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Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14) Page 28
Author: Sienna Mercer

‘Not in a million years.’ Thinking of a thousand different snide comments Charlotte had tossed at her over the years, Ivy drew a deep breath – and then let it out in a whoosh, all her bad memories flooding out with it. ‘But you know what? Since you helped us take down that awful Jessica Phelps last spring, I have no trouble believing it now. And that’s all that matters.’

‘Really?’ Charlotte’s lips quirked into a surprisingly shy-looking smile.

‘Really,’ Ivy agreed. Charlotte had helped save Olivia’s big movie role – and her relationship with Jackson – from the schemes of Hollywood’s most horrible vamp actress. That had to count for a lot. She stepped forwards. Yes, this is really happening!

Ivy was holding out her arms to Charlotte Brown, of all people . . . and Charlotte was doing the same in return. Franklin Grove Middle School’s sworn enemies were hugging !

‘Well.’ Charlotte stepped back, patting her hair back into place. ‘You’ve lucked out tonight. Not only am I working with you – I’ve brought reinforcements!’

‘Huh?’ Ivy followed the direction of Charlotte’s pointing finger to look up the street. Then she grinned as she recognised the long blonde hair and hippie-styled clothing of the girl hurrying towards them. ‘Holly!’

Holly Turner grinned back at Ivy as she reached the house. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders without a touch of hairspray, and embroidered flowers trailed all over her peasant blouse. ‘Hey, Ivy. How’s your new school going? Too bad you can’t go to Willowton High with us!’

‘Yeah, well . . .’ Ivy was still trying to figure out how to answer that when her eyes nearly popped out – because Holly and Charlotte were exchanging an actual hug in front of her. Whoa. That’s two hugs for Charlotte in two minutes – and she looks like she’s taking it for granted. Does enrolment at Willowton High come with a hug requirement?

Ivy took a deep breath, absorbing the shock of it. Maybe high school can be good for something after all! Not only was Charlotte acting ten times nicer than she ever had before, but for the first time ever, she seemed to have actual friends – even friends who were visibly different from her – rather than just ‘hangers-on’!

‘Come on in,’ Ivy said, as Holly and Charlotte moved apart. Still feeling dizzy with surprise, she stepped back and waved them down the hallway. ‘The others are all waiting in the kitchen.’

Holly had been to Ivy’s house that summer, but this was the first time Ivy had ever invited Charlotte inside. She could feel the other girl looking at everything with curiosity, but there were none of the snide comments she would have expected a year ago. When they stepped into the kitchen, though, and found Olivia, Brendan, Sophia and Camilla waiting there, eating chips, Charlotte’s eyes widened.

‘Sophia! Your hair – it’s like lightning!’

Sophia smiled serenely, munching on another chip. ‘I know. Isn’t it great?’

‘Ah . . .’ Charlotte swallowed visibly. ‘Mm!’ she said, through clamped-shut lips. ‘Mmm!’ Her face flushed as pink as the purse over her arm.

Ivy hid a smirk as she stepped up to Brendan’s side. Charlotte looked as if she were about to burst with the effort of restraining herself from giving her real opinion . . . but for once, Ivy’s ex-nemesis was actually holding her nasty comments in. I was right: high school has definitely been good for her!

Olivia stepped smoothly into the breach before the moment could turn awkward. ‘So, the reason we’re all here . . .’ she swept her gaze across the others, drawing everybody’s attention ‘. . . is that Ivy’s having a serious popularity problem.’

‘Sorry?’ Charlotte dropped the chip she’d just picked up. ‘Did you say Ivy’s having a popularity problem?’

‘You could say that again.’ Ivy groaned. ‘How do I get rid of it? Immediately?’

‘Well . . .’ Charlotte stared at her. ‘Well . . .’

I think I just exploded Charlotte’s head, Ivy thought ruefully. Guess she didn’t realise just how different our high school really is!

‘Sorry, cutie.’ Brendan looped his arm around Ivy’s shoulders, ignoring her mock-glare at the endearment. ‘You’re just too cool.’

‘Whatever!’ Ivy pretended to elbow him in the side.

‘Ahem.’ Olivia cleared her throat and gave them both a stern look, even as she patted Charlotte on the arm, obviously helping her through her shock. ‘The point is, Ivy needs to get a handle on her popularity without being dishonest, or pretending to be someone she’s not.’ She turned to Charlotte. ‘That’s where you come in! Can you coach Ivy on how to deal with popularity without losing her temper?’

‘Are you kidding?’ Gathering herself together, Charlotte waved a dismissive hand. ‘That will be no problem. Trust me, I’d mastered the art of Handling the Hallway by fifth grade!’

‘Ohhh.’ Ivy let out a breath as something dawned on her. ‘I get it now!’

‘Sorry?’ Olivia turned to stare at her.

‘Nothing.’ Ivy leaned over to grab another chip, trying to hide her expression. ‘Sorry. I just meant, I’d really love the help.’

Privately, though, she was still reeling. She’d spent so many years loathing Charlotte for her ‘mean girl’ persona . . . but all that time, could Charlotte have been using it to keep her life manageable at Franklin Grove Middle School?

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)