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Deception and Desire (Moonlight and Magic #3) Page 11
Author: Mina Carter

“Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.”

“She broke no law. She didn’t want the bond.”

“Makes no matter -- she bonded you without permission. Or do you call me a liar, challenge my word?” Lakai’s eyes glittered dangerously as he advanced on his son.

Tiny didn’t bat an eyelid, staring his father down and realizing for the first time he was taller. Taller, heavier and younger, with two years working as a bouncer putting out the scum of the earth because when the shit hit the fan at Moonlight & Magic, it really hit the fan. He’d thrown out argumentative goblins, violent banshees and faced down more werewolves than he cared to think about. But it got better.

A smile curved Tiny’s lips. Lakai wanted him alive, which was the only reason he was still standing after running out on his duty as he had. Which gave him an out, gave him leverage.

He shrugged nonchalantly. “So take her…”

Cass gasped, the sound full of hurt and fear as Lakai grinned in triumph and reached for her. His eyes, so like his son’s, were already shining lewdly as he made no pretence of the fact he intended to strip her nak*d as soon as he got his hands on her.

Tiny’s next words stopped him dead, cutting across the silence of the court like a whip. “But you do and I leave. I’ll go so far away and hide so completely you’ll never find me. Never drag me back to sit on that,” he nodded towards the throne. He laughed, a short sharp sound of dry amusement.

“I’d even go as far as finding one of her people and getting them to turn me.

How’d you like that, Dad? Your son, a bloodsucking leech. It’s one for the history books, isn’t it? Lakai the Corrupt wasn’t even capable of siring a decent demon of a son.

No, he managed to sire one who ran off to become a vampire.”

All the blood drained out of Lakai’s face as he stared at Tiny. “Don’t be stupid.

You can’t. No demon can be made into a vampire.”

Tiny held out his palm, displaying the marks there for all to see. “You sure about that, Dad? I’m already bonded to one. We’ve already shared blood. So who knows what’s happening in my body right now? The conversion’s probably started already.”

He bared his teeth, feeling at his canines as though checking if they’d lengthened.

“What do you reckon? They feel a bit longer to me. I think I’d only need another bite to cross over.”

The demon king’s expression wavered as he looked from one to the other.

Sensibly, Cass remained quiet. Hopefully she realized what he was trying to do. If not, when they got out of here, if they got out of here, Tiny had a lot of explaining to do.

Probably whilst maintaining a crotch-protecting crouch.

“You wouldn’t.”

Tiny’s voice was hard and unemotional. “Try me.”

Chapter Seven

Oh God, I hope he knows what he’s doing. Fear riveted Cass to the spot as Tiny faced down his father. Even through the terror, she noticed how alike the two men were. The Telosas were a very good-looking family.

“She didn’t bond me, I bonded her. So your issue is with me, not Cassia…” He trailed off and looked at the challenge circle again, his meaning clear. Lakai’s expression shifted, calculation showing stark on his face as he considered them both.

“Hmm, well… I see that as merely asserting your authority. You’re my son, all right. Not many would stalk and lay claim to a vampire.” Lakai grinned broadly and threw his arms open to hug his son. His lightning quick mood changes threatened to make Cass’s head spin, but Tiny took it all in his stride and suffered the embrace. She did notice, though, he extricated himself as quickly as possible and took her hand. A rush of warmth hit her as his large hand surrounded hers, rough but protective at the same time.

“No! She’s a vampire. She can’t… you can’t…” Forgotten behind them, Zarek’s frustrated exclamation made Cass jump. The copper-skinned demon strode towards Lakai, his eyes beseeching. “Sire, she’s a vampire bonded to your heir. Would you put a leech on the throne as queen?”

The room fell silent, deathly silent, as all eyes turned to Cassia. She swallowed in nerves. Now she knew what a goldfish felt like surrounded by a roomful of cats. This was bad, very bad. For a moment Lakai had seemed amused by the whole situation, proud of his son’s audacity in bonding a vampire. But the instant Zarek uttered the word leech -- an insult to any vamp -- centuries of interspecies hostility had joined the party, filtering into the room like a heavy, cloying perfume. Cassia swallowed again.

She felt sick.

Lakai’s head snapped around, his eyes blazing as he glared at the demon lord.

“Ready to be rid of me so soon, Zarek? Perhaps you have a little ambition for my throne there yourself?” His voice dropped dangerously low, a subtle threat in his tone recognized by everyone in the room. Even Zarek -- especially Zarek -- his skin paling as Cass watched. Even though she didn’t like him, Cass knew how he felt. Challenging the king, even inadvertently, wasn’t the smartest of moves.

“No, no, sire,” he hastened to reassure his king. “I merely meant that no demon prince has mated outside the blood before. Demons have needs, needs no non-demon could possibly comprehend.”

“Hmm…” Lakai returned to his throne, his tall figure slouching elegantly across the crudely carved seat. Unlike the fine craftsmanship of the rest of the room and the corridors beyond, the throne itself looked to be carved out of a rock. “For once, Zarek, you have a point.” His eyes narrowed on Tiny and Cass again. What had Zarek meant by “needs?” Was there something else she didn’t know about, something freaky he needed he hadn’t told her?

Whatever it was, she knew she’d do it without hesitation if she could, and if she couldn’t, she’d go to the ends of the earth to get it for him. That was the nature of the bond. Whether she’d picked him or not, he was the center of her world. She literally couldn’t survive without him.

“Cass meets all my needs.” Tiny’s lip curled slightly as he answered Zarek, and the hard expression on his face promised retribution. “All of them. I don’t need anyone else.”

“Prove it.”

The two quiet words hung in the air like a neon sign, flashing for all to see. Tiny sighed and turned towards her.

“What’s happening?” she asked, looking about warily. She’d seen crowds act this way before. Right before said crowd turned into a lynch mob. Human lynch mobs, whilst not pleasant, could be dealt with. Cass didn’t even want to see the demon version. She moved closer to Tiny as he ran his palms down her arms to take her hands in his. When she looked up his eyes were full of apology.

“I’m sorry, babe, but they want proof.”

Cass frowned. “Proof of what?”

Tiny looked uncomfortable, savage flashes of color like banners on his cheeks.

“Proof you can give me everything I need…” His voice trailed off, and he dragged her into his arms without warning. His lips sought her neck, brushing against the soft spot under her ear and making her knees buckle despite the danger they were in.

“Christ, Cass, you’ve got to have figured it out.” Tiny groaned, burying his face into her neck. “I need… for you to be assertive.”

“Is that it?” Cassia pulled back to look at him in surprise. He wanted her to boss him about? Her mind flashed back to when she’d tied him to the bed -- his instant, eager reactions… the rock-hard cock… the need and longing in his eyes. She’d put it down to being the first time after the club, but now she thought about it, it had also been the only time she’d taken charge. Really taken charge and tied him to the bed.

“Well, no. You need…” His color deepened. “…you need to make me come.

Prove you can dominate me. Each demon has a weakness; that’s mine. Fuck it!” he swore. “You shouldn’t have to do this!”

“Problem?” Zarek’s voice broke in, all eagerness and gloating triumph.

Cass straightened her back and glared at the other demon. She could do this. She had to do this, or she could kiss goodbye to her mate. And if that happened, as a bonded vampire, the rest of her long, long life would be meaningless.

“And why would there be a problem?” Cass arched an eyebrow coolly at Zarek.

It was easy to channel her inner bitch with the demon lord and his ilk. Tiny shifted slightly, as though to answer, and she snapped her attention back to him. Looking him over, she allowed heat to fill her eyes, the heat she felt every time she was near him, but schooled her expression to an impassive mask.

“Did I say you could speak?” she demanded, her voice a harsh whip. Maybe a little overboard but she needed to do something and fast to establish the mood she needed. “No. I’ll tell you when I want you to use your mouth, and what to use it for.”

Role play. It was just role play, Cass told herself. She could do role play. After all, she played the mean bitch every time she donned a hunter’s chains. She could do this.

She wasn’t prepared for the darkness in the demon prince’s eyes, or the excitement and longing written across his tight expression. His nostrils flared as the look on his face begged her to carry on.

Christ, he really did get off on this. A thrill shot through Cass as she realized the power she held over this powerful man, one far more powerful than she’d realized at first. Of course, she’d known from the outset he was something special, but she’d thought it was just her feminine side reacting to him. She’d always had a thing for a strong man, a bit of a bad boy, and they didn’t come badder than the way he looked with his shaven head, the piercings and the tattoos.

She circled him like a shark circling prey. How the hell did she do this? She’d never had to act the dominatrix in front of a crowd. In the privacy of her bedroom with her “clothes” on was one thing, but to do it in normal clothes with people around was going to be difficult. She closed her eyes for a second and reached deep inside herself, knowing she had no choice.

How could she make him come whilst still being dominant? The quickest way to make him come was to suck him off, but being on your knees with a c*ck in your mouth wasn’t exactly the dominant position she needed.

“Strip,” she ordered, her voice a cold, hard reflection of her normal tones. To most she would have sounded like the ice queen she meant to. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed more than one of the demons surrounding them flinch in response.

Interesting, perhaps a need to be dominated was common amongst them. Despite her act, someone who knew her well would hear the underlying tension and worry in her tone.

Tiny was eager to comply. His jacket hit the floor a second later, followed by the T-shirt he all but tore from his torso. He flexed his shoulders, the sleek muscles rippling under his satin skin as his hands reached for his belt buckle. She let him. She stood with her hands on her h*ps arrogantly, and her mouth watered as she watched his strong fingers work the heavy buckle.

Mina Carter's Novels
» Hitting on the Hooker (Strathstow Sharks #1)
» Captive Heart
» Faery Wedding
» Lyon's Price (Zodiac Cyborgs #1)
» Aries Revealed (Zodiac Cyborgs #2)
» Reaper (End of Days #1)
» Deception and Desire (Moonlight and Magic #3)
» Pixie's Passion (Moonlight and Magic #4)
» Melody's Wolf (Lyric Hounds #1)
» Wolf Bond (Lyric Hounds #2)
» Protect and Service (Paranormal Protection Agency #3)
» Blood Mate (Project Rebellion #2)