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Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5) Page 95
Author: Sophie Kinsella

“This is amazing,” Suze breathes beside me.

“I know!” I’m trying to look cool, but a huge grin is spreading across my face. “Come on, let’s go inside!”

We fight our way to the head of the queue, and I show my pass to the security guard. As he opens the door to let us in, I can feel the swell of girls pushing forward behind me.

“Did you see that girl?” I can hear furious voices behind me demanding. “She just shoved her way in! Why does she get to queue-barge just because she’s pregnant?”

Oops. Maybe we should have gone in a side door.

Inside, there’s another queue of excited, chattering girls. It winds through accessories, past huge screens showing Danny’s latest catwalk collection, up to a mirrored, art deco table behind which Danny is sitting on a huge throne-like chair. Above him a banner reads EXCLUSIVE— MEET DANNY KOVITZ! and in front of him three teenage girls in indentikit military jackets and ponytails are gawking at him in total awe as he signs plain white Tshirts for them. He meets my eye and winks.

“Thanks,” I mouth back, and blow him a kiss. He is a total, one hundred percent star.

Plus, I know he will be loving all this.

A small distance from the table, Eric is being interviewed by another TV crew, and as I approach I can hear him speaking.

“I did always feel strongly that The Look should be considering joint design initiatives…” he’s saying importantly. Then suddenly he notices me watching. He breaks off, flushing slightly. “Ahem. Let me introduce Rebecca Brandon, our head of Personal Shopping, who originated the idea….”

“Hi there!” I head over to the camera with a big, confident smile. “Eric and I worked as a team on this project and I think it heralds a new day for The Look. And all those people who laughed at us can eat their words.”

I give a few more sound bites to the interviewer, then make an excuse and leave Eric to it. To my astonishment, I’ve just spotted Jess standing uncomfortably by the sunglasses, all on her own in jeans and a parka. I told her about the launch today, but I really wasn’t sure she’d come along.

“Jess!” I call out as I near her. “You made it!”

“This is incredible, Becky.” Jess is looking around at the milling crowds. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks!” I beam at her. “Isn’t it great? Have you seen all the TV crews?”

“There was a guy from the Times outside,” says Jess, nodding. “And the Standard. The media coverage is going to be huge.” She gives a little smile. “Becky Brandon does it again.”

“Well…” I shrug, flushing. “So, how are things? How are preparations going for Chile?”

“Oh, fine.” Jess heaves a sigh.

The thing with Jess is, it can be a bit hard to tell what mood she’s in. She has a slightly gloomy air about her even when she’s happy. (Which is just the way she is — I’m not being mean or anything.) But as I look at her now, I think she’s genuinely miserable.

“Jess…what’s up?” I put a hand on her arm. “Things aren’t fine.”

“No,” says Jess. “They’re not.” She looks up, and to my horror I see her eyes are shimmering. “Tom’s disappeared.”

“Disappeared?” I say, aghast.

“I wasn’t going to say anything. I didn’t want to get you worried. But no one’s seen him for three days. I think he’s sulking.”

“About you leaving?”

She nods and I feel a pang of anger at Tom. Why does he have to be such a self-obsessed flake?

“He sent one text to his parents to say he’s safe. That’s it. He could be anywhere. And Janice blames me, of course….”

“This isn’t your fault! He’s just a—” I stop myself.

“Do you have any ideas where he might be, Becky?” Her brow is all crinkled up. “You’ve known him all your life.”

I shrug, at a loss. Knowing Tom, he could have done anything. He could have gone to the tattoo parlor and asked them to tattoo Jess, Don’t Go on his genitals.

“Look…he’ll turn up,” I say at last. “He’s not completely stupid. He’s probably just gone off on a bender somewhere.”

“Hi, Becky.” I look up to see Jasmine coming toward us, holding an armful of scarves and hats, her cheeks pink with exertion.

“Hey, Jasmine! Isn’t this amazing? What’s it like upstairs?”

“Mayhem.” She rolls her eyes. “Customers everywhere. Thank God we’ve got the extra staff.”

“Isn’t it cool?” I beam, but Jasmine gives an unenthusiastic scowl.

“I preferred it the way it was. We’re all going to have to stay late tonight, you know. I haven’t had a moment to myself.”

“This way, the shop may not go bust,” I point out, but Jasmine doesn’t look impressed.

“Whatever…” Her face suddenly snaps in shock. For a moment she’s speechless. “Becky…have you had your eyebrows done?”

I wondered when she was going to notice!

“Oh,” I say casually. “Yes, I have. Nice, aren’t they?” I smooth one down with my finger.

“Where did you go?” she demands.

“I’m afraid I couldn’t say,” I tell her in tones of regret. “It’s a bit of a secret. Sorry about that.”

Jasmine’s chin is set in fury. “Tell me where you went!”

Sophie Kinsella's Novels
» My Not So Perfect Life
» Twenties Girl
» I've Got Your Number
» Can You Keep a Secret?
» Shopaholic and Sister (Shopaholic #4)
» Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2)
» Remember Me?
» The Undomestic Goddess
» Shopaholic Ties the Knot (Shopaholic #3)
» Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)
» Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)
» Mini Shopaholic (Shopaholic #6)
» Shopaholic & Baby (Shopaholic #5)
» Finding Audrey