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Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6) Page 101
Author: Sophie Kinsella

‘Fantastic!’ I smile – but I can’t quite relax yet. I have to be sure. ‘So … you definitely won’t need to go to Paris on Friday?’

‘Afraid not. Although we could still go if you wanted?’ Luke adds.

‘No!’ Relief sends my voice shooting sky-high. ‘God, no! Let’s just … stay here. Chill out. Not do anything.’ I’m babbling, but I can’t help it. ‘So, a good day all round.’ I beam at him. ‘We should open some champagne.’

‘Yes. Apart from one thing.’ Luke frowns briefly. ‘I had to give my assistant a verbal warning. Not really the way I wanted to end the afternoon. I may have to let her go.’

What? My smile falls away.

‘You mean Bonnie? But … why? You said you wouldn’t say anything. What did she do?’

‘Oh, it’s very disappointing.’ Luke sighs. ‘For months she seemed the perfect assistant. I couldn’t fault her. But then she started making the inappropriate comments that I mentioned to you before. I’ve recently noticed she seems very distracted. And now I’m sure she’s been making illicit phone calls of some kind.’

Oh God, oh God. This is all because of me and the party.

‘Everyone’s allowed to make the odd phone call,’ I say quickly, but Luke shakes his head.

‘It’s more than that. I have my suspicions. At best she’s moonlighting; at worst, stealing company information.’

‘She wouldn’t do anything like that!’ I say in horror. ‘I’ve met her. She’s obviously completely honest.’

‘Darling, you’re very trusting.’ Luke shoots me a fond smile. ‘But I’m afraid you’re wrong. Something’s going on. I came across Bonnie dealing with a pile of paperwork that quite clearly had nothing to do with Brandon Communications. Not only that, she looked as guilty as sin when I appeared and she hid some papers under the desk. She obviously didn’t expect me back for a while. So I had to have a stern word.’ He shrugs. ‘Not pleasant for either of us, but there you go.’

‘You were stern?’ I say in horror.

I can just picture what happened. Bonnie was going through the guest list with me this afternoon. That must be what she hid under the desk. I thought she rang off rather hastily.

‘What exactly did you say?’ I demand. ‘Did she get upset?’

‘Does it matter?’

‘Yes!’ I feel a surge of frustration. You stupid idiot! I feel like yelling. Did it never occur to you that she might be helping to organize your surprise birthday party?

I mean, obviously I’m glad it didn’t occur to him. But still. I just hope Bonnie’s OK. She’s so mild-mannered and sweet, I can’t bear the idea of Luke upsetting her.

‘Becky …’ Luke seems perplexed. ‘What’s the problem?’

I can’t say anything else. I’ll give myself away.

‘Nothing.’ I shake my head. ‘No problem. I’m sure you were right. It’s just … a shame.’

‘OK,’ Luke says slowly, giving me a slightly odd look. ‘Well, I’ll go and change. Nanny Sue will be here before too long.’

The instant he’s gone, I dash into the downstairs cloakroom, speed-dial Bonnie’s number, and get voicemail.

‘Bonnie!’ I exclaim. ‘Luke just told me he gave you some kind of verbal warning. I’m so sorry. You know he doesn’t understand. He’ll feel terrible when he finds out. Anyway, the good news is, Paris is definitely off! So everything’s finally falling into place. Have you told all the Brandon C lot yet? Call me as soon as you have a chance.’

As I ring off, I hear the doorbell.

Great. That must be Nazi Sue.

Today Nanny Sue’s wearing her official blue uniform. Sitting on the sofa, with a cup of tea and a laptop open beside her, she looks like she’s a policewoman come to arrest us.

‘So,’ she begins, looking from me to Luke and then smiling down at Minnie, who’s sitting on the floor with a puzzle. ‘It was a pleasure to spend some time with Becky and Minnie.’

I don’t reply. I’m not falling for her so-called friendly overtures. This is how she always starts on her TV show. She’s all nicey-nicey and then she goes in for the kill and by the end everyone’s sobbing on her shoulder and saying ‘Nanny Sue, how can we be better people?’

‘Now.’ She taps at the laptop and a video screen appears with ‘Minnie Brandon’ in black letters above it. ‘As you know, I filmed our morning together, as is my common practice. Just for my own records, you understand.’

‘What?’ I gape at her. ‘Are you serious? Where was the camera?’

‘On my lapel.’ Nanny Sue looks equally taken aback and turns to Luke. ‘I thought you’d informed Becky?’

‘You knew? You didn’t tell me anything!’ I round on Luke. ‘I was being filmed the whole time and you didn’t tell me?’

‘I thought it better not to. I thought if you knew, you might …’ He hesitates. ‘Act unnaturally. Put on a show.’

‘I would never put on a show,’ I retort, outraged.

Nanny Sue is scrolling through the images, pausing every now and again, and I catch a glimpse of myself talking stagily about organic Play-Doh.

‘That bit’s not relevant,’ I say hastily. ‘I’d fast-forward.’

‘So, what did you think, Nanny Sue?’ Luke is leaning forward in his chair, hands clasped anxiously on his knees. ‘Did you spot any major problems?’

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey