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Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4) Page 8
Author: Sienna Mercer

“We need someone perfect,” Ivy said. “He’s our dad, after all.” In fact, Ivy had always thought that the right woman might help her dad relax a little bit.

“So, are we agreed,” said Sophia, “that the only thing that might be more killer than a killer job is a killer romance?”

“Agreed,” everyone chimed, and Brendan started playing footsies with Ivy under the table. If she were a bunny, she would have blushed.

Instead, the bell rang for the end of lunch.

“The second emergency meeting is now adjourned,” Sophia declared as everyone gathered up their trays. “Let’s go find Mr. Vega his Miss Right!”

For the rest of the day, Ivy tried to think of women who might be a good match for her dad. She kept a running list on the back page of her notebook, where she usually wrote ideas for the school paper.

Valencia Deborg from the Vampire Roundtable? Too cold.

The lady at the adoption agency? Too loud.

Marie the florist who specialized in dead flowers? Too  weird.

The list went on and on, but Ivy couldn’t come up with anyone she thought her father would be interested in.

After school, Olivia had to meet with her algebra study group to prepare for midterms. Ivy went over to Brendan’s. The door swung open the moment she touched the doorbell.

“Don’t let him see you!” Brendan’s little sister, Bethany, whispered in a panic and pulled her inside. Bethany was wearing enormous aviator sunglasses. She ran to the window, pulled aside the curtain, and peeked out at the street.

“Who?” said Ivy.

“The vampire hunter!” Bethany replied. Ivy took off her jacket and hung it by the door.

“Seriously?” Ivy asked.

“FREEZE, VAMPIRE SCUM!” a voice com

manded. Ivy’s stomach lurched, and she turned

to look. Standing in the door that led to the

kitchen was Brendan, wearing a long trench coat

and a yellow hard hat. In his hand, he held an

eggbeater. He laughed maniacally.

“EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!” Bethany shrieked and started running in circles around the living room. Brendan took straight-legged zombie steps

into the room.

From the kitchen, Mrs. Daniels called, “Please

use your inside screaming voice, Bethany,” but it

didn’t seem to have any effect.

Ivy couldn’t help smiling as Brendan clomped

right up to her.

“Aren’t you afraid of the vampire hunter?” he

asked with bulging eyes.

Ivy shook her head. “Nope,” she said. “Why not?” the vampire hunter demanded. “’Cause I think he likes me,” Ivy replied coyly. I

am going to miss you so much, she thought. Brendan

touched her arm tenderly.

“You get away from Ivy!” screamed Bethany.

She charged and kicked Brendan hard in the leg. “Ouch!” Brendan cried.

Bethany leaped on his back. “You big mean

vampire hunter ugly man!” she shouted. Brendan winked at Ivy and gave a monstrous

roar. He and his sister collapsed to the living

room floor in a wrestling heap. Bethany was jumping up and down on his back, alternately giggling and shrieking, as he grunted and tried to claw at Ivy’s foot. Ivy kicked his hand away play


“You show him, Bethany!” she called. Suddenly Mr. Daniels burst through the front

door. “Eureka!” he cried, his Einstein-like mane

of gray hair pointing in all directions. “Let’s celebrate! I’ve had a major breakthrough!”

Brendan and Bethany both sat up.

Mrs. Daniels came rushing in from the kitchen

in an apron. “Marc! Please calm down,” she

admonished. “We have a guest.” She cast a meaningful glance toward Ivy, who was standing by the


Mr. Daniels focused his eyes on Ivy. “Ivy! It’s

Ivy!” He bounded over and hugged her enthusiastically.

“Um, hi, Mr. Daniels,” Ivy said awkwardly, her

arms pinned to her sides. “How are you?”

“How are you is the question!” he said,

releasing her. “How are you a vampire,” he

elaborated, waving his hands excitedly in the air, “while your twin sister is a human?” He puffed up his chest. “Well, today, Ivy, I found the answer!”

Olivia made her way through the Meat & Greet Diner. She could see her sister already seated at their usual booth in the back. Ivy had called her on her cell in the middle of study group and said she had to see her right away. She wouldn’t take no for an answer.

When Olivia reached the table, her sister leaped up and hugged her quickly. “My dad’s going to be here to pick me up in, like, fifteen minutes,” said Ivy, “so we don’t have much time.”

They slid into the booth opposite each other. “Let me guess,” Olivia said. “You found the perfect Mrs. Vega?”

“Better,” said Ivy. “I found the perfect explanation for us—or, rather, Mr. Daniels did. He figured out how it’s possible for you to be a human and me to be a you-know-what.”

Olivia’s heart leaped up into her throat. “Really?!” she squealed. “What’d he say?”

“Ever since we went to the V-Gen lab,” Ivy explained, “Mr. Daniels has been running all these tests on the samples he took from us.”

“The strands of our hair and stuff?” Olivia asked, remembering all the weird machines to which she’d been strapped.

“Exactly,” confirmed Ivy. “Anyway, remember how he said they wouldn’t have any results for months?”

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)