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Bloodlines (Conversion #2) Page 34
Author: S.C. Stephens

I spent the next few days keeping close to home and close to Teren. Tracey noticed my behavior and asked if everything was alright. I assured her that it was, that I was just exhausted from the pregnancy and wanted to sleep more than anything. Which was true, I just found sleeping difficult. There is nothing quite like your supernatural husband telling you that someone is stalking him, and subsequently you, to make sleeping soundly near impossible. I tossed and turned at night while he whispered in my ear that he heard nothing, that I was safe.

I tried to take that to heart. He wasn't exactly easy to sneak up on and he'd never let anyone harm me, but he wasn't infallible either. When Hot Ben came over a few nights later, I thought we looked similarly exhausted now. He asked Teren to, yet again, wipe him, and for the first time, Teren seemed to think maybe he should. Ben had lost a good ten pounds in his stress and had deep circles under his eyes now. I'd heard that he and Tracey hadn't spoken in nearly a week as his constant fear had put the brakes on their relationship.

I hated that, but found I understood Ben's fear. I was constantly looking over my shoulder now too. While Hot Ben was explaining to Teren that he saw something move faster than humanly possibly (which may have been true or not), I made the mistake of telling him about Teren's worry that someone was watching us. Ben latched on to that and we spent an entire evening going over what could possibly be hunting us. I was convinced it was another sanctimonious do-gooder with a stake and a vendetta, Hot Ben was convinced it was a werewolf.

As Teren ushered Ben out for the evening, walking him to his car, he whispered to me, "I'll call Halina tomorrow night." I sighed, thankful that at least Ben's life would get back on track. He could probably still repair things with Tracey, although she was still convinced he was sleeping with Halina. Picturing Hot Ben returning to his normally easy going self, I started thinking that maybe Halina could mind wipe me too? Just about the stalker thing, just so I could sleep. But, I knew that hiding from the problem didn't make it any less of a problem, and I should be aware, just so I could be extra cautious if anything. Still, it was a tempting thought, knowing I didn't necessarily have to remember. Maybe I'd have her take the memory of Carrie too.

The next night Teren and I had gone out to eat at a nearby restaurant (well, I ate, Teren watched, ordering food for himself but letting me eat it, since I could pack away a deceptive amount now) when we'd decided to take a detour to the gym to tell Hot Ben the news. Tracey had told me this morning that he was subbing the kickboxing class tonight. She hadn't been excited about that, but had decided to go anyway, not wanting their estrangement to ruin her routine. I ran into her in the lobby after class and explained that we were going out with Ben. She looked over at him talking to Teren after I said that and glared. I asked if she wanted to come, knowing what her answer would most likely be, and she predictably shook her head no. They hadn't been out together in a while and she had no desire to see him until he could explain some things to her. I gave her a swift hug, hoping that, if anything, at least their relationship would be better after tonight.

Ben walked in-between us as we made our way to our cars behind the gym. I took in his workout shorts and sweaty hair and sighed, sort of missing working out; I hadn't been to the gym since my body had seriously started expanding outward. Teren heard my sigh and looked over at me, giving me a small, sad smile. He knew it was time to release this burden from Hot Ben, but he was still reluctant to do it.

Ben stared at our surroundings, not noticing anything other than the threat that being out in the open posed. His antsy energy as he looked from car to car, from light to tree, started infecting my antsy energy. I started looking around too, a little scared that something was going to jump out at us. Teren's plan was to drive Hot Ben to our house and then call Halina. I think he hoped that he could take the short time it would take Halina to arrive, to convince Ben that knowing was a good thing. That he should consider keeping his memories, and that he really didn't need to be so afraid.

As we approached the side parking lot where the employees of the gym parked, even I noticed the emptiness of the enclosed space. It was blocked in on three sides by high concrete walls and as we walked in, it started to feel sort of claustrophobic. Ben felt it too, wrapping his light jacket tighter around his firm body as he seemingly tensed every muscle.

Teren glanced around the area, but didn't appear concerned. I relaxed that he wasn't. Of all of us, he would have the most accurate senses. He walked Hot Ben to his car, explaining that he wanted to do this at our place and Ben should follow us over there. Ben looked a little disappointed, like maybe it could just happen right now in the parking lot. Eventually he seemed happy that at least it was happening tonight though, and resigned that he'd have to see Halina again, for it to happen.

While Teren was talking to Ben at his car, he started tilting his head and listening to something other than Ben. That worried me some. It worried me even more when he stopped talking mid-sentence and closed his eyes. Alarm shooting through my body, I watched him raise his head to the sky and slowly shake it. He muttered, "Damn it," right at the same time Ben and I asked what he heard.

Looking annoyed, Teren turned, right as someone hopped up effortlessly onto the six foot wall behind us. Hot Ben scrambled backward s a few steps while I inhaled a quick, scared breath. Teren only sighed and shook his head. "I thought you'd linger by the wharf for a few more hours."

The dark form on the wall, dark except for the faintly glowing eyes, jumped down into a pool of light and I exhaled in relief - Ben did not, backing up another step. Halina strolled into the lot, her dark hair mildly lifting in the breeze. Her short skirt had shifted higher up her thighs from jumping up on the wall and she did absolutely nothing to change how much skin she was showing. She languidly strolled towards Teren, her eyes focused on Ben a few steps behind him. When Teren sighed and put his hands on his hips, she brought her attention back to her great-grandson.

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I finished my meal early. Thought I'd come say hi." I cringed, knowing what her "meal" had consisted of, and I watched Hot Ben do the same. His haggard face paled even more as Halina threw him a crooked grin. Directly at Ben she said, "Are you interested to know which lowlife will no longer be bothering your kind?" Ben sputtered and backed up a step as Halina started to walk past Teren to follow him. Grinning ear to ear she added, "I believe he was on one of your most wanted lists."

Teren grabbed her elbow as she walked past. "That's enough," he whispered harshly as she snapped her eyes back to his. She glared at him, probably still a little irritated at the whole Carrie thing, but finally left Ben alone.

Pushing aside the fact that she'd just admitted to killing someone, I walked up to her as genially as I could. She turned her head to me at my approach, her gaze softening as her pale eyes rested on my stomach before flicking up to my face. "We're glad to see you, Halina. We were just going to call you when we got back home. We need you to do something for us."

She tilted her head at me while Teren frowned. I gave him an apologetic look as I'd just confessed that we needed her help. Teren had been secretly hoping that he wouldn't have to call her tonight. He was still hoping Ben would come around. Left to his own devices, I think Teren would "hope" Ben into an early, stress-filled grave.

"Call me? Why? Did you find her?" She immediately grabbed my arm, her eyes intensifying in the orange parking lot light around us.

I shook my head, carefully removing her clenched hand from my arm. "No, we haven't heard from Carrie." Truly, we hadn't been looking either. Teren was content to let that go and I was content to never think about her again. Even Tracey had finally stopped asking me if I was okay with her revelation. As Halina's face scrunched in disappointment, I nodded my head back at Hot Ben. "For him...he doesn't want to know anymore."

I heard Teren sigh and watched his head slump, but Ben took another step back as Halina's gaze fell solely on his again.

"Do you now? Shrugging free from where Teren still held her, she walked around a suddenly immobile Ben. He stiffened and jutted his chin out defiantly as she walked in a circle around him, lightly trailing a finger over his body as she did. Knowing how intimidating that could be, I felt some major sympathy for Ben, especially when she leaned in, her hand shifting to his more...private areas. He inhaled and froze, too terrified to do anything else.

"You don't want to remember? Do you realize all the wonderful things we could do together, before I make you forget?" Ben started lightly shaking as her hand gently squeezed. "I could make you scream, and you wouldn't even remember it."

Before I could tell her to knock it off, she was suddenly sitting on her ass. I blinked, not seeing the actual move that had gotten her there, but with Teren standing over her, looking sort of pissed off, I could only imagine that he'd had enough of her teasing and had finally stepped in. Ben hunched over on his knees, cupping himself with one hand while muttering thanks, as he tried to get his breathing back to normal.

Halina looked up at Teren, pure shock on her face. I got the feeling that Teren had never physically stopped her torments before. I had no idea how she'd react. I knew they loved each other, but I was pretty sure Halina would rip Teren a new one if she felt he needed it, especially without the other vampires there as witnesses. And even though Teren was strong, I knew Halina could throw him through a brick wall without breaking a sweat.

Not knowing what I could do, only hoping that Halina wouldn't hurt me, or more appropriately, the twins inside me, I took a step towards them.

Keeping their eyes locked on each other, Halina humanly slow stood up, her youthful face looking like the petulant teenager she pretended to be. With Teren not backing down from her gaze, he slowly spat out, "I said...enough."

As I took another step towards them, Halina slowly started to bring her hands up to Teren's chest. He didn't react, only kept up the stare down they were having. I was pretty sure once she touched him, Teren was going to end up in the next county. I could just barely discern Teren bracing his body and thought maybe he was aware of that too.

I was standing right next to her, as her fingertips just brushed over his shirt. I heard Ben say Teren's name in warning and I mentally braced myself to grab the female vampire, to stop her from flinging my husband a town over, somehow. My hand was just on her arm, her hands just on his chest, when both vampires suddenly looked over at the wall that separated the gym parking lot from the accountant's parking lot next door. That wall was around five feet high and brick, just like the back wall. I stared at it as well as the vamps, the hairs on my neck sticking straight out at what had grabbed their attention from the tension that had been escalating between the two of them.

That feeling of unease only amplified as they moved as one. Halina took a protective position in front of Ben and me, slightly crouched for action as a low growl rumbled from her throat. Teren stepped a few paces in front of her, also assuming a protective position, only he was protecting all of us. I clasped Ben's hand as we hid behind Halina, and Teren's familiar rumble joined with hers.

S.C. Stephens's Novels
» Untamed (Thoughtless #4)
» Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5)
» Effortless (Thoughtless #2)
» Thoughtless (Thoughtless #1)
» Collision Course
» Reckless (Thoughtless #3)
» 'Til Death (Conversion #3)
» Bloodlines (Conversion #2)
» Conversion (Conversion #1)