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Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8) Page 11
Author: Sienna Mercer

Is he nervous? Ivy wondered. There was an awkward silence, so Ivy decided to fill it. ‘What kind of movie are you working on next?’

‘I wanted to risk doing something small on my own,’ Lillian replied. ‘A little independent film where I get to be full director for the first time.’

‘What’s it about?’ Brendan asked, with his mouth full.

Lillian smiled. ‘It’s a documentary-drama about a dancer who was executed during World War I for being a spy.’

‘Ooh,’ replied Ivy. ‘Sounds cool.’

‘I know about her,’ Mr Vega finally broke his silence. ‘Mata Hari, right? She turned out to be innocent, in the end.’

‘That’s right,’ Lillian said, clearly impressed. ‘The script has gone through so many revisions, making sure we get all the history correct.’

‘It sounds amazing,’ Olivia said.

‘Thanks!’ Lillian said.

‘I’m quite familiar with that time period – having lived through it myself. Perhaps I could help by reading the script?’ Mr Vega offered.

Lillian laughed. ‘I’m not going to reveal my age, but I’d be grateful for the advice.’

Ivy watched the two adults smile at each other. When Lillian jumped up to help Mr Vega clear the plates, Ivy whispered to Olivia, ‘Did you see that?’

‘What?’ asked Olivia.

‘Them,’ Ivy said.

Olivia tilted her head to one side. ‘Them what?’

‘Dad is acting all weird,’ Ivy said.

‘Because he wants to read the script?’ Brendan asked, spinning around the UFO-shaped salt cellar.

‘I think it’s more than that,’ Ivy replied. She definitely was getting a romantic vibe from the way they stared at each other. ‘You didn’t notice anything unusual?’ she asked her sister.

Olivia was the ultimate match-maker – after all, she got Brendan to ask Ivy out on their first date. So if she wasn’t seeing it, maybe it wasn’t there?

‘All I’ve noticed is that Lillian has great taste in movies,’ Olivia said. ‘I really like her.’

When Lillian and Mr Vega came back, carrying the chocolate cookies, with cherry sauce for Olivia and a bloody syrup for the five vampires, Ivy decided she would test her theory.

‘So, Lillian.’ She watched her dad as she asked blatantly, ‘Are you single?’

‘Ivy Vega!’ Mr Vega admonished, horrified.

‘Oh, I don’t mind,’ Lillian said, glancing at Mr Vega.

Ah ha! Ivy thought.

‘As a matter of fact I am single,’ Lillian said. ‘This business keeps me pretty busy.’

‘You don’t want to date an actor then?’ Ivy pressed, still looking at Mr Vega, who was leaning slightly forwards over the table, clearly listening.

‘Oh no,’ Lillian protested. ‘They’re all tans and teeth. How shallow is that?’

Ivy nodded her agreement, but caught sight of Olivia looking peculiar.

‘Oh! All, apart from Jackson,’ she hastily added.

Ivy bit her lip to stop the laughter that threatened to bubble up. ‘So you prefer the pale look?’ she went on, now cheekily grinning at her dad.

‘That’s enough of that,’ Mr Vega said, standing up to clear some plates. ‘Finish up your cookie, Miss Cross-examiner. Wasn’t there going to be some homework catch-up today?’

Brendan nodded. ‘I hope so, Mr Vega. I need some help with my math.’ He flashed a wicked grin at Ivy. ‘If you have twice as many paparazzi as celebrities and three times as many cameras as – oof!’

Ivy elbowed him in the ribs. ‘This is a celebrity-free zone until I have recovered from last night,’ she declared and she took her last bite of the freshly baked cookie.

‘I’ve brought my books,’ Olivia said. ‘Let’s go down to your room.’

The four of them carried their plates into the kitchen, and just before they went through the dining-room door, Ivy glanced over her shoulder at Mr Vega and Lillian, who were huddling close over the kitchen table, where Mr Vega had laid out some design papers.

They do make a cute couple, Ivy thought.

As they headed to the basement staircase Ivy said, ‘Don’t you think Dad is into Lillian?’

But before they’d even reached the bottom step, Ivy heard Lillian calling, ‘Bye!’ and the front door closing.

‘If he was interested, I think it would be good for him to try dating again,’ Olivia replied. ‘But he’s not doing a very good job if the second we leave them alone, Lillian flees.’

Brendan chuckled. ‘Mr Vega needs to work on his game.’ He pretended he was boxing, bouncing and throwing imaginary punches.

‘I suppose you’re the world champion, lady killer?’ Ivy asked.

‘There’s only one lady for me,’ Brendan called after her. ‘And I’ve got her, haven’t I?’

‘OK you two,’ Olivia said. ‘It’s time for math. I want to finish this so I can get home and get ready for the party tonight. My parents are going to chaperone. Ivy, I hope you’re coming.’

Ivy gulped. She still hadn’t mentioned to Olivia her conversation with Harker about the two of them starring in a movie together.

Anyway, it probably isn’t going to happen, Ivy told herself. Why get Olivia worked up for nothing?

She’d had enough of all the parties, but she knew her sister wanted the moral support. ‘Yes, OK, but Brendan, you have to come as my date.’

Brendan frowned. ‘Sorry, Ivy, but I’ve got to babysit Bethany tonight. My parents are going star-gazing somewhere in the middle of nowhere.’

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)