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Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6) Page 35
Author: Sophie Kinsella

‘Absolutely,’ I agree fervently. ‘The fewer people who are in on the secret, the better. I’ve got a list of exactly who knows and it’s tightly controlled.’

‘You seem to have things very well in hand.’ She smiles encouragingly. ‘And how are the party arrangements themselves going?’

‘Really well,’ I say at once. ‘I mean … I haven’t quite finalized everything …’

‘Have you thought about employing a party planner?’ enquires Bonnie mildly. ‘Or one of the concierge services? There’s one in particular that several of my employers have used, called The Service. Very efficient, I can recommend them.’

She takes out a notepad and scribbles down a number. ‘I’m sure they’d help with organizing, sourcing, providing staff, whatever you need. But it’s just a suggestion.’

‘Thanks!’ I take the paper and put it in my purse. That might not be a bad idea, actually. I mean, not that I need any help. But just to tie up any loose ends.

The waiter arrives, and we both order salads, and he refreshes our water. As Bonnie sips meticulously, I can’t help eyeing her with curiosity. If you think about it, this is the Other Woman in Luke’s life. (Not in a Camilla Parker-Bowles kind of way. Definitely not. I’m not falling into that trap again of thinking Luke’s having an affair and hiring private detectives and getting myself all stressed out over nothing.)

‘Did you want some wine, Becky?’ says Bonnie suddenly. ‘I have to remain professional, I’m afraid …’ She gives a regretful smile.

‘Me too,’ I nod, still fixated by Bonnie.

She spends more time with Luke than I do. She knows all about huge areas of his life that he never bothers telling me about. She probably has all sorts of interesting insights on him.

‘So … what’s Luke like as a boss?’ I can’t resist asking.

‘He’s admirable.’ She smiles and takes a piece of bread from the basket.

Admirable. That’s so typical. Discreet, bland, tells me nothing.

‘How is he admirable, exactly?’

Bonnie gives me a strange look, and I suddenly realize I sound as if I’m fishing for compliments.

‘Anyway, he can’t be Mr Perfect,’ I add hurriedly. ‘There must be things he does that annoy you.’

‘I wouldn’t say that.’ She gives another closed smile and sips her water.

Is she going to bat away every question like that? I suddenly feel an urge to get underneath her professional veneer. Maybe I could bribe her with a hazelnut chocolate.

‘Come on, Bonnie!’ I persist. ‘There must be something that annoys you about Luke. Like, I get annoyed when he answers the BlackBerry all the time in the middle of conversations.’

‘Really.’ Bonnie gives a guarded laugh. ‘I couldn’t say.’

‘Yes you could!’ I lean across the table. ‘Bonnie, I know you’re a professional, and I respect that. And so am I. But this is off the record. We can be honest with each other. I’m not leaving this restaurant till you tell me something that annoys you about him.’

Bonnie has turned pink and keeps glancing towards the door as though for escape.

‘Look,’ I say, trying to get her attention. ‘Here we are together, the two women who spend the most time with Luke. We know him better than anyone else. Shouldn’t we be able to share our experiences and learn from each other? I won’t tell him or anything!’ I add, suddenly realizing I might not have made this clear enough. ‘This is strictly between you and me. I swear.’

There’s a long pause. I think I might be getting through to her.

‘Just one thing,’ I cajole. ‘One teeny, tiny little thing …’

Bonnie takes a gulp of water as though stiffening her nerves.

‘Well,’ she says at last. ‘I suppose the birthday-card situation is a little frustrating.’

‘Birthday-card situation?’

‘The staff birthday cards, you know.’ She blinks at me. ‘I have a stack of them for him to sign for the whole year, but he won’t get round to it. Which is understandable, he’s very busy …’

‘I’ll get him to do them,’ I say firmly. ‘Leave it to me.’

‘Becky.’ Bonnie blanches. ‘Please don’t, that’s not what I meant …’

‘Don’t worry,’ I say reassuringly. ‘I’ll be really subtle.’

Bonnie still looks troubled. ‘I don’t like you to be involved.’

‘But I am involved! I’m his wife! And I think it’s monstrous that he can’t be bothered to sign his own staff’s birthday cards. You know why it is?’ I add knowledgeably. ‘It’s because he doesn’t care about his own birthday, so he thinks no one else does too. It wouldn’t even occur to him that anyone cared.’

‘Ah.’ Bonnie nods slowly. ‘Yes. That makes sense.’

‘So, when’s the next company birthday? Who’s next on the list?’

‘Well, actually …’ Bonnie turns a little pink. ‘It’s my own birthday in two weeks’ time …’

‘Perfect! Well, I’ll make sure he’s signed the cards by then.’ A new thought strikes me. ‘And what’s he going to get you as a present? What did he get you for Christmas? Something really nice, I hope.’

‘Of course! He got me a lovely gift!’ Bonnie’s bright voice is a little forced. ‘This beautiful bracelet.’

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey