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Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11) Page 23
Author: Sienna Mercer

Ivy knew the plan was reckless, but wasn’t that what she was known for at Wallachia? That was it – her mind was made up. The only real question left was how to conquer the Gauntlet successfully. She thought back to Helga’s advice in the classroom. What was it she’d said? ‘Knowledge and strength are a person’s most important assets.’ Ivy had some knowledge of plants and she could dig deep for the strength she needed. I can do this! But what first? OK, how to avoid those booby-trap tripwires on the ground . . .?

Ivy walked over to one of the largest trees in the forest. Without hesitating, she reached for the lowest branch and pulled herself up until she was straddling it. She clambered higher, using the sturdier limbs as a makeshift ladder. Luckily the forest was dense and the trees so close together that she could move from one to the other, making her way through the forest without touching the ground. Carefully, she grabbed hold of a long branch from one of the trees nearby, then swung herself to the neighboring trunk, as if she were a pirate boarding an enemy ship.

Ivy hopped and jumped from one tree to the other, panting with the exertion. This was worse than Physical Education back in Franklin Grove! But after a while, she reached the edge of the woods, just as the sun was beginning to peek out over the horizon. Ivy watched as oranges, pinks and yellows spilled out over the clouds. She had to admit, Transylvania did have one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.

The morning glow curled around the trunks, illuminating several patches of the Oxynamon plant Helga had shown them in class. Ivy had never seen it grow like this in the human world. Here in the forest it looked as though it were growing out of the tree and wrapping itself round the bark. She tore off two bunches. If anyone saw her, she could say she had been doing some extra credit work for Herbal Science. She stuffed it in her pocket, took out Petra’s envelope and jumped down from the last tree.

I did it! She had to stop herself from squealing. That would definitely not suit the cool-girl Ivy persona she was trying to build. But here she was on the other side of the Gauntlet, standing in the shadow of the boys’ dormitory. Stone walls, high-rising turrets . . . It looked just the same as the girls’ dorms to Ivy. What’s the big deal, exactly? She leaned her head to the side, to view it from another angle. Vampires and their ideas of romance – it would never make sense to her.

A handsome face appeared in one of the frosted windows of the boys’ dormitory. Ivy squinted to try and make it out. The boy held up one finger and then disappeared.

Seconds later, he came rushing out on to the dew-stained lawn. Ivy didn’t know which was more amusing, his bedhead or his look of sheer amazement.

‘Where’s Petra?’ he cried, stumbling to a halt. ‘What are you doing here?’ He looked past Ivy hopefully, scanning the forest, before his gaze settled back on her face. He cleared his throat. ‘Um, there seems to be a misunderstanding. You’re very nice and everything, but Petra’s my true love. I mean, I’m sure some boys would find you attractive, but . . .’

‘Don’t kid yourself!’ Ivy erupted. She couldn’t believe it. Etan thought she’d made her way through the Gauntlet because, because . . . He thinks I have a crush on him! Ivy pulled her shoulders back. ‘I have the best boyfriend in the world waiting for me back in Franklin Grove. I’m not here because I “heart” you!’ She drew a little heart in the air with her forefingers, grimacing. ‘I’m here to help Petra.’

Before Etan could open his mouth to say sorry, there was the sound of a twig snapping. He jumped and darted back inside. Ivy looked round.

That was weird. Why was everyone around here so jumpy? Thank goodness I have a normal boyfriend. Just not here in Transylvania. Ivy sighed. Maybe she had made the wrong –

A slow clap started up behind her. ‘Bravo, bravo.’

Bats alive! Ivy’s heart jolted. She turned to see Miss Avisrova, wearing an ugly frown. How did her teacher get here so fast?

Ivy’s jaw clenched. Here it comes.

‘You know –’ the Etiquette teacher began circling her – ‘I smelled you, Miss Lazar, there in the forest, from a mile away. And I knew that you would have the insolence to try to complete the course.’

‘I did complete the course,’ Ivy corrected.

Miss Avisrova ignored her. ‘That ostentatious American fragrance creates an unmistakable stench.’

It’s got to smell better than Eau de Snob, thought Ivy, but she just managed to bite her lip. Do not say that out loud. There was no way that would end well.

Miss Avisrova snatched the grubby envelope from Ivy’s hand. ‘What do we have here?’ she read the scrawling script. ‘Very well,’ she said sharply. ‘As is customary, the token of love will be passed on to the intended.’

Ivy frowned. On the one hand, she was glad that Petra’s letter would get to her true love. On the other hand . . . ‘What do you mean “customary”?’ she asked. Had the Gauntlet been conquered by love before?

Avisrova’s eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline. ‘I don’t have to explain my meaning to you,’ she said, her voice high and tight. Then she seemed to force herself to relax, her shoulders dropping. ‘But even I have a heart. Etan will get his letter.’ For a moment, Avisrova gazed off in the direction of the boys’ dormitory. ‘I was in love once, you know . . .’

In love? Ivy could not picture that. But as fast as this softer side had come on, Avisrova’s stony expression returned. She cleared her throat. ‘As for you, Miss Lazar . . .’ The hairs on the back of Ivy’s neck stood on end. ‘You will report to my office after school.’ She glanced over towards the Gauntlet, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. ‘But you’d better be quick. I want you back in your dorm room before anyone wakes up.’

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)