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His Obsession (The Owners #2) Page 39
Author: Sam Crescent

It was more than he expected. He nodded and waited for the words to come to him. “I own an exclusive gentlemen’s club called Possession. That part was true. There is also a BDSM club known as Ravage run by James, the guy who pulled me away from Lucas and Sean. There is a belief that there are men out there who are particularly possessive about their women.”

“Most people are possessive about the partner in their lives. It doesn’t mean they go to a club and do that.”

“BDSM is James’s field. I go to the club to watch but nothing else. I know some of the men who like to take it to the next level. I don’t. This club has been passed down through generations ever since the Knox line began. The members of the club know they act with discretion. They can take their women and know they are safe. Men within the club will not try to hit on any of the women.”

“It sounds reasonable.”

“The jealousy is what makes it bad. When I saw Paul in your apartment I wanted to hurt him. No one can touch what’s mine, and you’re mine. It’s a little joke among the men that we consider ourselves ‘owners’. You’re our women, and we own you. It’s a very outdated part of the club, but the statements go with the history.” He tried to explain. She sat forward getting closer to him.

“I get it.”

“There was an incident a couple of years back. A guy by the name of Lloyd Black used the club to abuse his wife. He’s in prison serving a sentence for attacking his wife. Rebecca ended up in hospital with serious injuries.” He didn’t go into detail. Stephen reached for the file and flipped it open.

“In my club what happens is a lot of drinking and talking. A place for men like myself to socialise without fear of being ridiculed for our beliefs. Some men like to bring their women to the club and make love to them with an audience. In my club no one shares. I don’t allow it.”

He pulled out a photo of one of the couples. “This is a woman who has been happily married to the man in the photo for over ten years. He runs an investment group and is possessive about who she talks to. The club offers him the chance to be free and open with her away from the prying eyes of most of the public.”

She nodded. He put the photo aside and reached for another. “That is James, and he’s going to be pissed someone took a photo of this. He’d training a submissive woman. He’s a dominant through and through. This is his whole life. I’ve known him since he was a boy. Our clubs are part of the same group. Our parents were close. What he is doing here is punishing a woman. It is convenient how the photographer left out the vital part of the picture,” he said.

“What vital part?”

“She’s turned on, Ursula. If they had gotten her pu**y in the shot, you would see she was dripping with cum.”

Her cheeks turned red. He caressed the red then went back to each picture discussing in great detail what each one was.

Afterwards, he put the file aside and stared at her.

“Someone wanted to break us up?” she asked.

Stephen shook his head. “They want me distracted. If you leave me then my mind won’t be on the club, and things will go wrong.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

He sat on the sofa and pulled her into his lap. “You’re different from all the women I know. I’m used to them falling at my feet for my money or the power I have to make things happen. I’m a wealthy, influential businessman, and that usually gets me what I want. You worked for me, argued with me, and challenged me at all points. I thought this possession was a load of bullshit.” He stroked her hair as she sat across his lap. His c**k stirred with her closeness.

“Don’t you feel possessive towards me?”

“I almost started a fight with two men I considered friends because they were talking to you. I feel possessive more than you’ll ever know. Lucas and Sean were trying to show me my possessive side. Up until you I never thought it was possible to be that connected with someone. I hate dropping you off at college. I want to give you everything, but I don’t want to leave you alone.” He never thought being open with her about this side of him would be so liberating.

“Do you really love me?” she asked.

“Yes.” He reached into his pocket taking out the little box. “I did have a perfect plan to give you this. I was going to take you to an Italian restaurant, and we’d eat and have wine. I’ve told your father I was going to ask you. I thought there could be a better time to ask. I think the time is now.”

Taking a deep breath, he opened the lid. “Ursula Mills, will you do this old man the honour of becoming my wife?”

She stared at the ring, then at him with more tears glinting in her eyes.

“I was hoping for longer time for my speech to be perfect,” he said.

She grabbed him, pressing her lips to his. Stephen pulled away to stare at her. “Is that a yes?”

Ursula nodded her head. “I don’t need a fancy speech. This is perfect.”

He took the ring out of the box. She gave him her finger, and he slid it on. A perfect fit. The beast inside him calmed more when the ring was on her finger.

“I want you to take me to your club,” she said. Stephen had every intention of taking her. He didn’t want to, but he knew they had to go.

“I’m taking you with me tonight. I’ve got to go to Possession to talk to the men. James wants to see this file and meet you properly. I feel better knowing I’ve put a ring on your finger.” He stroked her knee wanting to do so much more. She smiled at him. Her eyes were still red from her tears. Stephen hated the distance between them. “I know you’re still angry with me at the moment. I shouldn’t have kept this part of me from you. I hope you know and understand why I kept it away from you.”

“No, you shouldn’t.” She looked past his shoulder. The tears swelled in her eyes. He noticed her playing with his engagement ring on her finger. “I want to be angry at you. You’ve proposed, and I’m so happy at the same time.”

“Please, don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry.”

“I consider myself to be very liberated in my reasoning. I accept a lot, but I don’t know why you would hide this from me. I’ve been more open with you than anyone. You met my family, and I’ve given you more of myself to you.” She moved off his lap. Stephen turned to her.

He felt like a total bastard. She’d been nothing but honest with him while he’d kept a great deal from her. “I didn’t believe in what my club was about until you walked into my life, and I didn’t think you’d accept a man who feels possessive towards you. I thought I’d be able to hide it from you.”

Sam Crescent's Novels
» Expecting The Playboy's Baby
» Whizz (The Skulls #9)
» Alpha Bait (The Alpha Shifter Collection #2)
» The Alpha's Domination (The Alpha Shifter Collection #4)
» The Alpha's Toy (The Alpha Shifter Collection #1)
» Tiny (The Skulls #4)
» The Alpha's Virgin Possession
» Scarred Beauty (Imperfection #1)
» Killer (The Skulls #5)
» His Possession (The Owners #1)
» Zero (The Skulls #6)
» His Obsession (The Owners #2)
» Butch (The Skulls #7)
» Owned By The Dom: Part One (The Owners #3)
» Revenge (The Skulls #8)
» Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners #4)
» Blackmailed by the Beast (Unlikely Love #1)
» Lash (The Skulls #1)
» Contract Of Shame (Unlikely Love #2)
» Murphy (The Skulls #2)