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The Eye of Minds (The Mortality Doctrine #1) Page 19
Author: James Dashner

She ran her fingers through his hair. “What did that monster do to you?” she murmured.

He shrugged—he assumed she meant the KillSim. “I don’t know. I just remember it felt like it was sucking my brain out. Maybe it did—part of it, anyway.”

“At least you went a while without an attack, right? Let’s just hope it happens less and less frequently. Maybe it’ll eventually stop altogether.”

Bryson appeared back from the game then, a look of pride brightening his face, and Sarah dropped her hand from Michael’s head.

“Hey, I found it!” Bryson called. “I found the Portal.”

Sarah smirked. “Big deal,” she said. “I beat you to it, slowpoke.”

But her face filled with a genuine smile. Michael’s heart felt a bit less empty, though he was still concerned. He hoped it had just been the delusion of his attack, but he could’ve sworn he’d heard a voice, whispering a phrase inside his mind.

You’re doing well, Michael.


Bryson described which trench he was talking about, and it was indeed the same one Sarah had found. Michael and his friends racked their tired brains to come up with a plan. They had to get close enough, and have enough time, to probe the Portal and hack their way through its code. But jumping inside that ditch, knives and fists first, was the last thing any of them would ever want to do again.

Which is what made Michael think of grenades. He’d been killed by them three or four times, so he knew they were effective. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want the tiniest bit of revenge.

When he suggested it, Bryson said, “Well, it sounds good, but we’ll need something extra to make sure they go off.”

Sarah answered, “We’ll just bring a whole bunch and start tossing them. I’ll program a Spectacular Spark from the Munitions Maniacs game and hope it triggers them.”

Michael grabbed his backpack and unzipped it, then took everything out. “Let’s start stuffing.”


Once everyone’s backpack was full, they hitched them over their shoulders, got gloves and hats, then headed back out the door into the wintry air.

Michael and Sarah followed Bryson around the left side of the valley, careful to stay below the ridgeline, out of sight. When they got to the rise, they dropped to their stomachs and crawled to the top.

Then it hit Michael. “What if we just wait until morning and try to get there before anyone else?” What he really wanted to say was, Please don’t make me run down there into that mayhem again. He didn’t know how much more of it he could take.

“I’m dreading this, too,” Bryson said. “But we can’t afford to lose another night. Let’s just try this thing. Guards or no guards.”

“Okay,” Michael grumbled. “But remember—either we all get through or none of us do. We can’t go through the Portal alone or we might never hook back up.”

“Fine,” Bryson said. “And how about we don’t get killed? We’re forming bad habits.”

“Amen,” Michael responded. “Dying is my new least favorite thing.”

Michael looked out over the open space again. They had to get past dozens of battles, as well as ten or so other trenches. The odds of making it to the Portal without getting pulled into some sort of fight weren’t good. And judging by the look on Sarah’s face, she thought the same thing.

“Okay,” she said, suddenly in charge. “I think we can get through, but you have to follow my lead. If one of us gets intercepted, we need to stay and fight.”

“We got it,” Bryson said. “Stick together. Now let’s get this over with.”

Michael’s heart pumped like pistons in a race car. “Yeah” was all he could get out.

“Come on.” Sarah climbed to her feet and was suddenly running down the icy hill. Michael and Bryson hurried to catch up.


It took an hour to make it to the trench, and they fought the whole way there. Sometimes it was a single man or woman—those were the easy ones. But they faced a few that were far more difficult—gangs of two, three, or four soldiers coming after their small alliance all at once. The only positive of having died so many times was that it gave Michael and his friends the experience—and a little help from their programming-boosted powers—to fend off those attackers.

They weren’t going to die this time. Michael swore it to himself over and over. He grew more exhausted by the minute, but his adrenaline was high, and his energy seemed to reignite with every new confrontation.

They finally found themselves just a few feet from the edge of the Portal trench. The group was bloodied and bruised, their clothes ripped. Bryson had lost his backpack, and they only had one knife. But for a brief moment, they were alone.

Sarah dropped to her knees and unzipped her pack, dumping her cache of grenades onto the frozen ground. Michael added his own as Bryson ran over to the edge to scout the guard situation. “Five or six of them,” he reported back, falling to his knees next to them to help. “Start pulling and chucking! They’re just sitting there with guns, smoking.”

Michael got right to work. He grabbed a grenade, pulled the pin, then threw it into the long, narrow pit. He didn’t stop to see what happened; he took another one and repeated the process, throwing it at the same spot. Then another one. Another. Bryson and Sarah were just as fast, and in a matter of seconds they’d tossed more than a dozen into the trench.

Then Sarah closed her eyes—they flickered under her eyelids as she searched and manipulated the code. A bright flash of light flared up at her chest, brilliant enough to make Michael shield his eyes with his arm. He peeked and saw it whoosh away from her and shoot down into the trench like a fiery comet.

Michael noticed a man climbing up from the inside of the trench on the far side. He opened his mouth to warn his friends, but a deafening boom exploded from within the deep-cut ditch. Flashes of fire lit up the day, and metal shards flew in every direction.

“Let’s go!” Sarah yelled, already on her feet and moving toward the ladder. The man Michael had seen earlier was flat on his stomach at the very top, a huge gash sliced down the back of his coat. Nothing but red and ruin.

Michael ran after Sarah, Bryson by his side. They reached the edge of the trench. Michael ran alongside it, looking for survivors, but all he could see was death. He watched the bodies disappear one by one.

The three friends got to the ladder just as the man at the top rolled over onto his back. He wasn’t dead, but he was close, and the look on his face showed he knew.

Sarah started down the rungs, as did Bryson. Michael was right behind them when the man reached up and grabbed Michael’s arm, then spun him around. His strength was surprising for the condition he was in. Michael was able to pull himself free, but before he turned away, the man started mumbling something, his lips quivering with the effort, his whole body shaking.

Michael leaned in closer, thinking he’d heard his name. “What did you say?” he asked.

The soldier seemed to gather his strength for one last effort to speak. And then it came out in a short burst, and Michael heard every word.

“Be careful with Kaine. He’s not who you think.”

Then the man died, and his wrecked body vanished into the air.




“Get down here!” Sarah yelled from below.

Michael realized he was staring at the patch of bloody snow where the guy had been lying only seconds before. What was going on? The voice during his last attack that told him he was doing well, what this stranger had said about Kaine … What did it all mean?

Michael had a deep-down fear that Kaine knew exactly what they were doing and where they were. And he wondered if it could be possible—did the gamer want Michael to figure out where he was?


Michael turned his attention back to the trench, and Bryson was staring up at him.

“What are you doing?” he yelled.

“Thinking,” Michael answered. He was fully aware of how stupid it sounded. “Sorry,” he added. People were charging in from all directions as he scrambled down into the slushy pit with his friends.

Bryson shook his head. “We really can’t take you anywhere.”

“Did that guy say something to you?” Sarah asked.

Michael nodded. “Yeah, but I’ll tell you later. We’re about to have a lot of unwelcome visitors. It looks like a zombie parade out there, and we’re the food.”

“It’s over here,” Bryson said, gesturing for them to follow him. They had trudged down the middle of the pit about fifteen feet when he pointed to a section of the wall where the black tarp had been shredded. In most places, white ice shone through, but there was a spot where a slight purple glow emanated.

The shouts and cries of the approaching players were getting louder.

“No time like the present,” Sarah said. She turned to Michael. “You stand guard while Bryson and I try to figure this out.”

As Michael took position, Bryson tore away a big swath of the black tarp. Behind it, a six-foot-tall tunnel had been carved into the wall of ice. Michael couldn’t focus on exactly where it happened, but at some point inside the tunnel the dark space transformed into a throbbing purple light. What lay beyond was impossible to make out—the harder Michael strained to see, the more his vision blurred.

“It’s those underage kids!” someone screamed from above. Even as Bryson and Sarah moved into the tunnel, Michael glanced up to see a man holding a long blade.

Michael didn’t hesitate—he spun around and followed his friends into the purple light.


The sounds of the War of Greenland quickly disappeared—the tunnel was silent, as if a door had closed behind them. And when he looked back, Michael saw that that was exactly what had happened. The trench they’d just escaped was no longer there. Instead there was the same odd purple glow.

He turned back around and was relieved to see that he hadn’t lost Bryson and Sarah. They were still on their hands and knees like him, only they were concentrating, eyes twitching back and forth behind closed eyelids, frantically working the code.

“I was able to latch on to some type of map or guide,” Sarah said, eyes still closed. “Do you see it?”

Bryson nodded. “It’s subtle. We’ll just have to keep checking the code to stick to it.”

“What’s going on?” Michael asked. “What should I do?”

Sarah turned toward him. “The Portal isn’t really blocked, per se. But it’d be extremely easy to get lost in here. And I mean lost—like forever. From what we can find, there are a series of markers in the programing. If we follow the markers, we should get to the first level of the Path.”


Eyes still closed, Sarah reached out blindly and patted Michael on the shoulder. “I still think we need one person to keep an eye out, in case something comes at us. Can you? While Bryson and I keep scanning the code?”

Michael shrugged, even though his friends couldn’t see him. “Sure. Eyes peeled—easy enough.”

James Dashner's Novels
» The Fever Code (The Maze Runner #5)
» The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner #2)
» The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner #1)
» The Kill Order (Maze Runner #0.5)
» The Death Cure (Maze Runner #3)
» The Eye of Minds (The Mortality Doctrine #1)
» A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring #1)
» The Maze Runner Files
» The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)
» The Journal of Curious Letters (The 13th Reality #1)
» The Hunt for Dark Infinity (The 13th Reality #2)