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Morning, Noon & Night Page 23
Author: Sidney Sheldon

Ten minutes later, Woody came out. He was smiling. ', baby."."

"Well, how do you like the old house?"'s ... it's enormous."'s a monstrosity.' He walked over to the bed and put his arms around Peggy.

"This is my old room. These walls were covered with sports posters - the Bruins, the Celtics, the Red Sox. I wanted to be an athlete. I had big dreams. In my senior year in boarding school, I was captain of the football team. I got offers of admission from half a dozen college coaches." one did you take?' He shook his head. ' of them. My father said they were only interested in the Stanford name, that they just wanted money from him. He sent me to an engineering school where they didn't play football.' 136 He was silent for a moment. Then he mumbled, ' could'a been a contenda .. She looked at him puzzled.

"Whaff He looked up. ''t you ever see On the Waterfront?' 6NO. t ' was a line that Marlon Brando said. It means we both got screwed." father must have been touih.' Woody gave a short, derisive laugh.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about him. I remember when I was just a kid, I fell off a horse. I wanted to get back on and ride again. My father wouldn't let Ine..You'll never be a rider," he said.

"You're too clumsy."' Woody looked up at her. ''s why I became a nine-goal polo player.' They came together at the dinner table,,strangers to one another, seated in an uncomfortable silence, their only connection childhood traumas. Kendall looked around the room.

Terrible memories mingled with an appreciation for its beauty. The dining table was classical French, an early Louis XV, surrounded by Directoire walnut chairs. In one comer was a blue-and-cream. painted .

French provincial comer armoire. On the walls were drawings by Watteau and Fragonard. Kendall turned to Tyler. ' read about your decision in the Rorello case. He deserved what you gave him.' 137 ' must be exciting being a judge,' Peggy said. ' it is." kind of cases do you handlet Marc inquired. ' cases - rapes, drugs, murder.' Kendall turned pale and started to say something, and Marc grabbed her hand and squeezed it as a warning. Tyler said politely to Kendall, ''ve become a successful designer.' Kendall was finding it hard to breathe. '." fantastic,' Marc said. ' Marc, what do you do?"'m with a brokerage house.", you're one of those young Wall Street millionaires.", not exactly, judge. I'm really just getting started.' Tyler gave Marc a patronizing look. ' guess it's lucky you have a successful wife.' Kendall blushed and whispered in Marc's ear, ' no attention. Remember I love you.' Woody was beginning'to feel the effect of the drug. He turned to look at his wife.

"Peggy could use some decent clothes,' he said. ' she doesn't care how she looks.'Do you, angelt Peggy sat there, embarrassed, not knowing what to say. ' a little waitress costume?'Woody suggested. 138 said, ' me.' She got up from the table Red upstairs. They were all staring at Woody. He grinned. ''s oversensitive. So, we're having a discussion about the will tomorrow, eh?"'s right,' Tyler said.

"I'll make you a bet the old man didn't leave us one dime.' Marc said, "But there's so much money in the A*ate .. Woody snorted. ' didn't know our father. He probably left us his old jackets and a box of cigars. He liked to use his money to control us. His favorite, line was I I You don't want to disappoint me, do yotc? " And we all behaved like good little children because, as you said, there was so much money.

Well, I'll bet the old man found a way to take it with him.' Tyler said, "We'll know tomorrow, won't we?' Early the following morning, Simon Fitzgerald and Steve Sloane arrived. Clark escorted them into the library. ''ll inform the family that you're here,'he said. ' you." They watched him leave. The library was huge and opened onto a garden through two large French doors. The room was paneled in dark-stained oak, and the walls were lined with bookcases filled with handsome leather-bound volumes. There was a scattering of comfortable chairs and Italian reading lamps. In one comer stood a 139 customized beveled-glass and ormolu-mounted mahogany cabinet that displayed Harry Stanford's enviable gun collection. Special drawers had been designed beneath the display case to house the ammunition. ''s going to be an interesting morning,' Steve said. ' wonder how they're going to react."'ll find out soon enough.' Kendall and Marc came into the room first. Simon Fitzgerald said," Good morning. I'm Simon Fitzgerald. This is my associate, Steve Sloane."'m Kendall Renaud, and this is my husband, Marc.' The men shook hands. Woody and Peggy entered the room. Kendall said, ', this is Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Sloane.' Woody nodded. '.

Did you bring the cash with YOUT ', we really ..."'m only kidding!

This is my wife, Peggy.' Woody looked at Steve. ' the old man leave me anything or ... T Tyler entered the room. ' morning." Stanfordt - '."'m Simon Fitzgerald, and this is Steve Sloane, my associate. It was Steve who arranged to have your father's body brought back from Corsica.' Tyler turned to Steve. ' appreciate that. We're not 140 what happened exactly. The press has had so many different versions of the story. Was there foul @'.`play involved?' 7. '. It seems to have been an accident. Your father's was caught in a terrible storm off the coast of [email protected]. According to a deposition from Dmitri Kamv-1 y, his bodyguard, your father was standing on the outside veranda of his cabin and the wind blew some Oapers out of his hand. He reached ior them, lost his [email protected] balance and fell overboard. By the time they recovered W body, it was too late." a horrible way to die.' Kendall shuddered.

"Did you talk to this Kaminsky person?'Tyler asked. ', no.

By the time I arrived in Corsica, he had left.' Fitzgerald said, ' captain of the yacht had advised your father not to sail into that storm, but for he was in a hurry to return here. He had some reason arranged for a helicopter to bring him back. There was some kind of urgent problem-' Tyler asked, ' you know what the problem wast back here. '. I cut short my vacation to meet him 1 don't know what Woody interrupted. ''s all very interesting, but it's ancient history, isn't it? Let's talk about the will. Did he leave us anything or nott His hands were twitching. ' don't we sit down?' Tyler suggested. They took chairs. Simon Fitzgerald sat at the desk, 141 facing them. He opened a briefcase and started to take out some papers. Woody was ready to explode. '? For God's sake, did he or didn't het Kendall said, Woody ..." know the answer,'Woody said angrily. ' didn't leave us a damn cent.' Fitzgerald looked into the faces of the children of Harry Stanford. ' a matter of fact,' he said, ' of you will share equally in the estate.' Steve could feel the sudden euphoria that swept through the room. Woody was staring at Fitzgerald, openniouthed. '?

Sidney Sheldon's Novels
» Memories of Midnight
» Master of the Game
» Bloodline
» Nothing Lasts Forever
» A Stranger In The Mirror
» After the Darkness
» Are You Afraid of the Dark?
» Morning, Noon & Night
» Rage of Angels
» Mistress of the Game
» Sands of Time
» Tell Me Your Dreams
» The Best Laid Plans
» The Doomsday Conspiracy
» The Naked Face
» The Other Side of Me
» The Other Side of Midnight
» The Sky Is Falling
» The Stars Shine Down
» If Tomorrow Comes (Tracy Whitney #1)