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Revenge (The Skulls #8) Page 8
Author: Sam Crescent

“I will never cheat on you. I know what I’ve got is f**king heaven. Anyone who cheats on their woman is a f**king coward. I’m not a coward, Eva. I’m your man, and I love you with all my heart.”

“I love you, Tiny.”

“Then tell me you believe me and f**king trust me.”

“I believe you, and I trust you.” He’d never give her any reason to doubt him.

He leaned over her. His lips brushed her ear. “I’m never going to give you a moment to doubt me. I’m yours, Eva. You own me and this f**king cock.” Tiny sucked on her earlobe as the hand holding her hip moved down to brush her pu**y.

Gasping, she opened her thighs wide. His fingers touched her clit, stroking the bud.

“Now, come for me.”

She had no choice but to do as he told her, splintering apart within his arms as her orgasm took her unawares. Tiny held her close as his c**k jerked inside her, spurting his cum within her.

“I need you to know and trust that I love you, Eva. Always and forever, no matter what f**king happens. I own you as much as you own me.”

Eva nodded, holding onto him as she came down from her orgasm. She didn’t need anything else in that moment other than to have his arms wrapped around her, holding her close.


Whizz stared at the computer screen while also taking a swig out of the bottle. He looked among the multiple screens trying to find a connection between all of the people. So far he’d gotten in touch with three men who claimed to owe a favor to Gonzalez. They’d been called in to deal with Ned and some of his fighters. The men were in Vegas waiting for Gonzalez’s signal.

He struck a deal with all three, and the men were no longer answering to Gonzalez. They talked to the other man, at Whizz’s request, but they were no longer taking orders. Three men were better than none. Turning the cap on the water, he placed the bottle on the floor. He always got his own bottled water. Ever since Alan had taken him, he’d not been able to have anyone serve him. Alan had drugged his drinks, and when he woke up the pain had been even worse.

Gritting his teeth, he forced the memories back. Alan was dead, killed by Prue, and wouldn’t be coming back to hurt him. He needed to remember that.

He’s taken so much.

Blowing out another breath, he forced himself to take several deep breaths, focusing on the computer screen in front of him. He couldn’t afford to lose focus.

Alan was dead.

He wasn’t coming back … ever.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

The memories started to fade, and he started typing away, looking for all connections. Three men were now waiting for his call and were feeding him information on what Gonzalez’s next move was. The easiest way to take out their latest enemy was to start from the outside to work his way in. Gonzalez was the main point, but he had a circumference of men taking orders. The Skulls took over the men, they got what they wanted.

Someone knocked on his door, and he called for them to come in. Nash appeared carrying packaged food in his hands. “Sophia made you something. I swear, I watched her do everything. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

Moving away from the computer, Whizz took the food and sat on the edge of the food.

“So, how’s it going?”

“Fine. I think. I’ll be ready to come and kick Butch’s ass.” Whizz took a bite out of the sandwich. The spicy taste exploded on his tongue, and he moaned.

“Sophia’s worried about you.”

“All of you need to stop worrying about me. I’m fine,” Whizz said. He knew the club worried, but he’d not turned to anything drastic. Working out and his computer kept him occupied.

“When was the last time you had a woman?”

“Seriously, Sophia wants to know the last time I f**ked?” He lowered his sandwich and watched the other man squirm.

“She’s not interested in your sex life. She’s just worried about you.”

“Tell her to stop.” He’d not been with a woman because he didn’t want anyone. The sweet-butts no longer held any appeal to him. They meant nothing to him. After everything that happened, he wanted that to mean something. He was losing his mind. Since when did he want anything to mean something? Shit. He finished the sandwich and threw the papers into the trash. “I appreciate her concern and yours. When I’m ready to start f**king I will. I’m just not ready.”

Nash nodded. “Sorry, man. I worry as well.”

“I get it, but stop. I’m fine.” He watched the other man leave the room before going over to his computer. Whizz sniffed up as his chest started to ache. Alan may be dead and gone, but the wounds he’d caused were still very much open. The truth of it was, Whizz didn’t know who to trust with his life or how to pull out of his fear of being with a woman. He just couldn’t do it.

Chapter Two

Running a hand over his face, Tiny stared around the warehouse room. The Chaos Bleeds crew was back at the clubhouse taking care of their women while The Skulls took a vote. They all wanted Butch back, but he had to go through the test they all had to prove themselves, a fight between Butch and all of The Skulls. He watched as Zero went for Butch, raising his fists as he tried to get a hit against the face or lower. Sitting on the chair, Tiny watched his men all waiting to take their turns. This was one of the elements of voting in the men. There was no point in having men who couldn’t protect you in a fight. If you couldn’t protect the club there was no point you being inside.

This was how Nash had gotten back into the club after his spiral into drink and drugs and also the same way some of the prospects had been voted in. Other members got in by proving their skill in a certain area.

“Are you okay?” Murphy asked, taking a seat beside him.

Lash was standing at the edge of the fighting with his cell phone in his hand. They’d been gone from the club an hour, and already the man was missing his woman. Lash hated being away from his woman, especially when they were in danger, which seemed to be all the time.

“I will be when we get this shit sorted out.”

“You can’t blame yourself for what happened. No one can expect Gonzalez to do what he did.” Murphy leaned on his knees looking out at the crowd. His knuckles were bloody from the hits he’d already given.

“How’s Tate and her pregnancy going?” Tiny asked. It had been a few days since he’d talked with his daughter. She was pregnant with her second child. He was going to be a granddad again. Tiny liked being a father more than he liked being a granddad. In the last few months he couldn’t help but feel old. Eva was worried about him straying when she got older. He was f**king worried she’d see past all the shit and leave him. Tiny wouldn’t dream of giving her a reason to cut and run. He was with her for the rest of his life.

Sam Crescent's Novels
» Expecting The Playboy's Baby
» Whizz (The Skulls #9)
» Alpha Bait (The Alpha Shifter Collection #2)
» The Alpha's Domination (The Alpha Shifter Collection #4)
» The Alpha's Toy (The Alpha Shifter Collection #1)
» Tiny (The Skulls #4)
» The Alpha's Virgin Possession
» Scarred Beauty (Imperfection #1)
» Killer (The Skulls #5)
» His Possession (The Owners #1)
» Zero (The Skulls #6)
» His Obsession (The Owners #2)
» Butch (The Skulls #7)
» Owned By The Dom: Part One (The Owners #3)
» Revenge (The Skulls #8)
» Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners #4)
» Blackmailed by the Beast (Unlikely Love #1)
» Lash (The Skulls #1)
» Contract Of Shame (Unlikely Love #2)
» Murphy (The Skulls #2)