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Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5) Page 28
Author: Sienna Mercer

Ivy had always liked Camilla, but today she had learned what a good friend she really was. Camilla had come up with a set of hand-signal codes to help prompt Ivy if she forgot her lines.

I just have to remember what they mean, Ivy thought wryly.

Ivy took a deep breath, tossed her hair in an Olivia-like fashion and strode over to the other girls who were auditioning. Her heart sank when she saw a familiar, annoying figure absorbed in instructing the lighting man.

Not only was she going to have to act like Olivia in front of a camera, she was going to have to fool Charlotte Brown, too.

When Charlotte realised ‘Olivia’ wasn’t at the mall, her face clouded over for a moment. ‘Olivia!’ She hurried over. ‘Whew! I’m so glad you made it back in time.’

Philippe stormed in, with a look of grim determination. Jackson and his manager followed, smiling and chatting.

Jackson saw Ivy, started to smile and then faltered.

He knows, Ivy thought.

But he finished the smile, looking a little puzzled, and came over. ‘Hey, Olivia, you look great!’

‘Really?’ Ivy mumbled.

Charlotte interrupted. ‘Hi, Jackson.’ She grabbed his arm. ‘I’m so looking forward to working with you.’

He patted Charlotte’s hand like he would a grandmother’s. ‘Thank you.’ But he didn’t take his eyes off Ivy. ‘Could I talk to you in private for a minute, Olivia?’

Ivy was torn between the satisfaction of annoying Charlotte and the fear of getting caught. She shot a look over to Camilla and Sophia, who shrugged. There was nothing she could do to get out of it. She let Jackson lead her to a quiet corner of the diner.

Jackson sat down in one of the booths and ran his fingers through his hair. ‘Um, Olivia,’ he began. He was staring at her intently.

He knows, Ivy thought. I’m busted.

‘Jackson!’ Amy, his manager, called over, interrupting.

‘Later,’ Jackson called back firmly.

Ivy saw Amy’s mouth snap shut in surprise.

Maybe I can beg him to let me audition anyway, Ivy hoped. Maybe he’ll understand if I explain what happened?

‘I know it seems impossible and complicated,’ he said.

You’re telling me, Ivy thought.

‘But there’s something going on here.’

‘I know –’ she started, but he held up his hand.

‘Just let me say this, or I might never get it out.’ He crumpled up and smoothed out a napkin.

Ivy gulped back her confession. If the truth was going to come out, it didn’t really matter who said it.

‘I’ve never met anyone like you.’ His eyes were searching hers. ‘You are fun and sweet and smart and beautiful.’

Ivy felt like she was being hit by a ton of coffins. He hadn’t figured out that she was Olivia’s twin; he was asking Olivia out!

‘I’d really like to see you. I mean off-set. You know? No matter how the audition goes. I know I live far away and I might be leaving town soon. But maybe we could go for lunch somewhere?’

Ivy could see from the state of the napkin that he was really nervous. She decided, if he wasn’t a vampire, she would definitely approve of him for her sister.

‘Uh . . .’ Ivy knew ‘Really’ wouldn’t cut it in this situation. And she couldn’t ruin this for Olivia, whether he was a vampire or not. Jackson obviously really liked her and she had to let Olivia answer for herself. ‘Look,’ she said. ‘This might sound weird, but could you ask me again later?’

Jackson paused in his napkin shredding and looked confused. ‘Later?’

Ivy chose her words carefully. ‘It’s not that . . . I . . . wouldn’t want to; it’s just that I’m not really . . . myself . . . at the moment. But after the audition, everything will be back to normal.’ Ivy desperately hoped that was true. ‘So ask me again – just like you did then – later. Using those exact words.’

‘Uh . . .’ It was clear Jackson didn’t know how to respond.

‘I, um . . .’ Ivy had to come up with some excuse besides, I’m only impersonating the person you want to be dating, so you’re asking the wrong girl. ‘I just want to get through the audition.’

Jackson nodded. ‘I understand. Keep it professional. I can respect that.’

To her relief Jackson didn’t look like he thought she was one witch short of a coven.

He nodded slowly. ‘OK. Maybe I’ll ask you again later.’

‘Thank you.’ She’d got away with it.

‘Jackson!’ Philippe called from across the set. ‘We’re ready for you.’

‘Good luck in your audition,’ Jackson said as he slid out of the booth. ‘Even if you don’t want to go out with me, I still hope you get the part.’

I hope Olivia does, too, Ivy thought. ‘Thanks.’

The first girl to audition was a blonde with big hoop earrings, and she got Phillipe to smile. Even Charlotte looked good on the TV screens they’d set up; she didn’t mess up a single line.

‘There is no way I can compete with these girls,’ Ivy whispered to Sophia, who squeezed her hand.

Maybe Ivy could stall? Maybe Olivia would make it back in time? Maybe the cameras would break or Philippe would have a desperate urge for a croissant and postpone the auditions. But as each girl finished going through the lines with Jackson, Ivy knew it was another nail in her coffin.

‘Olivia Abbott,’ Philippe called.

Ivy’s stomach flipped over.

Camilla held up two sets of crossed fingers and Jackson gave her a warm smile. Ivy stepped on to the tiny x made out of tape on the floor.

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)