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Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10) Page 4
Author: Sienna Mercer

Ivy watched the scene, which seemed to involve a brightly costumed alien girl and a robo-boy on a date. Ivy hoped it wouldn’t remind Olivia of her performance opposite Jackson in Romezog and Julietron – also a Camilla Edmunson production.

‘Oh, X3219,’ said the alien girl in a strange, high-pitched voice. ‘I’m going to miss you!’

Robo-boy attempted to wrap alien girl in a stiff-armed hug, but couldn’t seem to figure out how to embrace her while keeping his elbows bent at right angles.

‘Cut! Cut!’ Camilla yelled, before putting the actors back into their original places. ‘Try that part again.’

Back at the table, Brendan was busy building a fort out of French fries and Ivy couldn’t help but wonder: Is Brendan really not bothered that I’m so excited to go to Transylvania? Even a little bit? Surely he knew how much she’d miss him. If only Ivy could promise that she’d be back soon. But the truth was, she had no idea if she’d be returning to Franklin Grove. Maybe it would be best if I don’t talk about it quite so much, just in case.

Then, she did something very un-Ivy. Reaching for Brendan’s hand under the table, she wove her fingers through his and gave his hand a squeeze. Fortunately, he’d already wiped his hands on a napkin so that his fingers weren’t covered in salt and grease from the fries.

‘I’m going to miss you,’ she murmured, forcing herself not to blush.

‘I’m so jealous!’ A voice from across the table made the couple jump apart, before Brendan had a chance to answer. Sophia had caught the Transylvania bug and madly wanted to be catching a plane there herself. There goes not talking about it, Ivy thought. ‘I would love the chance to go to your home country. All the history, the great shopping, plus vamp boys everywhere!’

That is so not helping! Ivy kicked Sophia’s shins under the table. ‘Ouch!’ she yelped, reaching down to rub her leg. But at least she had the sense to change topic.

‘You know where else I want to go? Paris! I’d love to go to Paris!’

‘Oui, oui ! Me too! Hey, nice brooch!’ said a familiar voice. Looking round, Ivy saw Olivia approaching the table.

Sophia started ticking places off on her fingers. ‘And Rome and London and . . .’ She threw up her hands. ‘It’s not fair! You get to go to Transylvania for the second time. And I can’t so much as go on Twitter without seeing another update from some fabulous film set in Europe that Jackson has posted.’

Ivy sucked in her breath, not daring to look at the expression on her sister’s face. Even though it was jam-packed, the Meat and Greet suddenly felt still and silent as the grave.

Sophia obviously hasn’t received the memo about the J-word, Ivy thought. Doesn’t she know Olivia can’t even talk to her boyfriend, never mind about him!

Chapter Two

She said the J-word!

Olivia took a long gulp of lemonade, trying desperately to keep her face neutral. She stared out of the window so Sophia wouldn’t see her eyes becoming glassy. Wrong move. The first thing she spotted was a boy and girl about her age. They were walking down the street, holding hands and gazing at each other as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. Just like Jackson and I used to, she thought, a pain starting in her chest. When we were together. When we actually talked. Look away, look away! No problem, she would just keep her eyes in the Meat and Greet. That should be simple enough. After all, there were plenty of people to distract her.

She turned her face back towards the people inside, trying to focus on the restaurant and its familiar red and black decor. Another bad move. Behind Brendan, Olivia saw an older couple sharing a milkshake out of two straws. She inched to the left, so that Brendan’s head would block her view, but now Camilla’s alien-robot couple was in full sight and the two actors were in the middle of an awkward, but sweet, alien-robot kiss.

‘What is this, Couples Day?’ Olivia muttered under her breath. It seemed that everyone in the world was happy except for her. Not that she would deny anyone else their romantic moment, but why did she have to be so obviously alone ?

‘Um, Olivia?’ she heard Sophia saying. Olivia’s head jerked up as she realised that the other three people at the table had stopped talking and were staring at her.

‘Er . . .’ They’d obviously picked up on her unhappiness. Oh no! I didn’t mean to invite everyone to my pity party! She forced herself to grin and smoothed her hair. ‘What?’ she asked, sitting up straight. ‘I’m fine!’ Ivy eyed her from across the table. ‘I am.’ Olivia nodded vigorously. ‘Jackson’s busy working and I’m totally happy for him. He made the right choice. He has to look after his career. I’m fine. One-hundred-and-ten per cent fine.’ She wanted to crawl under the table. Note to self: People who are fine don’t say they’re fine three times!

‘Brendan, are there any souvenirs you want from Transylvania?’ asked Ivy, switching topics. Olivia really did have the best twin on the planet.

Brendan rumpled his dark hair. ‘I don’t know,’ he mumbled. ‘Whatever you think I’ll like. Surprise me!’ Olivia noticed that he seemed distracted.

‘I know!’ Olivia bounced up from the booth. ‘How about I buy a round of ice cream for everyone? It’ll be a parting gift. My treat! Brendan, can you help me carry them back?’ She gestured for him to follow her up to the counter.

Brendan loped alongside her, taking a spot in line behind the boy playing the blue robot. Nearby, Camilla knelt with her bulky camera on one shoulder, shooting the lens up towards the actor-robot. ‘Just act naturally,’ she directed. ‘You’re a robot in need of some oil. Feel the creakiness in your joints. Need the oilcan. Action!’

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)