home » Science Fiction » Mina Carter » Aries Revealed (Zodiac Cyborgs #2) » Aries Revealed (Zodiac Cyborgs #2) Page 6

Aries Revealed (Zodiac Cyborgs #2) Page 6
Author: Mina Carter

“Aries 7000, I’m giving you a direct order to put me down. Now.”


She gaped, rendered motionless with shock. “What do you mean ‘no’? You can’t say no to me. I’m human, you’re a bot.”

He turned a corner and headed up the ramp to the next level. One turn and a corridor and they’d be at her quarters. How the hell did he know where he was going?

“Learning mode,” he quipped chirpily. “Provided I do not break any of the primary directives, I can refuse any order you give me.”

Fuck. A vibrator that decided when it wanted to have sex. Next he’d be telling her he had a headache.

“Define primary directives. List aloud for me,” she demanded as she fought some more to be free. He held her easily, his big hand sliding up her ass to hold the back of her hips. Despite herself, the situation was making her hot, and it shouldn’t. No way should a big, brute of a cyborg bot carrying her off to “fuck her until she couldn’t see straight” turn her on. Not at all.

But it did. It was. She whimpered softly and flopped across his shoulder, doing the limp spider routine again. His hold changed, the hand across her ass caressing the rounded globe.

“Do not cause direct harm to humans. Do not allow humans to come to harm through inaction. Do not allow humans to come to harm through secondary actions or predicted result of other actions. Do not allow humans to harm themselves through direct action, secondary action, inaction or neglect.”

He turned the last corner and stomped up the corridor toward her room.

“My sensors indicate that you are suffering from sexual tension. Lack of sexual intercourse and gratification falls under directive four…do not allow humans to harm themselves through inaction. I will f**k you until you have achieved satisfaction.”

“I am not suffering from sexual tension.” Her voice emerged as a squeak. Go team, sounding like the woman in charge.

They reached the door. Her heart pounded, heat crawling through every inch of her body to center in her cunt as he stopped.

“Denial. That would also fall under directive four, interpreted as neglect. I can’t allow you to do that. Open the door,” he ordered, his hand slipping down to the back of her thigh, fingertips just brushing over her fabric-covered p**sy.

Her cl*t throbbed hard. How did she get herself into these messes? Did she even want to get out of it? Fuck no…she’d “paid” for four days…so what if he was a little bossier than she’d thought. If he was half as good as rumor said the house of Cyn bots were…her cunt ached again, reminding her of the need running through her body and tightening her n**ples where they pressed against his shoulder. The buds tight and puckered as they rubbed against the inside of her plain bra. All she could think about was getting into the room, and being f**ked by a sexy cyborg determined to save her from sexual frustration.

“You’d better have a big cock,” she grumbled, her voice way too shaky and breathy as she gave the release code for the door. It slid open with a soft whoosh in front of them and he stepped through. “And a vibrate function.”

“I don’t need a vibrate function.”

“I’m gonna call you chip, not Johnny.”

“I told you, I don’t have chips for brains.”

The banter didn’t stop him from striding over to her bed or dropping her on the soft surface. She watched, mouth dry, as he stripped the hot pink shirt off with an expression of distaste and threw it in the corner of the room. She’d had no idea bots could develop likes and dislikes.

His attention returned to her, those green-gold eyes unwavering as he looked at her. “You will strip. Now.”

She arched an eyebrow, determined to get some sort of control back. He was a just a bot, even if her eyes and instincts tried to tell her otherwise. A damn realistic one, but just a bot nonetheless.

“No. You—”

He surged forward, a tight expression on his face. She gasped, tried to scramble back up over the bed, but he was too quick. Within a second he was over her, knees between her thighs and forcing them apart as he grabbed her hands and hauled them over her head.

“Inaction leading to neglect,” he told her, what almost looked like amusement twinkling in the depths of his eyes. “Unacceptable. I will strip you.”

Her breath caught as he transferred her wrists to one hand and hooked the fingers of the other in the neckline of her top. Abruptly, he paused and looked at her. “Permission for destruction of property?”

“Wha—?” Oh, that was right. Bots had sub-routines built in to make sure they didn’t inadvertently break or destroy something the owner wanted. The Aries could f**k her to within an inch of her life, but it couldn’t rip the clothes from her body to do it.

“Yes, yes.” She arched her back, testing his hold on her wrists. Firm, but not hurting her, his fingers moving when she did so he wouldn’t bruise her. High levels of sensitivity and calibration. Just how much had this thing cost to build…and could she afford to buy one?

“Get on with it.”

The sound of tearing cloth filled the room an instant before cool air washed over her. The bot made a rumbling sound of appreciation as he ripped through the hem of the top and let it fall open to reveal her bra-covered br**sts. Her underwear was plain, but satin, the generous mounds of her tits pushed high and together to create an impressive cl**vage she normally kept under wraps. Particularly after Jason had said that her tits were the one thing that was half-decent about her. So, in the spirit of feuding couples the universe over, she’d made sure he’d never seen them again.


His gaze was hot as he leaned down to graze a kiss over her collarbone, catching the black strap in his teeth and dragging it off her shoulder. The cup gaped precariously as it lost tension.

“Nice? Just nice?” She mock-growled as he rubbed his cheek against the soft skin just under her shoulder, nuzzling her for a second before his lips trailed a line of kisses down to her cl**vage. He had stubble, the sensual abrasion sending tingles over her skin. The attention to detail was absolutely incredible. She shivered as he dipped his tongue into the valley of her cl**vage, a hot, wet rasp across her skin that curled her toes.

“Sexy,” he added, eyes blazing as he looked up from between her br**sts. “Hot.”

His hands shaped her waist. Strong hands, large hands. So large he could wrap the fingers halfway around her back as he smoothed them up and to the front to test the heavy weight of her br**sts in their satin confinement. A small murmur of pleasure escaped her lips, so breathy and sexy that she blinked. Was she even capable of making a sound like that? But then, he made her feel that way. Tiny and feminine, desirable. Hot.

After years of Jason’s derision and put-downs, the feeling was a revelation. Right at the moment she didn’t care that the Aries was a bot. She just wanted more.

A finger slipped into the satin cup of her bra and slid around, peeling it slowly away and under the full curve of her breast. She bit her lip as it shifted, pulling tight across the creamy white globe of flesh before catching on her nipple. The sensation was sensual torture as the beaded flesh provided resistance to the journey of the fabric. Only for a second, then it gave and the tightened bud sprang free.

With a low growl, he was on her. His mouth closed over the revealed nipple, sucking it into the hot cavern of his mouth. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, she melted right there and then as he feasted on her. Rumbling in the back of his throat, he sucked, drawing a line of need and fire right down to her needy cunt, then flicked his tongue over her.

Suck, flick. Suck, flick, nip.

She gasped at the sharp sensation of almost pain, before liquid heat flooded her panties. God, he made her hot. If he could do that just by licking her tits, what was the rest going to be like?

“More,” she demanded, pulling on her wrists in his hold. When he let go, she arched her back, shoving her br**sts in his face as she reached behind to unclasp the bra. Far from arguing about suddenly getting a face full of boob, he growled in appreciation and swept the loose bra away. Within a heartbeat he filled his palms with her br**sts, calloused thumb sweeping over the nipple he’d just tortured as he paid attention to the other one.

She writhed and moaned as he suckled her. Her hands drove into the short spikes of his hair, holding him against her as his clever lips teased at her nipple. His hands weren’t idle, strong fingers tweaking her nipple, the sensual torture sending her arousal higher and tighter.

“Oh god…yes,” she moaned, a long drawn-out sound, as his hands travelled south, skimming over her soft stomach. At least a bot wouldn’t be drawing unfavorable conclusions with other women. The real Johnny Ram always had women around him, stick-insect women with false tits like balloons. There was no way she could compete with them. All blonde with identical matching smiles and booth-granted tans. No one tanned in space and she wouldn’t pay the exorbitant prices of the flesh tanners. She’d rather buy Altorian chocolate if she was going to spend that much on a luxury.

His fingers reached her belt buckle, the slight shake and roughness betraying a need that surprised her. He all but ripped the fasteners open as though he couldn’t wait to get her out of her pants. The illusion was so convincing, so real. It would be so easy just to lie back and pretend that she had accepted the real Johnny Ram’s offer of dinner and now she’d brought him back to her place to continue their evening.

“Hips up,” he demanded, surging up to claim her lips again. Braced easily over her, his hard hands divested her of her pants with swift, almost brutally economic movements. His tongue parted her lips, desire and dominance in every movement as he plundered her mouth again. He overwhelmed her, an illicit thrill shivering through every cell in her body as he dropped her pants on the floor beside the bed, the thud of her belt buckle quickly forgotten as he leaned back to look down at her.

Lust flared in his eyes, turning their color almost to bronze as he swept his gaze over her body. Somehow he’d managed to shuck off her boots as well, the onesie design meaning her feet were bare. Thank god she’d thought to paint her toe-nails a pretty pink last night. His heated gaze travelled up the length of her legs, lightly toned from hand-balling cargo on the shorter drops, and upward. Her satin thong matched the bra discarded somewhere on the floor, a small scrap of black satin that covered the essentials and not much else. His nostrils flared as he reached out to trace a gentle fingertip along the tiny edge of lace across her stomach.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, almost absently as he slipped the fingertip under the lace and brushed her skin. She bit her lip, her breath catching as he took his time investigating. Schooling herself to remain still, she let him. He was a prototype, in learning mode Cyn had said. She wondered if he’d ever seen a woman before, then her eyes widened.

Oh my god, was she about to pop an android’s cherry?

He seemed to know what he was doing, though, so she wasn’t sure. His touch moved, skipping from the waistband of the thongs to the side, sliding down toward her eager p**sy concealed beneath the satin.

Mina Carter's Novels
» Hitting on the Hooker (Strathstow Sharks #1)
» Captive Heart
» Faery Wedding
» Lyon's Price (Zodiac Cyborgs #1)
» Aries Revealed (Zodiac Cyborgs #2)
» Reaper (End of Days #1)
» Deception and Desire (Moonlight and Magic #3)
» Pixie's Passion (Moonlight and Magic #4)
» Melody's Wolf (Lyric Hounds #1)
» Wolf Bond (Lyric Hounds #2)
» Protect and Service (Paranormal Protection Agency #3)
» Blood Mate (Project Rebellion #2)