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Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11) Page 33
Author: Sienna Mercer

‘I think, “Hooray, more wedding planning”,’ Ivy joked. ‘My favourite.’

Olivia tossed a throw pillow at her.

‘Hey, watch it! I’m only kidding!’ It was true. Ivy was thrilled her dad was getting married to Lillian. Her whole life, she had worried that her father would never find someone he loved as much as the twins’ mother. But somehow it seemed that ever since she’d found Olivia, her family just kept getting bigger and better.

Ivy’s cheeks weren’t used to all this smiling, but she couldn’t stop, even when her face started to hurt. How did she ever think she could live anywhere other than Franklin Grove? She looked from her dad to Olivia to Brendan. This is where I belong.

Charles handed her a cup of hot chocolate. ‘You know, there might be some serious questions asked by people at the Academy about your departure.’ He took a swig from his own mug. ‘And I’m fairly certain your grandparents are going to be upset. It was their dream that you attend Wallachia.’

‘I know,’ said Ivy, pulling her knees to her chest. ‘But it wasn’t my dream.’

Charles nodded thoughtfully. ‘And I’m extremely proud of you for giving the school a fair shot, but making your own mind up about it.’

‘I met one of your old classmates, Dad.’ Ivy watched Charles carefully to gauge his reaction. ‘Alexandra Avisrova?’ Even now Ivy could barely say the name without shuddering.

‘Ah, yes,’ said Charles. His face was smooth, serene yet thoughtful. ‘Alexandra. She was a . . . a good friend of mine from school, yes. We no longer keep in touch.’

Ivy wanted to press him for more details, but she sensed that her father wasn’t going to provide any. That was probably the kindest thing for poor, rigid Miss Avisrova, so she changed the subject. ‘And my grandparents? Will they be disappointed in me?’ That had been her biggest fear about her decision to leave Wallachia.

‘Your grandparents will understand,’ said Charles. ‘They only want what is best for you.’

‘Absolutely,’ said Olivia, scooping up a big spoonful of mini marshmallows and plopping them in her cup. ‘And anyway, it looks like the Academy has already served its purpose.’

‘What do you mean?’ Ivy asked.

‘I mean, look how well you’ve taken to vampire medicine! I can see it now: Ivy Vega, Vampire Doc. Oh!’ Olivia clapped. ‘That would make an awesome TV medical drama.’

Charles and Ivy laughed. ‘OK, but I’ll probably stick with “Ivy Vega, Franklin Grove Student”, for now.’

‘That’s a relief,’ said Olivia, and grinned.

Charles raised his mug. ‘To family,’ he said. Ivy leaned in and they all clinked cups. At this, Brendan’s eyelashes fluttered.

‘Ivy?’ he mumbled. ‘Is Ivy in Transylvania?’ Brendan blinked against the light.

Ivy leaned down and kissed his clammy forehead. ‘No, she’s home,’ she said. ‘And she promises never, ever to go away again.’

In this exclusive interview, VAMP magazine’s Georgia Huntingdon talks to the very special twins, Ivy and Olivia, about their greatest ever challenge – separation.

Georgia Huntingdon: I know this might be tough, but can we talk about the time you spent apart a while back?

Ivy Vega: Oh, good, I was worried I might get through today without feeling tearful!

Olivia Abbott: To be in Franklin Grove without Ivy was like starting school all over again.

Ivy: Sis, I was just trying to deflect the question with playful sarcasm.

Olivia: Yes, and I was opening up. Because it doesn’t do anyone any good to keep things bottled up inside.

Ivy: You’re one to talk. You didn’t just bottle up what happened between you and Jackson – you bottled it up and put the bottle in a box.

Olivia: I had a good reason –

Ivy: Then you sealed the box with about six layers of duct tape.

Olivia: I thought it was for the best because –

Ivy: Then you put the box away in a locked room!

Olivia: OK, OK – I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.

Georgia: This is obviously a bit of a sore subject for both of you. So let’s try side-stepping and acting like it wasn’t brought up at all. Ivy – you made a big leap in your vampire life, enrolling at the prestigious Wallachia Academy. What was that like?

Ivy: As I’m sure you can imagine, I did not fit in too well. In fact, I fitted in about as well as Olivia would at a steakhouse.

Georgia: Too posh? Too . . . ‘fancy’?

Ivy: I’m not bothered by ‘posh’ or ‘fancy’ that much any more. Going to a vampire Royal Wedding in Transylvania equips you to handle any high society nonsense. What I couldn’t get my head around was all the rules.

Olivia: Ivy and ‘rules’ go together about as well as paisley and plaid.

Ivy: I have only a vague idea of what that means. But the most difficult part for me was that I had to find out from a bunch of silly schoolgirls that my sister was going through heartbreak.

Olivia: Here we go again . . .

Ivy: I was only on another continent, but I may as well have been on another planet. I felt so useless!

Olivia: The reason I didn’t tell you was because I knew that it would have upset you. I didn’t think posh vamps read the gossip columns!

Ivy: You still should have told me. You have to promise never to do that again.

Olivia: Right. Next time I get my heart broken, I’ll let you know. Although, actually, I hope there won’t be a next time!

Georgia: I’m sorry, Olivia, but heartbreak is a part of growing up.

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)