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Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14) Page 16
Author: Sienna Mercer

Olivia waited a moment, then followed after her. She kept more of a distance this time, so that the Goth-Queen couldn’t see her, ducking behind skateboarders and groups of goths whenever Amelia looked around. As she emerged from her latest hiding place, she found Ivy staring at her with raised eyebrows from across the hall.

What’s going on? Ivy mouthed.

Olivia shrugged. She wished she could ask her twin for help . . . but Ivy was surrounded by her own cluster of goth groupies – all of whom were glaring contemptuously at Olivia now. There was no point trying to separate Ivy from them. Olivia had learned that much at lunch yesterday.

Shoving down the remembered hurt, she forced a smile. ‘Tell you later!’ she whispered. It was a bare thread of sound, but she knew Ivy’s vampire hearing would pick up on it.

Turning her back on her twin and the groupies, she hurried down the hallway. Amelia’s black-leather coat had already disappeared from view, but Olivia slipped through the crowds and managed to lurk just outside the principal’s office just a moment after Amelia had stalked inside.

She heard Amelia’s annoyed voice. ‘Is Mr Carson in?’

Score! Olivia did a high-jump in her head. Her plan had just been put into action! There was only one person sitting in the waiting room outside Mr Carson’s office . . . so she knew exactly who Amelia must have spoken to, to ask that question.

Mr Fussell – er, Russell ! – had erupted at Finn over lunch, as usual. Apparently, his skateboard wheels had come off and clattered on the ground when Finn had opened his locker, and Mr Russell had chased him all the way to the cafeteria to yell at him about it. Olivia had started out feeling sympathetic . . . but the moment Mr Russell had ordered Finn to go and see Principal Carson, Olivia’s sympathy had turned into excitement. It was time to put the Famelia plan into motion!

Now she pressed her ears against the corner of the door just in time to hear Finn mumble: ‘I think he’s on the phone. He didn’t answer when I knocked.’

Amelia snorted. ‘And did you actually knock loud enough?’

There was a pause. Then Finn said, ‘I may be just a simple skater, but I’m pretty sure even I can’t mess up knocking on a door.’

‘Hmm.’ Amelia sounded unconvinced.

Olivia winced. Why does she have to act so haughty with everyone? Can’t she see how annoying it is?

Amelia spoke again, her voice softer. ‘I don’t think you’re just a skater, you know.’

Whoa! Olivia jerked upright. Progress! That was definite progress! Now just let Finn say . . . let him say . . .


What? Olivia blinked, shaking her head.

Apparently Finn had been so taken by surprise, he’d lost the power of speech . . . because all that Olivia could hear were choking noises.

Smooth, Finn. Smooth. She muffled a groan as she heard the choking noises fade away, followed only by an awkward silence.

Still, the Skater King and the Goth-Queen were both trapped there for the moment, forced to sit next to each other with nothing else to do. Surely they had to start a real conversation soon?

But they didn’t! Olivia couldn’t believe it as the minutes ticked past. What is wrong with them? There was no one there to see them outside Mr Carson’s office. For once, they didn’t have to worry about what anyone else would think. Just say something! Olivia wanted to scream at them both.

She gritted her teeth. I can’t stand this. I have to see what’s going on!

Moving as stealthily as she could, she inched around the corner. When she was sure they weren’t looking, she scooted at top speed to the other side of the doorway and hid behind a large potted plant. Whew. I made it!

They couldn’t see her, but she could see them . . . And talk about a depressing sight!

Finn and Amelia sat with a single chair between them, so close they could have reached out and touched. But they were both pretending to be completely alone! Amelia stared pointedly at the ceiling. Finn sat staring at the ground, absentmindedly rolling the wheels of his skateboard again and again . . .

‘Would you mind not doing that?’ Amelia asked eventually. ‘The noise is going straight through me.’ She rubbed her temples as though she had a headache.

‘Sorry.’ Finn sighed. ‘I was just checking them. I screwed the wheels back in earlier, but I need to make sure they’re in good shape. I don’t want to have an accident.’

Amelia gave a small smile. ‘I thought you skater-boys liked to live dangerously.’

Look up! Olivia wanted to scream at Finn. She’s smiling at you, can’t you see?

Finn shrugged, still looking at the ground. ‘We do. But there’s a difference between “dangerous” and “stupid”.’

‘And the difference is . . . ?’

‘Um . . .’ Finn’s lips curved into a rueful smile. For the first time, he darted a glance at Amelia. ‘I don’t know. Hope that doesn’t mean I’m stupid!’

Amelia’s face quivered. Her lips – Yes! Olivia cheered silently. Amelia’s lips were definitely twitching! She was trying not to let her smile become a huge grin.

Do it! Olivia silently urged the other girl. Give in!

‘I’m sure you’re not stupid,’ Amelia said softly. Olivia had never heard her sounding so sweet! Her cheeks were blushing now. Finn was staring at her, his mouth hanging half-open. Olivia could see what he was thinking – it was written all over his face. Amelia is being nice to me!

Fabulous! Olivia thought. My plan is actually working. Now, all I need is for Amelia to look at him again and give him one of her beautiful smiles.

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)