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Bloodlines (Conversion #2) Page 19
Author: S.C. Stephens

I hugged him tight after he said that, my temporary anger gone. "You did, Teren. You terrified me."

He murmured that he was sorry again, his voice thick with the need to sleep, and I hugged him tightly, needing him close, even if he was slipping from consciousness. When I again was sure he was asleep, I playfully muttered, "I wonder why Halina got to be the lucky one? You guys draw straws or something?"

He chuckled in my arms, still awake. "No, she just wouldn't have been able to tolerate it like us, so it wasn't an option for her." I pulled back, surprise in my face.

He looked over my expression, his eyes lighting the distance between us in the dark room. He shrugged. "The side affect of food is less severe for us than for her. Her full vampire body doesn't react...as well."

My mouth dropped open at that. As well? I didn't think him spouting blood all over the bathroom floor was exactly "well". It was worse for Halina? How much worse could it get? He sighed, taking in my stricken face, and shrugged again. "She probably would have lost it at the table."

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. Yes...that would have been worse.

Teren was still asleep when I woke up the next morning. He looked better, as I watched the sunlight flash on his dark hair. His face didn't look so pale anymore and he didn't have any circles under his eyes anymore. No sign of fatigue was with him at all as he slept beside me. I shifted on my side to watch him, suddenly realizing that this was the last morning I'd wake up beside my boyfriend. Tomorrow morning, he'd be my husband.

He was a stone still sleeper: no fidgeting, no fussing, no snoring. Looking at him closer as he laid on his stomach, his head angled towards me, I realized he wasn't even breathing. Curious, I put my hand in front of his face. Nope, nothing. No breath at all. It was eerie, and too reminiscent of when he'd died, and I pulled my hand away.

"What are you doing?" he muttered, his eyes still closed.

I laughed and ran a hand through his hair. A smile cracked his face, the still look finally leaving him as he woke up. "Just seeing if you were alive." I giggled at my own joke and he peeked up at me, his pale eyes amused.


I giggled again and sat up on my elbow. "I just never noticed that you don't breathe when you sleep." I shrugged. "It's kind of creepy."

He stirred, inhaling a deep breath, obviously just for show, and then stretched out before propping himself up on his elbow, facing me. "That is just what every man wants to hear on his wedding day." He grinned crookedly at me and leaned in.

I obliged him, and leaned in to meet him, pressing my lips to his. His slight warmth from his shower last night had worn off, and he was cool again. I tried to not think about that awful moment, of finding him in a pool of his own blood, and I instead focused on the miraculous things he could do with his mouth. He scooted closer to me as I let my memories fade, until his cool body was along the length of mine under the sheets. His hand reached out to pull my elbow out from under me and I gasped as I fell back to the bed. He was on top of me in a flash, still kissing me intently, purposefully.

Gently pushing him back, I playfully muttered, "What do you think you're doing?"

His hands slid over my body as his mouth shifted to my ear. "I really thought you'd have that figured out by now."

I laughed huskily and pushed him away when his mouth drifted back to mine. "We can't have sex before we get married, Teren."

He pulled back, looking normal and healthy, and...incredulous. His hand rested on my stomach and he gently squeezed while cocking an eyebrow. "Really?" His voice matched his disbelieving eyes and I clearly got the implication - 'what does it matter, if I've already knocked you up?'

I laughed and shifted my body out from under his. Standing, I stole the sheet and demurely wrapped it around myself. He frowned at me and made no move to shield his bare body with the remaining covers. I bit my lip as I took in the sight of him, but made my body stay where it was. "Yes, really. We may have done things backwards, but we'll at least do the wedding night the right way.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and he finally softly smiled and scooted over to me, covering himself in the process. "Alright, love." He said, after kissing my cheek.

He looped a lock of hair behind my ear, and I again thought of being this man's wife. Immediately after that thought, the image of him in blood returned to me. I frowned, wishing I could keep that one away. He frowned too, and I tried to fix my face back to happiness. He'd seen it though. "What's wrong?" His knuckle stroked my cheek as he looked over my face.

I could feel my eyes water as I gazed at him, and hated that I was nearly crying already. "I'm just glad you're okay," I whispered.

He sighed and pulled me to him. "I'm sorry I worried you. I'm fine...we're all fine." He pulled us down into the bed, lying on his back and wrapping me securely to his chest. I heard my heart through his body and made myself believe it was his.

My worries left me as peace flooded me. He held me for what felt like an eternity. It probably would have lasted for an eternity too, except he cocked his head and then started chuckling, covering his body more securely with the bedding between us. I raised my head, curious, but he only grinned and shook his head.

Just as I was going to ask him what was going on, our door busted open. I gasped in surprise and clutched the sheet wrapped around me even tighter as Tracey and Ashley bounded into our bedroom. Teren didn't even flinch, and I had to assume he'd either heard them coming.

Feeling every spot of skin on me heating, I sat up and glared at the two of them. "We could have been hav**g s*x, you guys!"

Ashley blushed and giggled, looking away, but Tracey pouted and looked at Teren like he'd completely let her down. "I know," she muttered gloomily, and I thought that she'd actually been hoping for that. Teren laughed at the look on her face and snuggled farther into the bed, slipping his arms under his head. I was pretty sure he wouldn't have let us get caught like that, not with those super ears of his, although, sometimes he did get a little...lost in the moment.

"Good morning, girls," he said brightly, looking completely relaxed and comfortable, even though I knew he was probably a touch embarrassed, and if his skin could still do it, he'd probably be blushing slightly.

Ashley giggled and greeted him and Tracey gave him a sly grin, probably picturing the thick quilt over the top of him being gone. I rolled my eyes, kind of wanting to smack her, but then she grabbed my hand and helped me pick out some clothes for my big day, while Ashley sat down on the bed.

Teren and Ashley watched me get dressed under the sheet, managing to slip my clothes on without ever revealing my nak*d body (an art form that really, only girls have mastered) and then Ashley turned to Teren on the bed.

"Are you feeling better?" she politely asked him.

I caught the curiosity in her voice, she had to be wondering what could possibly make a vampire not feel well, but Tracey didn't seem to catch it, asking Teren before he could answer Ashley, "Yeah, you getting cold feet or something?"

I inadvertently laughed - Teren's feet were actually very cold - and he shook his head at me and Tracey before answering my sister, his tone just as polite as hers had been, "I feel much better, thank you."

When I was dressed, I leaned over him, kissing him firmly, before I had to leave him for the afternoon. Finally, a giggling Tracey and Ashley pulled me off of him. All of us laughing as they held me back, I playfully told him, "I guess I'll see you later. Don't be late."

He grinned and shook his head as the girls literally pulled me through the door. Once in the hallway, I heard him respond with, "I wouldn't dream of it."

Several steps down the hall, the giggling girls finally let go of my arms, seemingly assured that I wouldn't rush back into that gorgeous, nak*d man's arms. I was tempted to do just that, but laughing along with them, I let them drag me down the gracefully curving dual staircase to the kitchen.

Holding hands with my two best human friends, we came across my two moms. My plump mother was humming to herself as she scrambled a pan of eggs on a ceramic burner. Her grin was a wide one as she worked, and her brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. I shook my head, thinking my mom was in hog heaven here. My second mother, Alanna, was frying up a batch of bacon, the maple smell mixed with the telltale hiss of frying grease, making my mouth water. I prayed my stomach stayed down today.

Alanna looked up a second after my mother, and they both nearly greeted me in unison, "Good morning, Emma."

Feeling giddy and anxious and eager for today, I giggled as I sat on a stool at the center island. Ashley and Tracey each sat on stools beside me, the chairs creaking merrily as they twisted them back and forth experimentally.

"Good morning, everyone," I said chipperly, sort of feeling like a Disney princess, especially since Tracey had made me put on my fuzzy white slippers with the word bride on the front of each in big, black script. She'd wanted to buy me the matching jacket too, but I'd put my foot down on that one.

Mom beamed at my enthusiasm, her eyes starting to mist already, and Alanna next to her gave me a warm greeting. I eyed her more carefully than I had my mom, to see if any of her lingering sickness was still with her. But her skin was the normal olive color it always was, her pale blue eyes showed only happiness, and her perfect, lineless face was only giving me a warm look of reassurance. I was sure that if I could have asked her how she was, she would have shaken her head and told me that she'd never felt better.

Just as I was about to ask her anyway, Tracey popped up beside me. "Teren's got amazing Pecs, does he work out a lot?"

Ashley giggled into her palm while my mom gave Tracey a blank look, probably wondering when she'd seen Teren's chest. I smacked Tracey across the arm as Alanna softly chuckled and studied the bacon she was cooking. Tracey made an offended noise and looked at me, confused. "What? I'm just saying...he's deceptively defined." She shrugged and ran a hand through her long, blonde locks. Her lip turned up into a wry grin. "That's not a bad thing."

I closed my eyes and shook my head, picturing Teren busting up laughing in our room right about now. There was just no way he hadn't heard her. Alanna pretty much confirmed that for me, by glancing upstairs and smiling widely. Shaking her head, she went back to cooking her bacon. I shifted the conversation by asking what the plan was for today. Mom shook off her confusion at Tracey's knowledge of Teren's body (her absolutely correct knowledge), and started animatedly going over her plan to help Alanna prepare all of the food for the guests.

My jaw dropped at that. They were going to spend all day cooking for, at last count, one hundred and fifty people? Alanna chuckled and assured me that most of the food was already prepared and in the freezer, they simply had to heat them up. They were going to spend today preparing the "finger foods" - cookies, dips, mini-sandwiches, and various forms of pastries. That not sounding like any fun to me, I wished her and Alanna well.

As the girls and I dug into the steaming plate of food Alanna set before us, I began to wonder how I'd pass the time today. The nervous energy in my body was only building, and the actual ceremony wasn't until seven o'clock at night, well after dark, so Halina and Imogen would have a chance to fully enjoy the festivities. As the still steaming eggs burnt my tongue with my excited food shoveling, I started to think that maybe I should find a more constructive way to taper off this feeling. Besides, I couldn't spend all day eating. I did have a dress to fit into tonight. Unfortunately, the only other things I was coming up with, involved Teren's aforementioned Pecs, and while that would be wildly entertaining for me, it sort of left the other members of my wedding party out.

S.C. Stephens's Novels
» Untamed (Thoughtless #4)
» Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5)
» Effortless (Thoughtless #2)
» Thoughtless (Thoughtless #1)
» Collision Course
» Reckless (Thoughtless #3)
» 'Til Death (Conversion #3)
» Bloodlines (Conversion #2)
» Conversion (Conversion #1)