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'Til Death (Conversion #3) Page 69
Author: S.C. Stephens

Just like with other dark spots in our history, we'd get passed this and come out stronger...together...forever.

By the end of the next week, all traces of the recent hardships that my family had gone through were faded scars in the background. Still there, deep under the surface, but not noticeable to the nak*d eye. But I knew that over time they'd be faded completely and we'd be the joyous unit that we were before. It was already starting.

My children were laughing and playing, running up and down the dual staircase of the ranch, chasing Spike, blurring with speed until I reminded them not to, since a not-in-the-know human was in the house. But they were especially giddy today. We were all especially giddy today. Today was the twins' fourth birthday.

Not only was it their birthday, which to them meant tons of cake and tons of presents, but Teren had broken down and gotten them that pony. Not to keep though, just for the day, but they were still bouncing off the walls, waiting for it to get here.

When the screech of tires on gravel announced its arrival, my children bolted to the front door. Teren rustled their hair, chuckling as I held them back. We didn't need to freak out the poor man who was in charge of the animal by our excited children moving faster than humanly possible. I even had to remind Julian to pop his teeth back up, and I rarely had to do that anymore.

Alanna and Imogen tickled their bellies, making them giggle, while Teren, Hot Ben and Jack stepped out to help unload the shaggy little pony he'd lined up. Mom and Ashley were giggling with Tracey in the kitchen, busy decorating two horse themed cakes for the twins; a blue one for Julian, a red one for Nika. Ashley was sighing that Christian had really wanted to come today, but he'd gotten called into work after an explosion at a warehouse had left two firefighters badly burned. Yes, her hero helped other heroes. My sister had found a man nearly as wonderful as mine. I was over the moon for her, as was Tracey, when she finally heard that he was doctor.

In the rooms deep below the earth, I could feel Halina's silent presence sleeping the day away. I couldn't feel him or hear him, but I knew that Gabriel was down there with her. His darkly tinted sedan parked outside was one giveaway that he was at the ranch. The other two giveaways were busy with the task that I'd assigned to them - Starla and Jacen were currently stringing up streamers, banners, and other birthday decorations around every surface possible. No balloons though, nothing that would frighten Julian.

It was a pointless assignment, since Alanna had already dressed the house accordingly, but whatever I could do to try and keep Starla and Jacen from mauling each other was a good thing. I swear, since giving in to the feelings they had, the two of them were so much worse than Teren and me.

Listening to them in the living room as Starla smacked on her gum and commented on Jacen's cute ass as he tacked streamers to the wall, I rolled my eyes and smiled. Obnoxious as they could be, they were sweet too. I hoped that Gabriel could someday help the doomed mixed vampire, so Starla could have a long life with her beau. From the longing in Jacen's eyes when he stared at her, I knew he was hoping for that too.

Once the sound of a horse snorting and hooves on cement hit my ears, my kids became uncontainable. Squirming away from me and the other vampiric women, they scrambled out the front door to take a peek. I smiled and followed, happy for their happiness. I may not share in their empathic bond, but their joy today was contagious; we all had smiles on our faces.

Jack and Teren set up a small area in the closest field and the man led the horse that way. He was going to stake the animal to a pole and have the kids walk it in an endless circle, but Teren convinced him to let the animal be free. The field was fenced, so it wasn't really an issue, so the man agreed. Personally, I think Teren just didn't want Julian to see anything contained in a small space. That's all he would tell us about where he'd been held. It was small and cold. He wouldn't say anything more and we never pressed him to.

The tiny brown and white horse shook its mane, seemingly happy to have a little more freedom too. Barely coming up to Teren's waist, the creature was beyond adorable and I knew we'd be hearing about getting one every day after today from both of the kids. Who knows? Maybe we would get one for the ranch for them. While Halina had a thing for horses, she loved these kids more, and wouldn't harm anything they adored, tempted or not.

Smiling widely, Hot Ben plopped Julian onto the beast's saddle, Teren placing Nika right behind him. Jack took the reins, urging the pony into a small walk. Both kids were instantly laughing. As Teren walked beside the animal, just in case a kid fell off, I walked over to Ben.

Hands crossed over his chest, he watched Julian and Nika laugh together. When he noticed me next to him, he slung an arm over my shoulder in a brotherly way. He shivered a bit as my chill seeped into his skin. Where our bare skin touched on our arms, his even pricked with goose bumps. The reaction always surprised me a little, since I didn't feel cold. But he sure felt warm and I leaned into his side.

He smiled down at me, his face perfectly healed from the vicious blow Malcolm had given him. Luckily he'd only been bruised, not broken. Not being able to hide his appearance from his fiancee, he'd told Tracey that he'd been mugged. She'd been appropriately terrified for him, marching him to the police station and making him fill out a report. He'd hated doing it, hated lying to her and the law, but really, what else could he say? I was knocked out by a vampire in a crazy attempt to rescue the kidnapped child of my undead best friend? That wouldn't have exactly gone over well, with Tracey or the police.

"I'm glad everything worked out, Emma." He shook his perfectly highlighted head. "I can't imagine if..." He didn't finish, biting his lip and shrugging instead.

I nodded, my eyes misting. "I know...I can't either." We looked back at my pony-riding children, Teren laughing as he walked beside them. "Thank you, Ben...for everything," I whispered.

He sniffed, squeezing my shoulder. "Don't thank me, Emma. I'd do anything for you guys. You're family...and that's what family does."

Smiling, I rested my head against his shoulder. For the hundred millionth time, I could've kissed Ben.

After hours of pony enjoyment, the kids were finally shepherded into the house for way too much sugar and way too many presents. They zipped around, playing with toy cars and plastic ponies until well after the sun went down. When it did, the pureblood in the house finally emerged.

Silently slinking into the living room while we all laughed, watching the kids play, Halina came up behind Tracey and me. I knew she was there and didn't think much about it, but Tracey had no idea, and nearly jumped through the roof when Halina leaned in-between us.

"Good evening, Emma...Tracey."

She smirked at Tracey as the beautiful girl squealed and pulled back a little. Halina just loved to mess with people. I glared at her a little while she chuckled at my face. Gabriel behind her raised a corner of his lip in amusement. He seemed to find her sultry, playful ways humorous. I could only imagine what the two of them did when they were alone.

Tracey found the teenage vixen less humorous and frowned at her, her eyes darting to Ben. While we may have wiped away some of her memories, she still didn't like the provocative woman being around her man. Especially when Ben stood up and walked over to her.

Halina and Ben had come to a level of mutual respect for one another. I think they even considered each other friends. While Ben only looked like he was going to shake her hand in greeting, Halina wasn't really a...hand-shaker, and engulfed him in an embrace that made even Gabriel lift an eyebrow. Not the jealous type though, that's all the reaction that Gabriel gave. Tracey however, looked about ready to rip Halina a new one.

Starla across the room laughed at the display and popped a bubble. Below human level, she laughed out, "Nice, Grams, going for the younger boys now? I always knew you were a cougar at heart." Her arms casually flung around Jacen, she didn't look intimidated by Halina in the slightest.

Halina didn't like not intimidating people. She released Hot Ben and started to move towards the mixed that irritated her to no end, but Gabriel's arms slinked around her waist, drawing her tightly leather-wrapped h*ps back into his. "Let it go, love," he whispered. Halina melted into his body and did actually let it go.

Of course the twins darting over to her probably helped. Gabriel released her h*ps when they attached to her legs. "Grammy Lina!" they both yelled together. Teren, sitting on the other couch with my mother and sister, locked eyes with me, smiling contently at everyone being together again.

When the kids were nearly comatose from their sugar high, I got up to put them to bed. Teren stood with me, but put his hand over mine as I went to reach for Julian. Scrunching my brows, I looked up at him. He smiled at me softly, then lifted his eyes to Tracey. I followed his line of sight, even more confused. The perky blonde met his eyes, waiting expectantly with a slight furrow in her brow, seeming to not know what he wanted either.

Looking back at Teren, I watched as he smiled wider at her, tilting his head adorably. "Tracey, would you like to put the kids to bed?"

Tracey's eyes widened as her mouth burst into a huge grin. Standing, she nodded. "Yeah, if you don't mind." She shrugged while Teren shook his head and helped the sleepy kids stand up. Sneaking a peek at Ben, Tracey murmured, "I love kids."

Ben's eyes widened as that sunk in. Containing a smile, I was sure that a baby was soon to follow their wedding night...about nine months after their wedding night. Maybe sooner, if Tracey had her way. Squatting down to Julian and Nika, she ruffled their hair. "What do you say kiddos, can Auntie Tracey put the birthday boy and girl to bed?"

They both grinned and nodded and Teren and I gave them warm hugs and kisses. The scent of birthday cake lingered around them and the faintest trace of frosting lined their mouths. It still churned my stomach a little, but not as bad as before. Giving their cheeks dozens of kisses, I reminded Tracey to help them brush well. Hopefully they remembered to keep their teeth up in their tiredness. Well, if not, Halina was right on hand to mentally rewind Tracey if necessary.

Once the kids were loved on and sent out of the room, Teren twisted to face the people left behind. He smiled at each friend and family member and I sat in his spot by Mom, snuggling into her side as I waited for him to say what was obviously on his mind, something he didn't seem to want Tracey in on. I figured it was vampiric then, since everyone in the room now knew the family secret.

Mom wrapped her arm around me as Teren cleared his throat. Running a hand back through his hair, he smiled nervously. "Um, well, I wanted to talk to all of you about something...and now seems as good a time as any."

Ashley looked over to me and I shrugged, not knowing where his head was at. Teren smiled over at me, relaxing as he met my gaze. "We've been through a lot together, and one thing I've learned through all of it...is we work better together. That's how family works," he whispered to me and I smiled, remembering my words to him.

His eyes swept over the rest of the room slowly. "I really don't think we'd have gotten Julian back if..." he choked up and swallowed, trying again, "if we hadn't all been on the same page." Smiling at his parents, then Ben, then Halina and Gabriel, he shook his head. "You were all so amazing. I'm so...grateful...to each of you."

S.C. Stephens's Novels
» Untamed (Thoughtless #4)
» Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5)
» Effortless (Thoughtless #2)
» Thoughtless (Thoughtless #1)
» Collision Course
» Reckless (Thoughtless #3)
» 'Til Death (Conversion #3)
» Bloodlines (Conversion #2)
» Conversion (Conversion #1)