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Bloodlines (Conversion #2) Page 15
Author: S.C. Stephens

I noticed the details that weren't there the last time I'd visited, as Alanna started walking the group to a side hallway that led to one of the different buildings (apparently, the guests weren't staying in the main building, which was probably for the best). Alanna had set more potted roses along the banisters; the pot bases a swirled black and white marble, with faint streaks of red in them. The roses themselves alternated between deep red and a white as pure as snow...or vampire skin. The roses had been strung along the railings, so they looped around them, all the way to the top, the colors mingling beautifully. White and red pillar candles lined the edges of every single step, and when they were lit, I'd imagined that the entire staircase would glow. Even more candles and roses were spaced throughout the room, a few petals floating in the fountain, and I shook my head as we left it. It was impressive...and only the entryway.

We passed through a covered breezeway, into one of the side buildings that the vampires never really seemed to use. I suppose that they planned on eventually filling all the rooms with grandchildren - great-great-great-great-etc-grandchildren. That was one of the things about living eternally - you had to plan for events really far out there. It sort of blew my mind. I wasn't even sure what I'd be doing in the next six months, let alone the next sixty or six hundred years, although that last one wouldn't really be a problem for me, as there was no way this human girl would live that long.

Alanna showed us into a room she'd set up for Tracey and Hot Ben. They both thanked her and laid down on the bed, face first. I chuckled at our tired, hung-over friends. As Alanna left with Ashley to show her to her room, Teren laughed at Ben, smacking his feet and telling him he'd go get his bags for him. Ben muttered something about Teren being an ass, for not being even just a little hung-over too, and then started snoring. I shook my head at the still drunk looking model and his equally still drunk looking girlfriend, and wished them both a speedy recovery from last night's festivities.

Teren lickety-split got their things (which they didn't notice, both having fallen back asleep) and then rushed to get Ashley's as well. He blurred into her room, not having to hide any of his abilities from her, and she grinned and thanked him as she experimentally bounced up and down on the luxurious bed she was sitting on. Teren set down two black dress bags and cocked an eyebrow at me. I told him to not worry about it, and he grinned, knowing my dress was in one. I tilted my head as I studied the gorgeous man I was about to marry - that jet black hair and pale blue eyes, set off by impossibly sexy stubble - he was supernaturally perfect.

He leaned in to kiss me and then excused himself so Ash and I could excitedly whisper about the wedding. Alanna joined us, and after assuring me that Teren was bonding with his dad at their favorite fishing hole, I showed Alanna the dress. She oohed and aahed, and started crying pinkish tears in her joy. She hugged me again and patted my slightly larger belly, exclaiming how amazing I'd look, and how excited she was to have me join her family. As I clasped her chilly hand, I felt exactly the same.

Eventually, Tracey and Hot Ben woke from their "nap" and stumbled out to find everybody. Alanna pointed Ben to the general vicinity of where Teren was fishing with Jack, and Ben's face brightened considerably. Looking like his normal handsome self, he grabbed some spare equipment and gave Tracey a quick kiss goodbye, before following Alanna outback, to where the jeeps were located.

Tracey had taken one look out her window after resting, and knew exactly what us girls were going to do while the boys played in the chilly waters. She'd decided that we were all sipping mojitos in the hot tub. Okay, she and Ash were sipping mojitos in the hot tub. I was sipping caffeine-free Coke and dangling my feet over the edge. The doctor had told me that anything hotter than bath water wasn't good for the kids, and after all I'd gone through to get knocked up, I wasn't taking any risks.

Ash would normally never wear a suit, but she felt comfortable around Tracey and I, and super comfortable around the vamps, and gleefully changed into a very modest one piece, while Tracey changed into scraps of material that I'm sure were illegal in several States.

They ducked out to the pool while I headed to the kitchen to prepare their drinks. I could hear Tracey's exclamation when she saw it, from all the way inside. I giggled, remembering how impressed I'd been with it too when I'd first seen it. The pool area was exquisite. Flat river rocks made up a patio that seamlessly surrounded an Olympic sized pool, hot tub, and barbequing area. There just weren't enough words to describe how natural and incredible this place really was. I hoped the ranch stayed in their family forever.

Alanna joined me, after seeing Hot Ben off, and slung a cool arm around my waist as I opened the fridge to look for some beverages that humans could drink. Alanna smiled and opened a drawer above the fridge, where several bottles of alcohol were tucked away. I was a little surprised at first, until she explained that Jack liked to have a drink or two with the hired hands, and Teren used to join them sometimes, back when he could drink.

As Alanna automatically started making mojitos, having heard Tracey's request, I leaned back on the counter and watched her lightening fast hands work. "Are you guys going to be okay this weekend, Mom? I mean, you won't go hungry or anything?"

She gave me a smile that I'd used her preferred form of address without having to correct myself, and then looked back to her work. "Of course, dear. We have ways to eat secretly."

I worried my lip and looked out the window, to where I could see the rolling hills full of herds of cattle. "Yeah, well, I really appreciate all of the trouble that you've all gone to."

She stopped and placed a hand on my shoulder, her youthful face warm and open. "It's no trouble, Emma. You're family." My hand automatically went to my stomach and her eyes tracked the movement. With a small smile, she shook her head. "That's not what makes you family, sweetheart." I tilted my head, but she continued, that warm smile never leaving her. "You have my son's heart...that's what makes you family."

She removed her hand and picked up a tray to put the drinks on. I felt my eyes water at her statement. That feeling only intensified with her next one. Picking up the tray, she shook her head again. "You have no idea how long he looked for you."

I swallowed, a tear falling down my cheek anyway. "Probably as long as I looked for him."A goofy grin broke out on my face, along with more tears, and I silently cursed my hormonal body. My current state didn't mix well with those darn emotional vampires.

Alanna had pink tears in her eyes too, and she gave me a swift hug with her free arm. Both of us swiping our eyes, we headed out to the back. Seeing the area for myself, I gasped and felt my mouth drop open. A large, white wedding tent had been stretched out between the two buildings and dozens, no, hundreds of twinkling lights were strung underneath the canvas. Outdoor heaters had been set up around the perimeter, waiting to warm up the humans that would be bothered by a chilly December evening, and a Plexiglas floor had been constructed over the pool, effectively creating a huge open area where once only swimming had taken place. You could see the calm water under that glass, highlighted by blue underwater lamps. Walking on that glass, it would seem like you were walking right on top of the water.

Dozens of balloons in reds, whites and black were tied off at the four corners of the massive tent, and to every available surface around the patio. Candles and roses, also in the weddings colors, made up nearly every other flat surface. Tables lined the area on the edges of the pool and the pool-floor itself was already set up with rows upon rows of awaiting folding chairs. The far end of the tent held a low bench with candles and roses and a wooden arch directly over it was draped in the twining flowers. I blinked away more tears as I realized what I was looking at - the spot where Teren and I would be married.

Feeling Alanna's encouraging pat on my back, I closed my mouth and muttered something along the lines of "it's beautiful". It was all new, too - none of this had been here when we'd visited last weekend. The hot tub was behind the tent, and as the sides of the canopy were tied open, I could see through it, to where Tracey and Ash were laughing in the massive tub of near boiling water.

Tracey noticed me walking up and exclaimed, "Isn't this amazing, Emma!" She shook her head in open delight. "Your wedding is going to be so beautiful." Her eyes misted as she said that, and I saw a brief moment of wistfulness pass her features. I started to wonder if she and Hot Ben would get through this weekend without "the talk".

As I took off my shoes and rolled up my pant legs, Alanna handed the girls their drinks. I watched Tracey, amused, as she took it and cautiously took a sip. She had to still be hurting some from last night. As the searing water hit my feet, I sighed contently. Alanna finished by handing me my Coke, and then cocked her head to the side, listening. I strained, but didn't hear what her super ears could. Tracey took no notice about it, but Ashley watched her as intently as I did.

She smiled at me. "I'll be back to check on you girls in a bit."

The day was cold but clear, and a flash of sunlight played on her dark hair as she turned to leave. I wanted to ask her what it was, but she couldn't really explain it in front of Tracey anyway, so I didn't ask. I would just have to trust the vampires.

As I was banging my legs against the back of the tub and reveling in the mixture of chilly air and hot water, I started to truly relax. Everything was going perfectly...and everything would. This weekend was going to be fabulous. And I was going to come out of it...an Adams.

The cause of Alanna's earlier distraction became apparent when maybe ten or fifteen minutes later, my mom showed up in the backyard. I bounded up to greet my mom, as Alanna excused herself to get her something to drink. I also knew that Alanna needed to back inside, away from the bright sun. She could be outside for stretches, but it did eventually get uncomfortable for her.

"Mom, you're here!" I exclaimed, hugging the plump woman tight. Mom hadn't been going to show up until tomorrow morning, giving us "kids" a chance to celebrate alone.

She grinned and hugged me back. "Yeah, I ducked out of work early. I know you're having a bonding friend moment," she pulled back to look at me, tears in her eyes, "but I wanted my girl."

I shook my head, tears in my eyes as well. "It's fine. I'm glad you came." I felt the tears slide down my cheeks and thought that maybe the vampires weren't the only emotional ones. "I'm so glad you're here." I nearly sobbed that and rolled my own eyes.

Mom only sniffled and then laughed. Pulling apart from me, she swiped her eyes. "You're a little emotional, aren't you?" Everyone laughed at that, me included.

Swiping my eyes, I muttered, "Yeah, darn pregnancy."

Mom patted my stomach, a broad smile on her face. "And that only gets worse."

I sighed and then hugged her again. A little while later, Tracey and Ash had had enough of the steamy water and scrambled out of the tub and into thick, warm robes. Mom looked around the fairytale like backyard and kept muttering, "It's so beautiful, Emma."

I nodded, agreeing with her, and showed her the areas of the house I could, while Tracey and Ash changed back into regular clothes. She was amazed at the glass walled living room that had a spectacular view of Mount Diablo. And she gaped at the stone fireplace, the stones along the flue meticulously positioned in such a way that they resembled a flame. But those reactions were nothing to the reaction I got when I showed her the kitchen.

S.C. Stephens's Novels
» Untamed (Thoughtless #4)
» Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5)
» Effortless (Thoughtless #2)
» Thoughtless (Thoughtless #1)
» Collision Course
» Reckless (Thoughtless #3)
» 'Til Death (Conversion #3)
» Bloodlines (Conversion #2)
» Conversion (Conversion #1)