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Breathe (Colorado Mountain #4) Page 98
Author: Kristen Ashley

“The first time with you.”

She blinked. Cute but also kind of annoying. Annoying because he gave it to her then, showed it to her straight out so she had to f**king know.

“Seriously?” he asked.

“Seriously seriously?” she asked back breathily which meant doubtfully.

“Faye,” he started, “first, no one had been in there and you’d just come. I’d never been inside a woman that tight and wet which in and of itself meant it was gonna be good for me and it really f**kin’ was. But also, no one had been in you. That meant you were mine. I didn’t take it. You gave it to me. You couldn’t miss that meant somethin’ to me so yeah, seriously, comin’ inside you the first time you took me was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” He hesitated then finished firmly, “By far.”

“Seriously?” she whispered, still dubious and now he was getting pissed off.

“Yeah, Faye, seriously,” he replied shortly and she stared.

Then he watched as wet filled her eyes.


“Faye, what the f**k?” he asked.

“I… I…” she stammered, “I want to be good at it. For… for you so you… you’ll keep liking me.”

He stared down at her.

Then his torso collapsed on hers because he couldn’t hold it up due to the fact that he was roaring with laughter.

He heard her wheeze and, still laughing, he rolled them so he was on his back again and she was up top. He kept laughing as he lifted his hands and pulled her hair away from her face as she studied him, a look on her face he couldn’t quite read but didn’t give a f**k he couldn’t.

“Shit,” he muttered, still chuckling, “that was f**kin’ funny.”

“I’m being serious,” she whispered.

“I know, honey, that’s why that was so funny.”

Her stare turned to a glare and he started chuckling again.

So she snapped, “Chace!”

When she snapped, he snapped. His hands in her hair at the sides of her head cupped her so he could pull her face to within a half an inch of his.

“First up,” he began, his tone deadly serious because he was deadly f**king serious, “I’m not lyin’ or handin’ you a line. I’ll say it one more time. You’re the best I ever had. I don’t know why and I don’t care why. It’s just true and I figure it’s because it’s you. Second, and a lot more f**kin’ important, you don’t bury shit like this, concerns you have, fears that run deep and not talk to me about ‘em. You don’t go about life with me like all is good and you’re settlin’ in and harbor shit deep that eats at you. You lay it on me so I can help you let it go.”

“Do I get to return that favor?” she asked instantly.

“What?” Chace asked back.

“You’re harboring stuff deep that eats at you. Do I get you laying it on me so I can help you let it go?”

Fuck, how did she maneuver this?

Fuck, he’d walked right into it.

“Faye –” he started and she yanked her head back, pushing up.

“I get it. The answer to that is no,” she muttered but he rolled with her so he was again on top and when he had her contained, he saw it was Faye now who was angry but he also saw she was hurt.


“Give me time,” he whispered.

“I am,” she whispered back.

“It’ll all be yours, Faye, I promise when the time is right, when I can face it, when we’re strong and you can face it, I’ll give it to you.”

Her head gave a slight jerk and she was still whispering when she asked tentatively, “You’re not testing me?”

He blinked then asked back, “What?”

“You, it’s… whatever it is, is uh, deep and if you don’t, um… intend for there to be a, um… future for us then you wouldn’t want to –”

Christ, he was a f**king idiot.

He dipped his head, touched his mouth to hers and stopped her talking.

Then he lifted his head so he was a breath away and he shared softly, “Faye, I’m fallin’ for you.”

Her hands were at the sides of his ribs and he felt her fingers dig in as her eyes got big. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Chace –”

“Straight up, this is the man in your bed. I want in there, Faye, and when I get in there, I’m gonna dig in deep so when I share my shit that’s so dark you’ll be blinded by it and you’ll wanna run to the light, you can’t because I’m so deep, you can’t let go.”

She was breathing heavier as she stared at him before she said quietly, “Nothing about you can be that dark, Chace.”

“It can ‘cause it is.”

She shook her head. “I don’t believe that.”

“Good, keep not believin’ it so I can dig in there and when I give it to you, you can’t let go.”

“It’s not that dark,” she pushed quietly.

“This is the only warning you get, Faye, ‘cause you don’t kick my ass out right now and you sleep beside me tonight, tomorrow I just keep digging deeper but it’s no lie. It is. It’s as dark as it can get. Dark and ugly.”

“That isn’t true.”

“It is.”

“It isn’t,” she stressed, Chace opened his mouth to speak but her hand shot up between them and she pressed the tips of her fingers against his lips and went on. “I’ll tell you why I know. Because what you just told me you were doing, you wouldn’t do. Not to me. Not to anyone. You wouldn’t make me care for you only to hurt me. You know whatever it is, I can handle it. Because if you didn’t know that, didn’t believe it, you would not be here right now. That isn’t the type of man you are, Chace, and I don’t care what you think, I know who you are. I don’t know who you think you are but I know who you are. I also know nothing you can tell me will make me think differently.”

Jesus, he f**king hoped so.

She wasn’t done but she moved her fingers from his mouth to cup his jaw before she kept talking.

“I’m glad you like me. I’m glad to know you’re not sharing with me not because you’re testing me but because of why you explained you aren’t though that’s crazy but, whatever. Take your time. I’ll be here and after, I’ll still be here. And I’m glad you thought that was hot. Because I read a lot of romance novels and my toy got a lot of um… uh… you know, use before you so, um… you’re going to get a lot of um… use now too.”

Kristen Ashley's Novels
» Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)
» Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)
» Midnight Soul (Fantasyland #5)
» Sebring (Unfinished Hero #5)
» Wild and Free (The Three #3)
» Hold On (The 'Burg #6)
» Ride Steady (Chaos #3)
» Wild Man (Dream Man #2)
» Law Man (Dream Man #3)
» Jagged (Colorado Mountain #5)
» Motorcycle Man (Dream Man #4)
» Breathe (Colorado Mountain #4)
» Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell #1)
» Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain #3)
» Play It Safe
» Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain #2)
» Knight (Unfinished Hero #1)
» The Gamble (Colorado Mountain #1)
» Creed (Unfinished Hero #2)
» Fire Inside (Chaos #2)