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Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4) Page 113
Author: Isaac Asimov

"Fascinating," muttered Pelorat. "may I try that?"

"Certainly, Pel. You may take one at random. Each is a different construct that shows the wall - or any other inanimate object you look at - in a different aspect of the object's consciousness."

Pelorat placed one pair over his eyes and they clung there at once. He started at the touch and then remained motionless for a long time.

Dom said, "When you are through, place your hands on either side of the Participation and press them toward each other. It will come right off."

Pelorat did so, blinked his eyes rapidly, then rubbed them.

Dom said, "What did you experience?"

Pelorat said, "It's hard to describe. The wall seemed to twinkle and glisten and, at times, it seemed to turn fluid. It seemed to have ribs and changing symmetries. I - I'm sorry, Dom, but I did not find it attractive."

Dom sighed. "You do not participate in Gaia, so you would not see what we see. I had rather feared that. Too bad! I assure you that although these Participations are enjoyed primarily for their aesthetic value, they have their practical uses, too. A happy wall is a long-lived wall, a practical wall, a useful wall."

"A happy wall?" said Trevize, smiling slightly.

Dom said, "There is a dim sensation that a wall experiences that is analogous to what 'happy' means to us. A wall is happy when it is well designed, when it rests firmly on its foundation, when its symmetry balances its parts and produces no unpleasant stresses. Good design can be worked out on the mathematical principles of mechanics, but the use of a proper Participation can fine tune it down to virtually atomic dimensions. No sculptor can possibly produce a first-class work of art here on Gaia without a well-crafted Participation and the ones I produce of this particular type are considered excellent - if I do say so myself.

"Animate Participations, which are not my field," and Dom was going on with the kind of excitement one expects in someone riding his hobby, "give us, by analogy, a direct experience of ecological balance. The ecological balance on Gaia is rather simple, as it is on all worlds, but here, at least, we have the hope of making it more complex and thus enriching the total consciousness enormously."

Trevize held up his hand in order to forestall Pelorat and wave him into silence. He said, "How do you know that a planet can bear a more complex ecological balance if they all have simple ones?"

"Ah," said Dom, his eyes twinkling shrewdly, "you are testing the old man. You know as well as I do that the original home of humanity, Earth, had an enormously complex ecological balance. It is only the secondary worlds - the derived worlds - that are simple."

Pelorat would not be kept silent. "But that is the problem I have set myself in life. Why was it only Earth that bore a complex ecology? What distinguished it from other worlds? Why did millions upon millions of other worlds in the Galaxy - worlds that were capable of bearing life - develop only an undistinguished vegetation, together with small and unintelligent animal life-forms?"

Dom said, "We have a tale about that - a fable, perhaps. I cannot vouch for its authenticity. In fact, on the face of it, it sounds like fiction."

It was at this point that Bliss - who had not participated in the meal - entered, smiling at Pelorat. She was wearing a silvery blouse, very sheer.

Pelorat rose at once. "I thought you had left us."

"Not at all. I had reports to make out, work to do. May I join you now, Dom?"

Dom had also risen (though Trevize remained seated). "You are entirely welcome and you ravish these aged eyes."

"It is for your ravishment that I put on this blouse. Pel is above such things and Trev dislikes them."

Pelorat said, "If you think I am above such things, Bliss, I may surprise you someday."

"What a delightful surprise that would be," Bliss said, and sat down. The two men did as well. "Please don't let me interrupt you."

Dom said, "I was about to tell our guests the story of Eternity. - To understand it, you must first understand that there are many different Universes that can exist - virtually an infinite number. Every single event that takes place can take place or not take place, or can take place in this fashion or in that fashion, and each of an enormous number of alternatives will result in a future course of events that are distinct to at least some degree.

"Bliss might not have come in just now; or she might have been with us a little earlier; or much earlier; or having come in now, she might have worn a different blouse; or even in this blouse, she might not have smiled roguishly at elderly men as is her kindhearted custom. In each of these alternatives - or in each of a very large number of other alternatives of this one event - the Universe would have taken a different track thereafter, and so on for every other variation of every other event, however minor."

Trevize stirred restlessly. "I believe this is a common speculation in quantum mechanics - a very ancient one, in fact."

"Ah, you've heard of it. But let us go on. Imagine it is possible for human beings to freeze all the infinite number of Universes, to step from one to another at will, and to choose which one should be made 'real' - whatever that word means in this connection."

Trevize said, "I hear your words and can even imagine the concept you describe, but I cannot make myself believe that anything like this could ever happen." -

"Nor I, on the whole," said Dom, "which is why I say that it would all seem to be a fable. Nevertheless, the fable states that there were those who could step out of time and examine the endless strands of potential reality. These people were called the Eternals and when they were out of time they were said to be in Eternity.

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)