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The Summons Page 36
Author: John Grisham

"Twenty-five each?"

"Yep. What do you think?"

"You're not running it through the estate?" she asked. She knew the law better than Harry Rex.

"Why bother? It's cash, nobody knows about it, and if we report it then half will go for taxes."

"And how would you explain it?" she asked, as always, one step ahead. They used to say that Claudia would have the case decided before the lawyers began their opening statements.

And the woman loved money. Clothes, perfume, always a late-model car, and all these things from a poorly paid court reporter. If she was drawing a state pension, it couldn't be much.

"It cannot be explained," Ray said.

"If it's from gambling, then you'll have to go back and amend his tax returns for the past years," she said, quickly on board. "What a mess."

"A real mess."

The mess was quietly put to rest. No one would ever know about her share of the money.

"We had a case once," she said, gazing across the front lawn.

"Over in Tippah County, thirty years ago. A man named Childers owned a scrap yard. He died with no will." A pause, a long drag on the cigarette. "Had a bunch of kids, and they found money hidden all over the place, in his office, in his attic, in a utility shed behind his house, in his fireplace. It was a regular Easter egg hunt. Once they'd scoured every inch of the place, they counted it up and it was about two hundred thousand dollars. This, from a man who wouldn't pay his phone bill and wore the same pair of overalls for ten years." Another pause, another long puff. She could tell these stories forever. "Half the kids wanted to split the money and run, the other half wanted to tell the lawyer and include the money in the probate. Word leaked out, the family got scared, and the money got added to the old man's estate. The kids fought bitterly. Five years later all the money was gone - half to the government, half to the lawyers."

She stopped, and Ray waited for the resolution. "What's the point?" he asked.

"The Judge said it was a shame, said the kids should've kept the money quiet and split it. After all, it was the property of their father."

"Sounds fair to me."

"He hated inheritance taxes. Why should the government get a large portion of your wealth just because you die? I heard him grumble about it for years."

Ray took an envelope from behind his rocker and handed it to her. "That's twenty-five thousand in cash."

She stared at it, then looked at him in disbelief.

"Take it," he said, inching it closer to her. "No one will ever know."

She took it and for a second was unable to speak. Her eyes watered, and for Claudia that meant serious emotions were at work. "Thank you," she whispered, and clutched the money even tighter.

Long after she left, Ray sat in the same chair, rocking in the darkness, quite pleased with himself for eliminating Claudia as a suspect. Her ready acceptance of twenty-five thousand dollars was convincing proof that she knew nothing of the much larger fortune. But there was no suspect to take her place on the list.

Chapter 23

The meeting had been arranged through a Virginia law alumnus who was now a partner in a New York megafirm, which in turn was counsel to a gaming group that operated Canyon Casinos across the country. Contacts had been made, favors exchanged, arms twisted slightly and very diplomatically. It was in the delicate area of security, and no one wanted to step over the line. Professor Atlee needed just the basics.

Canyon had been on the Mississippi River, in Tunica County, since the mid-nineties, arriving in the second wave of construction and surviving the first shakeout. It had ten floors, four hundred rooms, eighty thousand square feet of gaming opportunities, and had been very successful with old Motown acts. Mr. Jason Piccolo. a vice president of some sort from the home office in Vegas, was on Piccolo was in his early thirties and dressed like an Armani model. Barker was in his fifties and had the look of a weathered old cop in a bad suit.

They began by offering a quick tour, which Ray declined. He'd seen enough casino floors in the past month to last him forever. "How much of the upstairs is off-limits?" he asked.

"Well, let's see," Piccolo said politely, and they led him away from the slots and tables to a hallway behind the cashiers' booths. Up the stairs and down another hallway, and they stopped in a narrow room with a long wall of one-way mirrors. Through it, there was a large, low room filled with round tables covered with closed-circuit monitors. Dozens of men and women were glued to the screens, seemingly afraid to miss anything.

"This is the eye-in-the-sky," Piccolo was saying. "Those guys on the left are watching the blackjack tables. In the center, craps and roulette, to the right, slots and poker."

"And what are they watching?"

"Everything. Absolutely everything."

"Give me the list."

"Every player. We watch the big hitters, the pros, the card counters, the crooks. Take blackjack. Those guys over there can watch ten hands and tell if a player is counting cards. That man in the gray jacket studies faces, looking for the serious players. They jounce around, here today, Vegas tomorrow, then they'll lay low for i week and surface in Atlantic City or the Bahamas. If they cheat or count cards, he'll spot them when they sit down." Piccolo was doing the talking. Barker was watching Ray as if he might be a potential cheater.

"How close is the camera view?" Ray asked.

"Close enough to read the serial number of any bill. We caught a cheater last month because we recognized a diamond ring he'd worn before."

"Can I go in there?"


"What about the craps tables?"

"The same. It's a bigger problem because the game is faster and more complicated."

"Are there professional cheaters at craps?"

"They're rare. Same with poker and roulette. Cheating is not a huge problem. We worry more about employee theft and mistakes at the table."

"What kind of mistakes?"

"Last night a blackjack player won a forty-dollar hand, but our dealer made a mistake and pulled the chips. The player objected and called the pit boss over. Our guys up here saw it happen and we corrected the situation."


"We sent a security guy down with instructions to pay the customer his forty bucks, give him an apology, and comp a dinner."

"What about the dealer?"

"He has a good record, but one more screwup and he's gone."

"So everything's recorded?"

"Everything. Every hand, every throw of the dice, every slot. We have two hundred cameras rolling right now."

Ray walked along the wall and tried to absorb the level of surveillance. There seemed to be more people watching above than gambling below.

"How can a dealer cheat with all this?" he asked, waving a hand.

Piccolo said, "There are ways," and gave Barker a knowing look. "Many ways. We catch one a month."

"Why do you watch the slots?" Ray asked, changing the subject. He would kill some time scatter-shooting since he'd been promised only one visit upstairs.

"Because we watch everything," Piccolo said. "And because there have been some instances where minors won jackpots. The casinos refused to pay, and they won the lawsuits because they had videos showing the minors ducking away while adults stepped in. Would you like something to drink?"

John Grisham's Novels
» The Broker
» The Chamber
» The Partner
» The Client
» The Associate
» The King of Torts
» The Brethren
» The Last Juror
» Playing for Pizza
» The Litigators
» The Testament
» The Bleachers
» The Appeal
» The Firm
» The Innocent Man
» A Painted House
» A Time to Kill (Jake Brigance #1)
» Calico Joe
» Ford County
» The Street Lawyer