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Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2) Page 118
Author: Isaac Asimov

He remembered the telltale signs from his early days with Dors. It was there in the way the two young people looked at each other, with an intensity born not only of intellectual stimulation but emotional motivation as well.

Further, by their very natures, Wanda and Palver seemed to be more comfortable with each other than with other people. In fact, Seldon had discovered that when no one else was around, Wanda and Palver didn't even talk to each other; their mentalic abilities were sufficiently advanced that they had no need of words to communicate.

The other Project members were not aware of Wanda's and Palver's unique talents. Seldon had felt it best to keep the mentalics' work quiet, at least until their role in the Plan was firmly defined. Actually the Plan itself was firmly defined-but solely in Seldon's mind. As a few more pieces fell into place, he would reveal his Plan to Wanda and Palver and someday, of necessity, to one or two others.

Seldon stood slowly, stiffly. He was due back at Streeling in an hour to meet Wanda and Palver. They had left word for him that they were bringing a great surprise. Another piece for the puzzle, Seldon hoped. He looked out one last time over Trantor and, before turning to make his way back to the gravitic repulsion elevator, smiled and softly said, "Foundation."


Hari Seldon entered his office to find that Wanda and Palver had already arrived and were seated around the conference table at the far end of the room. As was usual with those two, the room was completely silent.

Then Seldon stopped short, noticing that a new fellow was sitting with them. How strange-out of politeness, Wanda and Palver usually reverted to standard speech when in the company of other people, yet none of the three was speaking.

Seldon studied the stranger-an odd-looking man, about thirty-five years old, with the myopic look of one caught up for too long in his studies. If it weren't for a certain determined set to the stranger's jaw, Seldon thought he might be dismissed as ineffectual, but that would obviously be a mistake. There was both strength and kindness in the man's face. A trustworthy face, Seldon decided.

"Grandfather," Wanda said, rising gracefully from her chair. Seldon's heart ached as he looked at his granddaughter. She'd changed so much in the past few months, since the loss of her family. Whereas before she had always called him Grandpa, now it was the more formal Grandfather. In the past it seemed she could barely refrain from grins and giggles; lately her serene gaze was lightened only occasionally by a beatific smile. But-now as always-she was beautiful and that beauty was surpassed only by her stunning intellect.

"Wanda, Palver," Seldon said, kissing the former on the cheek and slapping the latter on the shoulder.

"Hello," Seldon said, turning to the stranger, who had also stood. "I am Hari Seldon."

"I am most honored to meet you, Professor," the man replied. "I am Bor Alurin." Alurin offered a hand to Seldon in the archaic and, hence, most formal mode of greeting.

"Bor is a psychologist, Hari," said Palver, "and a great fan of your work."

"More important, Grandfather," said Wanda, "Bor is one of us."

"One of you?" Seldon looked searchingly from one to the other. "Do you mean...?" Seldon's eyes sparkled.

"Yes, Grandfather. Yesterday Stettin and I were walking through Ery Sector, getting out and around, as you'd suggested, probing for others. All of a sudden-wham!-there it was."

"We recognized the thought patterns immediately and began to look around, trying to establish a link," Palver said, taking up the story. "We were in a commercial area, near the spaceport, so the walkways were clogged with shoppers and tourists and Outworld traders. It seemed hopeless, but then Wanda simply stopped and signaled Come here and out of the crowd Bor appeared. He just walked up to us and signaled Yes?"

"Amazing," Seldon said, beaming at his granddaughter. "And Dr.-it is Doctor, isn't it?-Alurin, what do you make of all this?"

"Well," began the psychologist thoughtfully, "I am pleased. I've always felt different somehow and now I know why. And if I can be of any help to you, why-" The psychologist looked down at his feet, as if all of a sudden he realized he was being presumptuous. "What I mean is, Wanda and Stettin said I may be able to contribute in some way to your Psychohistory Project. Professor, nothing would please me more."

"Yes yes. That's quite true, Dr. Alurin. In fact, I think you may make a great contribution to the Project-if you'll join me. Of course, you'll have to give up whatever it is you do now, whether it is teaching or private practice. Can you manage that?"

"Why, yes, Professor, of course. I may need a little help convincing my wife-" At this he chuckled slightly, glancing shyly at each of his three companions in turn. "But I seem to have a way with that."

"So it's set, then," said Seldon briskly. "You will join the Psychohistory Project. I promise you, Dr. Alurin, this is a decision you will not regret."

"Wanda, Stettin," Seldon said later, after Bor Alurin had left. "This is a most welcome breakthrough. How quickly do you think you can find more mentalics?"

"Grandfather, it took us over a month to locate Bor-we cannot predict with what frequency others will be found.

"To tell you the truth, all this 'out and around' takes us away from our work on the Prime Radiant and it is distracting as well. Now that I have Stettin to 'talk' to, verbal communication is somewhat too harsh, too loud. "

Seldon's smile faded. He had been afraid of this. As Wanda and Palver had been honing their mentalic skills, so their tolerance for "ordinary" life had diminished. It only made sense; their mentalic manipulations set them apart.

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)