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Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12) Page 10
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks


“She has to be stopped, LaToya. She betrayed vampires in the worst way, and she’s killed mortals. The world would be a safer place if you help me bring her in.”

There was a pause, then LaToya finally spoke. “Can’t you find someone else? Why don’t Lara and her husband go with you?”

“Lara’s in Budapest. I told you, all the MacKay employees are across the world. There’s no one else available. I wouldn’t have called you if I wasn’t desperate.”

LaToya sighed. “I can’t take a week off work on such short notice. And frankly, I’m too busy chasing down live criminals to worry about the Undead ones.”

“She’s really bad—”

“I’m sure she is, but you need to find someone else to help you. Good luck.”

“Wait!” He stopped her from hanging up. “Look, I know you don’t like vampires, but—”

“It’s not that,” she interrupted. “I know Lara is happy with Jack, and I know she’ll eventually become a Vamp, too. It’s her life and her decision, so I’m trying to be understanding.”

“You mean you’re starting to accept Vamps?”

“I don’t want to lose Lara, so I’ve decided to accept Jack for her sake.”

Phineas bit back a sharp reply. Three years it had taken her to come this far? If she hadn’t been so damned slow, he might have had a chance with her.

“But I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” LaToya continued. “Just because I’m making an exception for Jack, it doesn’t mean I’m accepting the rest of you guys.”

“Of course not,” he gritted out.

“I’m morally opposed to the whole vampire thing.”

“You don’t have to explain. I know why you rejected me.”

“I don’t think you understand,” she said quietly. “Even if you were mortal, I wouldn’t go out with you.”

“What?” All this time he’d thought it was his Undeadness that turned her off. It wasn’t personal, he’d told himself.

LaToya huffed. “The problem is you, Phineas. I just don’t like you.”

Chapter Five

“So who do you think is the father?” Sarah asked.

Brynley shrugged and stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth. She was in the teachers’ lounge at the Dragon Nest Academy with Sarah, a mortal who taught preschool and elementary grades; Teddy, another mortal who served as headmaster and taught math and science; and Marta, Vanda’s vampire sister who worked in the office.

The vampire sisters. Brynley couldn’t see either of them without being reminded of the sister she’d had to leave behind. She missed Glynis something awful, and that just added fuel to the anger that simmered inside her. She couldn’t even call Glynis. Her father might trace the call and find her.

They were watching the soap opera All My Vampires on the Digital Vampire Network. One of the Vamps, rich and debonair Rodrigo, had a gold-digging mortal wife named Lola, and he’d just discovered she was pregnant. Since all his sperm was dead, she’d obviously cheated on him.

“Could be the pool boy,” Marta suggested.

“I hope not.” Teddy wrinkled his nose. “He’s only sixteen years old.”

Brynley shook her head as she gathered another handful of popcorn. That wasn’t too young for the Three-Step rule.

Marta used the remote control to mute a commercial for custom-made coffins. Room for two, lined with red silk, and equipped with a built-in ice chest for stashing a few bottles of Bubbly Blood.

The vampire version of a love nest, Brynley thought with a snort. She crammed more popcorn into her mouth.

“Maybe it’s the gardener,” Marta continued.

“Or the mailman.” Sarah reached for the popcorn.

Brynley passed her the bowl. “I’m not surprised she cheated on Rodrigo. Who would want to be married to a vampire? The guy is literally dead all day.”

Sarah aimed a flirtatious smile at Teddy, who sat beside her on the couch. “I definitely prefer a live boyfriend.”

He smiled back, regarding her with a look akin to worship.

True love. With an inward groan, Brynley sank deeper into her comfy chair.

Marta sipped from her bottle of Chocolood. “Not all of us asked to be vampires, you know.”

Brynley leaned her head back, frowning at the ceiling. She knew Marta and her sister, Vanda, had both been attacked and turned by a Malcontent. Same thing with Phineas. It wasn’t his fault he was a Vamp, but it still stuck in her craw.

She hated vampires. She hated the way they’d existed for centuries by seducing the innocent so they could feed off them. They were naturally seductive, damn them. Gorgeous, mysterious, powerful, charming—it was all part of their vampire allure. And these Vamp men who took on the role of superheroes, battling the forces of evil, they were even more seductive because they appeared to be good. But if she looked past the façade, she could see their true nature. They were still vampires. Parasites. Users.

And she hated users more than anything. She’d grown up surrounded by them. Werewolves who catered to her powerful father in hopes of using him, while he encouraged it so he could use them in return. It was a constant, never-ending game of deceit and manipulation, and she’d spent most of her life as an unwitting pawn, forced to exist in an atmosphere that made her feel like a helpless, trapped bargaining chip. Used.

She was alone now, alone with her anger and resentment. She’d escaped the Lycan world, but had landed in the Undead world with another group of users. They’d used her brother for years, keeping him away from his pack and his family. Keeping him away from her when she’d needed him the most. Sure, it had been Phil’s choice to remain far away from the pack. But he’d abandoned his own twin sister. He’d chosen vampires over her.

She hated them. And she hated how damned susceptible she was to vampire allure.

Especially from Phineas.

She sat up to reach for the popcorn bowl, then halted with a jerk, her gaze riveted on the television screen.

“Oh my God!” Marta set down her bottle of Chocolood. “It’s the new Blardonnay commercial! Look at Dr. Phang!”

Oh yeah, she was looking. Brynley bit her bottom lip to keep the drool from escaping. Phineas was gorgeous. Broad shoulders, bulging biceps, and corded muscles that deliciously defined his bare chest and abs. He was standing on a beach with a striped towel tied around his hips. The beach was obviously fake, but who gave a damn when Phineas was standing there, proud and defiant liked a bronze god.

“Wow,” Sarah breathed. “What a chest.”

Teddy rolled his eyes.

“Quick! Unmute it!” Brynley snatched the remote away from Marta and punched the mute button. She couldn’t miss hearing his voice.

“Hello, ladies.” Phineas’s deep voice filled the room.

An electric thrill sizzled through Brynley. Oh God, his voice could melt chocolate. It certainly left her feeling all warm and gooey.

“He’s so handsome!” Marta exclaimed.

“Shh,” Brynley hushed her so she wouldn’t miss anything he said.

“Would you care to join me on the beach?” Phineas focused his dark chocolate eyes on the camera with an intensity that made Brynley forget to breathe.

“Look at the man beside you,” Phineas continued. “Now look at me. Him? Or me?” The camera zoomed in on his chest. “Yes, ladies. You made the right choice.”

“Wow,” Sarah breathed.

“Hey.” Teddy gave her an injured look.

“He’s so hot,” Marta whispered.

“Shh,” Brynley hushed them again.

The camera pulled back to show a beautiful blonde jogging toward Phineas, her br**sts jiggling in her skimpy red bikini. “Oh yes, Dr. Phang! I want you!”

He gave her a seductive look. “Of course you do. Now look at my hand. Yes, I have the family jewels.”

The blonde gasped, then the camera jumped to Phineas’s hand. In his palm was a stash of loose diamonds and rubies.

“Oh, Dr. Phang! What lovely stones you have.”

“All for you, baby.” In a flash, the jewels were gone, and Phineas was regarding her sternly, his fists planted on his narrow hips. “What do you have for me?”

The camera shifted to a bottle clutched in her hand. “I brought your favorite drink—Blardonnay!”

Phineas smiled. “A moonlit beach, you, and Blardonnay—what more could a man want?”

“I could think of something.” The blonde leaned into him and caressed his muscular chest.

Brynley’s hands curled into fists.

“Later, baby. First, we’ll enjoy our Blardonnay, and then—” He whipped off his towel.

Marta and Sarah squealed. Brynley’s heart lurched up her throat.

He wasn’t nak*d, but the little swimsuit he had on left no doubt that the Love Doctor was truly gifted in his field of expertise.

“Oh, Dr. Phang.” The blonde’s hand drifted down his washboard abs. “Let me pop your cork.”

Phineas took the bottle from her and gazed into the camera. “Remember, ladies. If you want me, you’ll want my Blardonnay.”

Brynley dragged in a shaky breath as the commercial ended. Another one started, one for Vampos, the vampire after-dinner mint guaranteed to get rid of blood breath, and she muted it.

“I just love the Blardonnay commercials!” Marta exclaimed. “Phineas is so hot!”

Brynley clenched her jaw shut. Stay cool. Don’t let anyone know how strongly he affects you.

“He’s a nice guy, too,” Sarah added. “He helped rescue Lara and me at Apollo’s compound.”

“He sounds wonderful. And so hot!” Marta gave Brynley a sly look. “Don’t you think he’s hot?”

She squeezed the remote in her fist. Did they suspect her true feelings? “He’s a Vamp. He’s not my type.”

Marta scoffed. “Handsome, muscular hunks aren’t your type?”

She shrugged. “I’m used to werewolf guys. They’re all well built. Phineas is nothing special.”

Toni chuckled as she strode into the room. “Then you won’t mind seeing him. He’s waiting for you in the main office.”

The remote control tumbled from her hand.

Vanda grabbed it off the floor. “I’ll take care of this while you go talk to him.”

“What?” Brynley whispered in a faint voice.

“You need to talk to him.” Vanda’s mouth twitched. “You remember how to talk?”

Her mouth dropped open. Phineas was here? He wanted to see her?

“Dr. Phang is here?” Marta pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh my gosh, do you think he would give me an autograph?”

Sarah lifted a hand. “I’d like one, too.”

“He’s here for me,” Brynley snapped, then winced at the fierceness of her tone. Dammit. She was too much on edge. Her inner wolf had wakened and jumped to her defense.

She softened her voice. “I’ll ask him about the autographs.”

Kerrelyn Sparks's Novels
» The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8)
» How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (Love at Stake #1)
» Eat Prey Love (Love at Stake #9)
» Vamps and the City (Love at Stake #2)
» Vampire Mine (Love at Stake #10)
» A Very Vampy Christmas (Love at Stake #2.5)
» Sexiest Vampire Alive (Love at Stake #11)
» Wild About You (Love at Stake #13)
» Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake #3)
» The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake #4)
» How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)
» All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire (Love at Stake #5)
» Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire (Love at Stake #16)
» Secret Life of a Vampire (Love at Stake #6)
» Forbidden Nights with a Vampire (Love at Stake #7)
» Vampires Gone Wild (Love at Stake #13.5)
» The Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo (Love at Stake #14)
» Wanted: Undead or Alive (Love at Stake #12)