed to find our location. We found all robots inactivated. We know nothing of what might have happened."

"That is not a credible account. If all robots on the estate are inactivated and all power is off, Ruler Bander must be dead. It is not logical to suppose that by coincidence it died just as you landed. There must be some sort of causal connection."

Trevize said, with no set purpose but to confuse the issue and to indicate his own foreigner's lack of understanding and, therefore, his innocence, "But the power is not off. You and the others are active."

The robot said, "We are Guardian Robots. We do not belong to any Ruler. We belong to all the world. We are not Ruler-controlled but are nuclearpowered. I ask again, where is Ruler Bander?"

Trevize looked about him. Pelorat appeared anxious; Bliss was tight-lipped but calm. Fallom was trembling, but Bliss's hand touched the child's shoulder and it stiffened somewhat and lost facial expression. (Was Bliss sedating it?)

The robot said, "Once again, and for the last time, where is Ruler Bander?"

"I do not know," said Trevize grimly.

The robot nodded and two of his companions left quickly. The robot said, "My fellow Guardians will search the mansion. Meanwhile, you will be held for questioning. Hand me those objects you wear at your side."

Trevize took a step backward. "They are harmless."

"Do not move again. I do not question their nature, whether harmful or harmless. I ask for them."


The robot took a quick step forward, and his arm flashed out too quickly for Trevize to realize what was happening. The robot's hand was on his shoulder; the grip tightened and pushed downward. Trevize went to his knees.

The robot said, "Those objects." It held out its other hand.

"No," gasped Trevize.

Bliss lunged forward, pulled the blaster out of its holster before Trevize, clamped in the robot's grip, could do anything to prevent her, and held it out toward the robot. "Here, Guardian," she said, "and if you'll give me a moment-here's the other. Now release my companion."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)