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The Madman's Daughter (The Madman's Daughter #1) Page 99
Author: Megan Shepherd

“All right,” he said, taking a deep breath. “It’s time.” He climbed into the boat and steadied himself. He motioned for Balthasar and me to hand him the cargo. We worked efficiently, not exchanging words. He settled the cargo carefully to prevent the boat tipping if we came across a storm. And then he climbed out and wiped his hand through his sea-blown hair.

An awful sickness roiled in my abdomen as though I’d missed an injection. But I hadn’t. It was the shame of what I had to do, knotting my insides. I couldn’t find the words to tell Balthasar we were leaving him behind.

At last Montgomery cleared his throat. “Right, then. You first, Juliet.”

I looked up in surprise. Were we just going to climb in and push off, leaving Balthasar puzzled and heartbroken as we drifted away? I searched Montgomery’s face, but it was like stone. He held out his hand, and I took it hesitantly and climbed down into the rocking boat. I settled between two trunks at the far end, trying to force back my tears.

“I wish it didn’t have to be this way,” I said, hunching into myself. I knew he would understand what I meant. Not just leaving Balthasar, but leaving all of them—Father, Edward, the bones of all those who had died so unfairly. This island—the things that happened here—should never have existed.

“So do I,” Montgomery said, his whispered voice so low the wind might have carried it off. But he kept his gaze on me, which was odd. I kept looking at Balthasar, feeling crushed by guilt, and guiltier still that Montgomery had to be the one to tell him.

“I’m afraid this is it,” he said.

I nodded, squeezing my knees in tighter. I wouldn’t look at Balthasar’s face. It might be cowardly, but I couldn’t live with the image of his heartbreak in my head forever.

“I’m so sorry, Juliet.” Montgomery suddenly crouched down to the pile, unraveling the line faster than my brain could think. Sorry? Why wasn’t he getting into the boat?

It hit me like a tidal wave. He wasn’t coming with me.

He wasn’t coming with me.

The weight of it crushed me to the bottom of the launch. I stared at him, and then at Balthasar, who was trying his best not to look at me. Balthasar had known all along. This wasn’t a farewell to Balthasar.

It was a farewell to me.

I jerked forward, crawling as the boat pitched. “Montgomery, no. Wait. . . .”

But he’d already pushed his weight against the bow and set me adrift. All that linked us now was a thin bit of line that he held so lightly, so loosely, poised to let go at any moment.

“Don’t you dare!” I screamed, crawling to the bow. “Don’t let go of that line!” My knee connected with the sharp edge of a trunk and my eyes filled with water, not just from the pain. “Don’t you dare leave me, Montgomery James!”

But as I scrambled to reach the edge of the launch, the frayed end of the line came away from his hand. Seconds. Just seconds ago Montgomery had been holding it, and now I was totally adrift. Alone. I looked at him, stunned.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, his face broken. “I can’t leave. I’ve been their only family. I have a responsibility to them.”

“What about me?” I choked as the launch drifted seaward. I reached out, grappling for a hand I knew would never come. “You have a responsibility to me!”

“You’re better off without me. You can forget all of this. I would only have tied you to this place.” His voice broke. “I don’t belong there. I’m a criminal. An aberration.”

“You’re Montgomery,” I called. “We belong together.”

He shook his head. His face was wet with sweat. “No. I belong with the island.”

The betrayal ripped me apart more than any of Father’s surgeries could have done. Montgomery looked away, just as I’d planned on looking away from Balthasar’s heartbroken face. A wave caught the launch and I glided farther toward open sea, gripping the edge of the boat as though clinging to life. “No!” I screamed, one more time. Sobs choked in my throat. Hadn’t I always known Montgomery was as wild as the creatures he’d created, unable to leave them? The smell of smoke lingered in the air, and it felt so wrong, like more than the compound was burning.

Maybe he said something else. I couldn’t be sure. The dock grew farther away with each wave, until Montgomery and Balthasar were nothing more than a trick my eyes were playing on me. As I was swept out to sea, among the expensive baubles meant to buy me passage and the food that Edward had so carefully packed away, the island took form on the horizon. I saw the blaze that was once the compound. Two columns of smoke rose into the stars—one from the volcano, one from the compound. And then I saw nothing, as the waves spun me around in their dips and swells and the island disappeared into night, except the glowing blaze where fire destroyed the red walls of my father’s laboratory.

Megan Shepherd's Novels
» A Cold Legacy (The Madman's Daughter #3)
» The Cage (The Cage #1)
» Her Dark Curiosity (The Madman's Daughter #2)
» The Madman's Daughter (The Madman's Daughter #1)