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Bloodlines (Conversion #2) Page 51
Author: S.C. Stephens

As I ran a hand through my hair and down my suddenly dry throat, I heard Halina's curious voice across from me. "It's so fascinating. Just him coming closer to you, drives you into a frenzy." I heard her plop her elbows on the table, but didn't crack my eyes open to look. "And he feels it too, so it's not the pregnancy." I heard her sit back in her chair as she continued to speculate. "It has to be the blood. It has to be because he spawned you."

Near panting now, I finally opened my eyes and looked over at her. She had her head tilted to the side as she watched me struggle for control. "Why...would that...do this?" I got out between shallow breaths.

She shrugged, her brow bunched. "I don't know. I didn't exactly keep my creator around long enough to ask." She grinned coldly and I shuddered, remembering that she had ended his life shortly upon him turning her. She'd never wanted this life. She'd let him know that.

While I was wrestling with controlling the buildup in me, Halina spoke in an oddly serious voice. "I know that I may seem...standoffish to you at times, but I do care about your fate, about the children's fate." My eyes widened at her rare sincerity, especially towards me. Her pale eyes took in my startled expression. She shook her head, her youthful eyes sad. "But...I'm not human anymore, Emma, and I haven't been for a long time. And while the others may share some of my traits, none of them truly understand what being pureblood means. The constant desires I push back. The alieness I feel inside of me..."

Her voice trailed off as she looked away from me. My body started shifting two different ways, desire and anxiousness over Teren approaching, sympathy and compassion for the reluctant vampire before me. As my breath increased even more with my struggle, her eyes slid back to me. "If you make it through this, I pray for your sake, that you end up more like Teren...and less like me."

I thought to reply to that, but instead, my head snapped around to the hallway leading to the front door when I felt Teren hit the driveway. Before I knew it, I was standing, my chair knocked over from where I'd streaked upright. Halina laughed and walked over to fix it. I glanced at her, at all the traces of her previous comments gone and the return of her sultry self, but the fire in my body was taking over too quickly to worry about her anymore.

Whimpering in frustration, I let my hands trail over my body, trying feebly to end the ache. It didn't do anything, but it gave my restless body something else to concentrate on while I waited. This is when it got really bad, when he was super close. I got the feeling that if something or someone detained one of us right now, I would literally explode. It would not be pretty.

Luckily, none of the vamps here were going to try and halt our connection. They knew better. I streaked to the parking lot when I felt him pull up, Halina darting ahead of me to open the damn door.

I was at the side of the newly repaired Prius before he'd even shut it off. I yanked on the door, accidently pulling a hinge off with my revved up strength, and pulled him out of the car. He was on me in a flash - hands, lips, tongues - I was practically crawling over him as the magnets inside us completed the circuit, our bodies all the more energized for it.

Knowing he'd promise to not stop this, I started tugging at clothing. I heard the buttons of his shirt pop off as I ripped it open. A low growl escaped his chest as his hands tangled in my wild-in-the-slight-breeze hair.

A few feet away from where we were mauling each other, I heard Teren's other car door open. I heard a foot crunch onto the gravel and the smell of aftershave and body wash hit me. As I pulled Teren's ruined shirt off his shoulders, I heard a startled voice say, "Um...guys?"

Wanting privacy, I jumped up, swinging my legs over so Teren would catch me in his arms. Luckily for me, he did. "Bed," I muttered, in the one second break between our kisses.

He grunted some sort of response and then he was moving, streaking us upstairs, to finally relish this heat, instead of pushing it away.

As the world rushed by, my super hearing heard Hot Ben mutter, "What the hell was that?"

As Teren kicked in our door, breaking the frame, I heard Halina reply with, "That's just how they say hello now."

Teren set me down by the bed and we started ripping off clothes. Panting, I finished tearing off his outfit. Literally. I ruined everything he'd been wearing. Between our erotic noises, I whispered, "She's right, we never say hello anymore."

Finished peeling off my clothes, his lips attached to my neck. "Hello," he muttered into my skin, before he dragged his tongue up to my ear.

Letting out a husky laugh, I heard Hot Ben enter the house and say to Halina beside him, "It was weird. You should have seen him in the car, it was like he wanted to tear the seat to pieces, he was so antsy. He wouldn't even talk to me, wouldn't even drive me home."

Teren's body, nak*d before me, pressed into me and I groaned loudly. Not loud enough for a still confused Ben, but loud enough for the others. Halina laughed as she responded to him. "Yes, she's like that too. It's very entertaining."

Teren laid me down on the bed harshly, not hard enough to hurt our children, but rough enough that I bounced on it. He was laying beside me in a flash, his cool, hard body along the side of mine, igniting me. "You were gonna rip apart the seats?" I breathily asked him, turned on even more by the image.

His hand slipped down between my thighs and I groaned again. "You have no idea. I couldn't wait to get home to you. I couldn't get here fast enough." His breath cool in my ear electrified me. His fingers running up and down my slick skin brought me right to the brink.

"Me too," I moaned as his finger dipped inside me, taking me right over the brink. I cried out and clutched his hair tight.

As my ecstatic groans died off, I heard Ben say, "So...what are they doing now?"

As Teren's cool mouth darted down to replace his fingers, and another loud cry echoed throughout the room as a second orgasm instantly hit me, I heard Halina laugh and tell him, "Guess."

Ben laughed as well as I came down off my second high. Teren flipped me to my side, coming up behind me. As my stomach was generally in the way when we faced each other, this was how we could be the closest. His chest rested against my back and I felt the rumble of a growl through my skin. I turned my head to him, my fangs extending as I lost control on them, but he kissed me anyway. He lifted my leg up around his hip and swept a hand down to my core again, prepping me for him.

He dropped his head to my shoulder, his fangs prickling my skin as he dragged them across me teasingly. I panted as he brought me right back to the edge again, it really didn't take much at this point. The energy buzzing between us was intensifying everything we naturally felt for each other, and not really caring about anything but being with him, I let out a loud cry when he removed his fingers and entered me. Then he was plunging deep and hard, grunting with each thrust. He grabbed my hip as he rocked me back and forth, pulling me closer, deeper. I bent forward a bit, away from him, allowing him to go as deep as he could. He gasped and muttered my name.

Careful not to hurt me, but plunging harder, faster, and even deeper, he let out more noises than he usually did. He was animalistic, ravaging me with the beast within, not reigning in his vampiric nature like he usually did. His unrestraint drove me to madness, and I blocked out Halina telling Ben that we were, "About to bring the house down."

My hand clenched the sheets in front of me as he continued pounding into me. The passion between us only escalated, until he finally growled deep and slowed his hips, coming in me. Feeling that release, hearing him groan in the most erotic way, I came again too - a particularly hard and particularly long one. Third time's a charm.

We rode out the sensation in tiny hip movements and bursts of staggered breaths. Eventually, he stopped moving completely and sagged against my back. Heart racing, breath heavy, I sagged against him too. He removed himself and laced his arms around me, burying his head in my neck. "I love you," he muttered.

I could only grunt a series of sounds that sort of sounded like I love you too. He chuckled and snuggled into me, reaching over me for the covers we'd shucked aside in our haste. I sighed as the thick warmth enveloped me, protected me from the chill of his extremities. His core, the part that had been actively rubbing up against me, that was quite warm.

As our breaths returned to normal, the intense energy dissipating, I heard an ongoing conversation that I'd managed to block out as things had gotten a little...intense, at the end.

"...so she started chucking things at him! It was hilarious." I heard Hot Ben sigh and Halina laugh.

I twisted my head to Teren. "The vampire chucked things at you?"

He sighed and kissed my shoulder. "Yeah, she took one look at me and knew exactly who I was." I twisted around to him and he shook his head. "See, Great-Gran knew the vampire's boyfriend-"

I cut him off, Alanna already having explained the dramatics to me. "They told me." I shook my head as I looked over his face, his hair rumpled, but perfect. "I told them she'd know who you were."

He raised an eyebrow at that and I heard Halina mumble, "We can't help it if we're unforgettably attractive."

Teren rolled his eyes and looked down at the floor. "Well, she definitely remembered you. You may want to stay out of Santa Rosa for awhile...or maybe even the State."

Halina snorted. "She should get over it. I mean, if you think about it, I did the cow a favor."

Teren sighed and snuggled back into my skin. "Right," he muttered, just as Ben asked, "What did you say, Halina?"

I grinned and laughed at the fact that I was now privy to all these secret conversations. Well, the ones I was awake enough to hear anyway. Just as I was about to ask Teren what had happened, and maybe berate him for not telling me the entire situation before he went over there, I heard Hot Ben continue with, "Yeah, she went off on him for like twenty minutes...but then, this big vamp showed up. Things got a little hairy after that."

Teren sighed and rolled onto his back. I twisted all the way around to face him. "What happened?" I asked, my hands running over his chest.

He looked over at me, his brows bunched. "He defended his girl's honor, knocked me around a little."

I sat up on an elbow and gaped at him. From downstairs, I heard a deep growl coming from Halina and Ben asking her if she was okay. Teren sat up with me, a hand going around my neck. "I'm fine. He didn't even leave a mark." He smirked at that and showed me his bare body. I frowned, knowing any "mark" would have healed by now anyway. That didn't mean he hadn't been hurt.

He sighed and rested his head against mine. "I'm fine." He pulled back, his fingers running through my hair. "Eventually, I got them talking to me, explained what I was looking for." He sighed, his pale eyes flicking over my face, his own suddenly apologetic. He shook his head. "They didn't know anything." He sighed again and looked down at the floor, at Halina. "Nothing about others like me anyway. They had another name." He looked back up at me. "Another nest of purebloods." He shrugged. "But that's it."

I exhaled a held breath and shaking my head, pulled him into me for a tight hug. My arms around his neck ran through his hair, pulling his head into me. I never wanted to let him go. I closed my eyes and bit back the tears, knowing that I had to let him go. I had to, or we'd lose everything.

S.C. Stephens's Novels
» Untamed (Thoughtless #4)
» Thoughtful (Thoughtless #1.5)
» Effortless (Thoughtless #2)
» Thoughtless (Thoughtless #1)
» Collision Course
» Reckless (Thoughtless #3)
» 'Til Death (Conversion #3)
» Bloodlines (Conversion #2)
» Conversion (Conversion #1)