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The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14) Page 43
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

"What is this?" She pulled it out. "A sporran?"

"Yes." Abby reached for it. "Let me see if I can unhook the mitten."

Leah passed it to her. "Where did I get a sporran?"

Abby's eyes widened. "I-I guess you must have bought it in Scotland."

"I was in Scotland?" How could she forget something like that? She'd always wanted to go to Scotland.

"You - you went with Emma and Angus." Abby worked the chain loose. "They wanted to ask Marielle about angels and demons."

"Marielle." Leah frowned, trying to remember. Flashes zipped through her mind. Inverness. A shopping trip with Marielle and her son, Gabriel. "I do remember! I bought a kilt, a blouse, and a sporran. And a red beret!"

Abby smiled sadly. "That's great that you remember. You had a wonderful time on that trip."

"I did! I met one of Marielle's angel friends. A Healer named Bunny. Isn't that crazy?"

"Yes." Abby's smile seemed strained as she placed the sporran back into the suitcase. "Let's go outside."

After fifteen minutes in the snow, Abby declared she'd had all the fun she could take and handed her mittens to Leah before going back inside.

Leah finished her miniature snowman, using small pebbles from the beach to make his eyes and smiling mouth. Half frozen, she dashed back to the dorm room. After removing her coat, hat, and gloves, she dropped the spare mittens into her suitcase.

"A sporran." She picked it up and ran her hand over the slick fur. There was something about the leather bag that made her heart expand with joy. She looked inside. It was empty except for a handful of dried heather.

Had she picked these flowers herself? She must have. Emma and Angus wouldn't have picked them for her.

She sat down on her bed, gazing at the dried flowers in her hand. Where had they come from? Somehow, it seemed terribly important that she remember. She strained her mind, but she couldn't recall Emma or Angus being with her on that trip. But who else would have teleported her to Scotland?

"Here," a male voice flashed across her memory. She had a sudden vision of a man giving her the bouquet of heather. She couldn't see his face, but he wore a kilt, and his deep voice was laced with a Scottish accent. "To remember yer first trip to Scotland."

"Thank you," she responded, dropping the heather into her sporran. "I'll always remember this."

"Agh." She leaned forward, rubbing her brow. If this moment in Scotland was so important to remember, why was she having so much trouble recalling it?

She set the heather on her bedside table. Maybe if she kept looking at it, her memories would come back.

She had a terrible feeling she was missing something important. Her hand went to her chest again, grasping at air. There should be a necklace there. So where was it?

Leah said a cheerful good-bye to the last three patients as they teleported away with Angus, J.L., and Kyo. The Vamps were returning the cured men home, and it was taking them two trips to transport all six.

The gorgeous one hadn't come. Swallowing her disappointment, she strode to the cafeteria to eat supper with Abby.

She sat at a table next to Abby and dug into her salad. Green. The color stared up at her. Green eyes. Did the man who had given her the heather have green eyes? She frowned. Angus had green eyes, but she couldn't imagine him giving her flowers. He was totally dedicated to his wife. Could it be . . . ? "What happened to the other Vamp?"

"What other Vamp?" Abby bit into a chicken leg.

"The Scottish one with black hair and green eyes."

Abby choked, and grabbed a glass of water to drink. "Oh. Well." She wiped her watery eyes with a napkin. "There have been a lot of Vamps coming through here in the last few weeks. Some of them are staying at Tiger Town in China."

Something skittered at the edge of Leah's memory, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "This memory loss stinks."

Abby winced. "I'm sure you'll get better with time."

Leah sighed. Why did everything seem like a clue? The broken chain on the sporran. The red nightgown. The handful of heather. The phantom necklace. Green eyes. Her lack of abrasions and bruises. She felt like she had the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle but no idea what the final picture was supposed to look like.

An hour later, when Yoshi told them the Vamps had brought in new soldiers, she rushed to the clinic, hoping to see him. Angus, J.L., and Kyo were there, dropping soldiers onto stretchers.

The gorgeous one wasn't there.

A surge of loss hit her so hard that she gasped from the pain.

"Are you all right?" Abby asked her as she put one of the new soldiers into stasis.

"I-I'm fine." But she wasn't. Something was wrong. Why would she feel such a terrible loss over someone she'd never met?

Chapter Thirty-three

Five nights later, she finally spotted him. Leah's heart leaped in her chest when she saw him in the clinic. He was with the other Vamps, delivering a new set of mutated soldiers.

She studied him from the back. He was wearing pants tonight, black pants with a black sweater and jacket. His long hair was tied at the nape of his neck with a strip of leather. Knives were strapped to his legs, and a sword was sheathed on his back. He was huge, powerful, and absolutely gorgeous.

She walked up to the stretcher where he'd deposited a soldier. "Hi. I'm Leah Chin."

He stiffened. He glanced halfway toward her. "Good evening." Then he turned and strode from the room.

"What's with him?" Leah asked Abby, who was standing by the door, a pale look on her face.

"Nothing." Abby dashed over to the stretcher to put the soldier into stasis.

The other Vamps nodded at Leah and left the room.

With a sigh, she wandered over to Abby. "Why did he leave like that? Does he dislike me? Is he married?"

Abby shook her head.

"Is he gay?"

A pained look crossed Abby's face. "No."

Leah groaned inwardly. Why did her heart sing whenever she saw that man? Why did she miss him so terribly when she didn't see him? Why was she thinking about him all the time when he was a stranger?

Or was he?

"Do I know him?"

Abby winced. "I-I'm busy right now."

"Right. Sorry." Leah quickly took the vital signs on the new soldiers, then headed to the lab with their charts.

Briathos was standing in the hall, and he bowed his head as she walked by.

"Hi." She never quite knew what to say to an angel. She wasn't even sure if he was completely there. His image tended to shimmer if she didn't stare at him, and staring seemed a bit rude.

"May I be of service?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Thank you." She walked into the lab and set the charts on her worktable. The outdoor lights were on, and she spotted movement outside. She moved closer to the window.

It was him. He was standing on the bluff, looking at the sea.

This was her chance. She ran to her room, threw on her coat, hat, and gloves, then stepped out the front door.

He was gone. Dammit. She walked to the bluff. Had he teleported away?

No. There he was. On the beach. Carefully, she made her way down the icy stairs and across the pebbles. She didn't want to slip and clonk her head again.

"Hi!" She glanced up and was taken aback by the stark expression on his face. Sheesh. Was her company that bad?

"I was wondering if we'd ever met before?" She winced. Wasn't that an ancient pickup line?

"Ye may have seen me before," he answered quietly. "I work for Angus."

His voice had a deep, lyrical tone that sounded familiar. Her hand went to her chest for the phantom necklace.

He was even more gorgeous close up. Strong jaw, beautiful mouth, incredibly green eyes. A wide forehead and eyebrows that seemed so expressive. Why did he look like he was in pain? "Are you all right?"

He nodded. "How are you? Are ye happy?"

"Yes." She smiled, hoping he would smile back, but the pain in his eyes only seemed to deepen.

Her eyes lowered to his chest, and she flinched. "What - " It was a jade dragon. Her jade dragon. She winced. Why would she think that?

He grabbed the jade pendant and stuffed it underneath his sweater.

Why was he hiding it from her? She rubbed her brow. "Are you sure we haven't met?"

"I need to go now. Good evening." He strode toward the stairs, then glanced back. "Ye shouldna stay out here in the cold."

Her heart fluttered at the way he said "oot." So familiar. Why couldn't she remember?

With vampire speed, he dashed up the stairs and into the school.

She huffed, her breath vaporizing in the cold air. For a big, tough vampire, he scared off awfully easy. She turned to gaze at the dark waves crashing on the pebbly shore.

A memory flitted by. Waves crashing on a beach of golden sand, warm beneath her bare feet. The scent of flowers and tropical plants in the air. And so much love. She was full of love. And she felt so loved. She opened a small box, and inside was a pendant. The jade dragon.

The memory dissipated like a cloud of smoke, and she reached once again to hold the phantom necklace. Only this time, she knew what it should be.

He was wearing her necklace. Why?

Who was he? And why the hell couldn't she remember him?

Twelve nights he'd survived. It felt more like twelve years. Dougal had asked Angus for a transfer, but it had been refused. Angus needed him here because he could speak Chinese. A sad, pathetic part of him had wanted to stay so he could make sure Leah was happy. But each time he saw her, it was like being stabbed through the gut.

He trudged into the cafeteria to warm up a bottle of blood. Just as he pulled it out of the microwave, Abby marched up to him, glaring at him.

"It was a mistake," she whispered angrily. "You shouldn't have done it."

He groaned inwardly. "I doona want to talk about it." Even though he questioned himself constantly. Leah had been wronged by Darafer, but had he committed a second wrong to make things right?

"We have to talk about it," Abby insisted.

"She's happy. She told me she was happy. There is nothing more to say." As long as she was happy, he could tell himself he'd done the right thing. He took a swig from his bottle. "I'm leaving as soon as I finish this meal. They're expecting me in Tiger Town."

"Wait." Abby grabbed his arm. "She-she's attracted to you."

His heart squeezed in his chest. He hadn't counted on that. But he should have. No matter where they were, their souls would reach out for each other.

"If you start courting her again, I'm going to freak out," Abby said.

"I willna court her."

"This whole thing is driving me up the wall. You get to run off and hide, but I'm stuck here having to lie to her. I had to tell her she went to Scotland with Angus and Emma. I can't do it anymore!"

"Ye agreed to my decision."

"I know!" Abby dragged a hand through her hair. "I was so worried about her."

"Aye. I was desperate, too."

"But now - " Abby grimaced. "She loved you so much. It seems criminal to take that away from her."

"I had to do something. I couldna bear to see her in pain. I should have protected her, but I failed her. 'Twas my fault she was suffering."

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)