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A Stranger In The Mirror Page 51
Author: Sidney Sheldon

Jill spent the night with Alan, and a few days later he moved into her small apartment.

Alan Preston was the most uncomplicated man Jill had ever met. He was easygoing and relaxed, taking each day as it came, totally unconcerned with tomorrow. When Jill would discuss his way of life with him, he would say, “Hey, remember Appointment in Samarra? If it’s going to happen, it’ll happen. Fate will find you. You don’t have to go looking for it.”

Alan would stay in bed long after Jill had gone out looking for work. When she returned home, she would find him in an easy chair, reading or drinking beer with his friends. He brought no money into the house.

“You’re a dope,” one of Jill’s girlfriends told her. “He’s using your bed, eating your food, drinking your liquor. Get rid of him.”

But Jill didn’t.

For the first time, Jill understood Harriet, understood all her friends who clung desperately to men they did not love, men they hated.

It was the fear of being alone.

Jill was out of a job. Christmas was only a few days away and she was down to her last few dollars, yet she had to send her mother a Christmas present. It was Alan who solved the problem. He had left early one morning without saying where he was going. When he returned, he said to Jill, “We’ve got a job.”

“What kind of job?”

“Acting, of course. We’re actors, aren’t we?”

Jill looked at him, filled with sudden hope. “Are you serious?”

“Of course I am. I ran into a friend of mine who’s a director. He’s got a picture starting tomorrow. There’s parts for both of us. A hundred bucks apiece, for one day’s work.”

“That’s wonderful!” Jill exclaimed. “A hundred dollars!” With that she could buy her mother some lovely English wool for a winter coat and have enough left over to buy a good leather purse.

“It’s just a little indie. They’re shooting it in back of someone’s garage.”

Jill said, “What can we lose? It’s a part.”

The garage was on the south side of Los Angeles, in an area that in one generation had gone from exclusivity to middle-class gentility to seed.

They were greeted at the door by a short, swarthy man who took Alan’s hand and said, “You made it, buddy. Great.”

He turned to Jill and whistled appreciatively. “You told it like it is, pal. She’s an eyeful.”

Alan said, “Jill, this is Peter Terraglio. Jill Castle.”

“How do you do!” Jill said.

“Pete’s the director,” Alan explained.

“Director, producer, chief bottle washer. I do a little of everything. Come on in.” He led them through the empty garage into a passageway that had at one time been servants’ quarters. There were two bedrooms off the corridor. The door to one was open. As they approached it, they could hear the sound of voices. Jill reached the doorway, looked inside and stopped in shocked disbelief. In the middle of the room four naked people were lying on a bed; a black man, a Mexican man, and two girls, one white and one black. A cameraman was lighting the set while one of the girls practiced fellatio on the Mexican. The girl paused for a moment, out of breath, and said, “Come on, you cock. Get hard.”

Jill felt faint. She wheeled around in the doorway to start back down the passageway, and she felt her legs start to give way. Alan had his arm around her, supporting her.

“Are you all right?”

She could not answer him. Her head was suddenly splitting, and her stomach was filled with knives.

“Wait here,” Alan ordered.

He was back in a minute with a bottle of red pills and a pint of vodka. He took out two of the pills and handed them to Jill. “These will make you feel better.”

Jill put the pills in her mouth, her head pounding.

“Wash it down with this,” Alan told her.

She did as he said.

“Here.” Alan handed her another pill. She swallowed it with vodka. “You need to lie down a minute.”

He led Jill into the empty bedroom, and she lay down on the bed, moving very slowly. The pills were beginning to work. She started to feel better. The bitter bile had stopped coming up into her mouth.

Fifteen minutes later, her headache was fading away. Alan handed her another pill. Without even thinking about it, Jill swallowed it. She took another drink of vodka. It was such a blessing to have the pain disappear. Alan was behaving peculiarly, moving all around the bed. “Sit still,” she said.

“I am sitting still.”

Jill thought that was funny and began to laugh. She laughed until the tears streamed down her face. “What—what were those pills?”

“For your headache, honey.”

Terraglio peered into the room and said, “How we doin’? Everybody happy?”

“Every—everybody’s happy,” Jill mumbled.

Terraglio looked at Alan and nodded. “Five minutes,” Terraglio said. He hurried off.

Alan was leaning over Jill, stroking her breast and her thighs, lifting her skirt and working his fingers between her legs. It felt marvelously exciting, and Jill suddenly wanted him inside her.

“Look, baby,” Alan said, “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything bad. You’d just make love to me. It’s what we do anyway, only this time we get paid for it. Two hundred bucks. And it’s all yours.”

She shook her head, but it seemed to take forever to move it from side to side. “I couldn’t do that,” she said, fuzzily.

“Why not?”

She had to concentrate to remember. “Because I’m—I’m gonna be a star. Can’t do porno films.”

Sidney Sheldon's Novels
» Memories of Midnight
» Master of the Game
» Bloodline
» Nothing Lasts Forever
» A Stranger In The Mirror
» After the Darkness
» Are You Afraid of the Dark?
» Morning, Noon & Night
» Rage of Angels
» Mistress of the Game
» Sands of Time
» Tell Me Your Dreams
» The Best Laid Plans
» The Doomsday Conspiracy
» The Naked Face
» The Other Side of Me
» The Other Side of Midnight
» The Sky Is Falling
» The Stars Shine Down
» If Tomorrow Comes (Tracy Whitney #1)