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Take Me (Take Me #1) Page 54
Author: Bella Andre

And then she remembered how every one of her dreams had come crashing down around her last night.

Travis’s words jumbled together in her head.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”

“We were giving the locals a good show up there, right Lily?”

“I love you, Lily Ellis. I always have.”

“It didn’t mean anything.”

“You’re mine, all mine.”

“It’s no joke, Lily. We’re legally married. The ceremony was binding.”

Lily no longer had a clue what to think or feel, especially after Janica’s heartfelt, and unexpected, vote of confidence for Travis and his profession of love. She sighed and curled up into a tight ball on the bed.

She wished she could cry to release some of the pain inside, some of the confusion, but the tears refused to fall.

On a day when she should have been preparing herself to head back to the dull life she had always lived, Lily couldn’t escape the feeling that she was waiting for something else to happen. She closed her eyes, but she knew sleep was a distant memory.

Married? It was impossible for her to grasp. How could Travis have known that it was a real ceremony and still gone through with it? Especially if he was going to denounce everything the first chance he got?

Pulling on her robe, she headed for the bathroom. A bath, that was what she needed to clear her head.

Lily leaned over to turn on the faucets on the side of the luxurious tub and her hands stilled on the bronze fixture. Memories of masturbating while Travis watched were impossible to push away. And then that night in the olive field when he had made love to her. It had been so perfect.

No, she couldn’t get back into the bathtub, the memories were too fresh. She opened the shower door and willed herself to forget having had naughty sex with Travis on the small ledge. Turning the water on full blast, she closed her eyes as it streamed over her face, plastering her curls to her head. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and reached for the shampoo. But as she poured some onto her hand, the smell reminded her so strongly of Travis she nearly cried out.

He was everywhere. And Lily knew he wouldn’t stop haunting her once she had left Italy. Especially if the marriage was really legal, and they had to deal with an annulment.

No, he would continue to haunt her in San Francisco, as he always had before. Only this time, she knew the reality of Travis. The glorious, sensual Travis. The funny, sweet Travis. The infuriatingly macho Travis.

But most of all, she’d be left with the part of Travis that made her hurt so much. The man who claimed to be in love at 5:00 p.m., and then changed his mind at 8 p.m., then back again an hour later.

She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and lathered up with soap. She needed to get out of the bathroom and fast before she became whimpering idiot. Finally finished, she toweled off and headed back into the bedroom to get dressed.

She and Travis had planned to visit one final antique dealer that morning. Lily wanted nothing more than to hide in the room all day under the covers, but no matter how screwed up her personal life was, she was committed to doing her very best as an interior designer for Travis’s clients. She was going to the antique store, and she was going to look beautiful and professional.

A wispy blue sleeveless dress called to her from the armoire. She hadn’t felt nearly bold enough to wear it before, but now that it didn’t matter how she dressed, she fingered the beautiful material. She sat down on the bed and bent over to towel-dry her hair.

I can do this, she told herself as she took a deep breath. Her hair nearly dry, she pulled the dress out, stepped into it, and closed the side zipper. Taking another deep breath, she turned to look into the full-length mirror on the armoire in the corner of the room.

She gasped with surprise. The dress outlined her full figure beautifully, lovingly cupping her br**sts before draping to her waist, then back out at her hips. The hem brushed the bottoms of her knees.

I wish Travis could have seen me in this dress, she thought, then grimaced. Who cared what Travis thought? From that moment on, she was going to dress to look good for no one but herself.

Slipping into a pair of strappy sandals, she grabbed her purse and went downstairs to catch a cab.

Giuseppe whistled from behind the front desk.

“Good morning,” she said, hoping against hope that he wouldn’t bring up last night’s wedding.

No such luck. “You are bellissima this morning,” he exclaimed as he kissed his lips.

“Thank you, Giuseppe.”

“But of course, what bride is not beautiful?” he asked, grinning from ear to ear. “I saw your signor here earlier, and I think you will like his surprise very much.” He slapped his hand over his mouth. “But I cannot say any more.”

Lily’s heart started racing, and she reached out for the counter to support her shaky legs. “Surprise?”

Giuseppe waggled his finger at her. “Not another word.”

Lily nodded, but the buzzing in her ears was so loud she couldn’t remember why she was standing at the reception desk in the first place. She merely had to hear Travis’s name, and she could barely remember her own. Oh yes, it dawned on her, she needed a cab. For her appointment.

Forcing a smile, she said, “Could you please call a taxi for me, Giuseppe? Thank you.”

He nodded, and she went to sit outside on a stone bench. What kind of surprise did Travis have in store for her? She wasn’t up to any more surprises. What she wouldn’t give to go back to her old boring life.

Sure, it had lacked spark, but at least it had been peaceful.

But even as she thought it, she knew she wasn’t being honest with herself. She wouldn’t give up this week with Travis for anything. Because no matter how much he’d hurt her, at least she’d finally gotten to find out what it was to truly live. Every moment in his arms had been glorious. Every laugh they’d shared had been a flower blooming in the sun.

Soon enough she’d go back to her old life. But in this incredible blue dress lay her last chance to be the new sexy, fun, adventurous Lily. Even if she had to try to do it without Travis by her side.

Travis shook Giuseppe’s hand. “I owe you one. You’re a genius.” He bounded up the stairs without waiting for a response. He knocked on the door to Room 305. “Lily? Are you in there?”

The door opened and his heart soared—Lily was actually going to listen to him, which must mean she didn’t hate him after all—but then he saw Janica’s face and went cold as ice.

Bella Andre's Novels
» Tempt Me Like This (The Morrisons #2)
» Game for Seduction (Bad Boys of Football #2)
» Game For Love (Bad Boys of Football #1)
» Ecstasy
» I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
» Game for Anything (Bad Boys of Football #3)
» Take Me (Take Me #1)
» Red Hot Reunion
» Tempt Me, Taste Me, Touch Me
» Love Me (Take Me #2)