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Confessions of an Alli Cat (The Cougar Chronicles #1) Page 15
Author: Courtney Cole

“In a matter of speaking,” I nod.

He nods back.  “Good.  I like for my staff to have spunk.  I like the fact that you’ve got it.”

His gaze is appreciative and warm and that warmth transfers to me, flooding my face and my limbs.  I have no idea how this is going to play out… me working for this new sexy boss.  Particularly since he is as charming as he is handsome.  That’s a recipe for utter destruction if I’ve ever seen it.

“Can you tell me a little about how this department is run?” he asks.  I am distracted by his hands.  I have a thing for sexy male hands.  If a man has long, strong fingers, I’m all in.  And Alex certainly does. I grit my teeth.

“Of course,” I answer.

So I spend the next thirty minutes ignoring his sexy hands and explaining how I have three directors, five senior managers and then forty lower level employees in this department who report to me and ultimately report to him.  I explain the processes.  I explain the current strategies that we’re working on.  I explain the company’s current culture, even.  And I do it all while ignoring his gorgeous hands.

I feel pretty proud of myself as I finish up.

I’ve obviously got amazing fortitude.

When I’m through speaking, I look at my new boss, waiting for a reaction.  Alex sits back and swivels in his chair.  His limbs are all sprawled out and he is very relaxed looking.  And sexy.  Did I mention sexy already?

He nods, thinking to himself.  He spins and stares out the window.  He temples his fingers, blowing on them.  Finally, he turns back to me.

“I like it.  I like the current hierarchy.  We’ll keep that in place.   I have a special project that I’d like your input on, but we can discuss that later.”

He stands up and holds out his hand.

“Allison, it has been a pleasure meeting you.  I feel confident that you and I are going to work very well together.  We’ll make a great team.”

I smile back and shake his hand, trying to ignore the electric sensations that ripple through my body as I touch him.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, too.  I’m excited to see what ideas you have about moving the company forward.”

He walks me to the door and I make my way back to my office.

As I walk in, I glance at the lavish furnishings, the leather chairs, the spacious area and the surrounding windows.  I’ve worked hard as hell for this corner office.  I’m not going to lose focus now over a new boss who just happens to be sexy and has a beautiful freaking smile.

I’ve got this.

I’ve so got this.

I continue feeling proud of myself all afternoon, as I stay in career-superwoman-mode instead of thinking about my new boss or even Shade.  I do some sales trajectories, I work on a marketing plan and then I sit down with Taylor and go through my schedule for the following day.  I do all of this without letting my mind wander.

I seriously am freaking Superwoman.

Not Superwoman enough, though, to cook dinner tonight.  I’m too freaking tired for that nonsense.  So on the way home, I stop and grab some take-out.  Sophie will be happy about that, anyway.  It will mean that we won’t need to clean up the kitchen after dinner.

As I burst through the doors with food in one hand, my briefcase in the other and my bottle of water and mail balanced somewhere in between, I call out a hello.

No answer.

Okay.  No big deal.  I know she’s home because she left the front door standing wide open when she came in from school and her backpack right inside the doorway.  She probably just can’t hear me because she’s got her ear-buds in again.  I might as well pay to have them surgically implanted in her head.  It would make her life a lot easier, I ‘m sure.

I kick off my heels, sort through the mail and answer one quick e-mail on my phone before I hear laughter coming from the backyard through the French patio doors.  And a male voice. My head snaps up.  What the hell?  Sophie knows the rules.  No male friends over when I’m not home.  I stomp to the patio, ready to ground her.

I throw open the doors and storm outside.

And stop dead in my tracks with my mouth hanging wide open.

Shade is in the pool with Sophie.

My daughter is with the gigolo that I had sex with.

Right now.

In my pool.

I am stunned.  Appalled. Frozen in place.

He’s not touching her.  He’s next to her in the water, motioning with his arms.  He’s obviously wearing swim-trunks.  And he’s obviously beautiful.  And wet.  And next to my freaking daughter.

Sophie looks up and sees me, waving.

“Hey, mom!” she calls, smiling.

Shade turns to greet me and his expression freezes.

He didn’t know whose daughter he was with.  That much is apparent. 

But that doesn’t change the fact that he is still here. With my daughter.

Did I mention with my daughter??

Obviously, I do the only thing that any healthy red-blooded female can do.

I freak out.

Big time.

Chapter Seven

(Or: I’m going to hell in a hand-basket)

“What the hell is going on?” I demand, practically breaking my neck to get to the water’s edge.  I reach in and haul Sophie out of the pool by her swimsuit straps, ignoring the fact that the chlorinated water is ruining my $250 silk blouse.

Sophie stares at me in shock, as does Shade.

And I have to admit.  My high-pitched screech does sound a bit unbalanced.

But to be fair, I did just find my gigolo in my pool with my fifteen-year old daughter.

Have I mentioned that already?

“Mom,” Sophie hisses.  “Stop!  You’re embarrassing me!”  This is whisper-yelled into my ear, as though Shade won’t hear it when he is only three feet away. I glare down at her.

“Embarrassing you?  You’re in the pool, breaking my rules, with someone much older than you are!”

And someone who is much younger than me.  But that little fact didn’t stop me from screwing his brains out, now did it?

I ignore my inner voice because it is annoyingly correct.

Sophie stares at me silently.  I raise an eyebrow as I feel my pulse beat in my temple.


“Um.  Should I say something now?” Shade pipes up from behind Sophie.

He has emerged from the pool and I fight not to look at him.  I’m sure he’s devastatingly sexy in his wet swim-trunks.  I don’t need to see that right now.  I need to stay pissed. And that’s easy to do with Shade’s next shocking words.

Courtney Cole's Novels
» If You Stay (Beautifully Broken #1)
» Before We Fall (Beautifully Broken #3)
» Until We Burn (Beautifully Broken #2.5)
» If You Leave (Beautifully Broken #2)
» Soul Kissed (Moonstone Saga #1)
» Mia's Heart (The Paradise Diaries #2)
» Confessions of an Alli Cat (The Cougar Chronicles #1)
» Fated (The Bloodstone Saga #2)
» Every Last Kiss (The Bloodstone Saga #1)