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Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell #1) Page 19
Author: Kristen Ashley

Sam needed to find a woman who proved hers before he shared his.

And I decided, staring in his eyes, I would live that night with Sam, live it to its fullest.

I’d need it because it would have to last a lifetime.

And that was why I answered, “Can we go in, Sam? I need champagne.”

Sam said not a word. He also didn’t let me go. And lastly, he didn’t release my eyes.

Finally, he spoke and when he did, he did it with a quiet warning that made my heart hurt.

“I see it, Kia, and I get this is gonna take effort. But what I’m sensin’ is, you don’t notice I’m makin’ that effort. Don’t f**k up, baby, and, out of habit, reinforce your shields to hold back a threat that doesn’t exist. You get me?”

Okay, it was safe to say he was kind of freaking me out with how much he knew when I thought I was doing a bang up job keeping it guarded.

Without a single clue as to how to reply, I licked my lips to buy time. His eyes dropped to them, I watched them heat, their heat made heat rise in certain areas of my body and his fingers tensed at my neck.

Right, mental note, when Sam Cooper was an inch away, don’t lick your lips to buy time.

His eyes came back to mine and, when they did, immediately I nodded.

He let me pull away two inches and he did this with his mouth twitching.

Then he said, “Fuck me, how a woman can be so transparent and so full of shit at the same time is beyond me, but, baby, you got it down to an art.”

Well! I was so sure.

“I’m not full of shit,” I informed him.

“Your eyes run through every play you can make before you even twitch. Don’t know what I do or what shuts off in you when you forget that bullshit and be real but, I promise you, Kia, I’m gonna find out.”


That didn’t sound good.

I had no idea how to respond so I decided to go with annoyed bravado.

“Sam, I keep telling you, I’m not playing at anything.”

“Then, baby, you are totally clueless but still an idiot savant with this shit because I’ve had my fair share of experience and you’re a master.”


I mean, seriously?

“All right, Sam,” I retorted acidly. “I’ll tell you what’s not a good play. What’s not a good play is telling your date on your first date that you’ve had your fair share of experience.”

He burst out laughing and jerked me forward the two inches I gained and, let me tell you, watching him laughing that close was hot.


He was still smiling when he stopped laughing and asked, “Honest to God, you think you can convince me you didn’t already know?”

“Didn’t already know what?” I snapped.

“I played football then I joined the Army, these are not the occupations of a man who does not like to get himself some and often. You know both. You also know I played pro ball so you know I had choices and there is no way you can convince me you think I’m a man who wouldn’t avail myself of that every chance I got.”

Was he for real?

Suddenly, I was rethinking Sam needing a good, loving, decent woman working hard to prove she was worthy of his secrets. Suddenly, I was thinking Sam needed a woman, any woman, to kick him in the shin.

“You aren’t making things better, Sam,” I warned, pulling at his hand.

This was a mistake. That hand tightened. I got the message. Do not pull away.

I stopped pulling.

His hand told me one thing but his face was smiling huge and in a way that did crazy things to my system, crazy things that felt really good at the same time they scared the shit out of me.

Then his hand pulled me closer but his head veered to the side and, at my ear, he whispered, “You cannot bullshit me, you know what kind of man I am. What you don’t know is, I like to get me some but everything you do, everything you wear, everything you say, every signal you give tells me I’m gonna really like gettin’ some of you.”





Oh. My. God!

Before I could get my stalled systems (heart, lungs, brain) functioning again, he released me and he did it in a way I’d never forget, in a way no woman would ever forget, in fact, I figured I should find some way to tell the world so his smooth move could hit history books.

And this was, his mouth left my ear and his lips trailed down my jaw at the same time his hand left the back of my neck but his fingers also trailed down the other side of my jaw. Both touches were light, a tease, a dare, making me want more and telling me I’d have to go for it to get it.

And when his presence was gone because he was exiting the car and the valet opened the door at my side, I was left frozen, turned toward the empty driver’s seat, probably looking like a lovestruck idiot but thinking about nothing, not one thing, except how damn badly I wanted to go for it.

Chapter Four


It was unfortunate I had not recovered from the crazily veering emotions I’d experienced on the ride there, particularly the last five minutes in the Lamborghini, by the time Sam, holding my hand again, walked me into the villa because, although there were a large number of people there, Luciana appeared out of nowhere and she did this shouting Italian.

Sam stopped us and I blinked because I was not the kind of girl who bought glossy fashion magazines (not that my husband would let me) but still, I recognized her and if she was beautiful from the back, she was exquisite in a lush, smack you back, wish you were her with all your heart, Sofia Loren kind of way from the front.

She was also affectionate.

I knew this right off (though it was impossible to miss) because she threw herself in Sam’s arms like she hadn’t had dinner with him yesterday evening but instead hadn’t seen him in two decades and she didn’t do the cheek touch, switch, cheek touch business. Instead she kissed his cheeks back and forth and back and forth and back again, alternately babbling at him in Italian.

“Luci, girl, you know I do not understand one f**kin’ word you’re sayin’,” Sam informed her, his arms having gone from a close hug to his hands at her waist and he set her firmly away with a practiced hand that gave me a strong indication this was a familiar dance.

She grinned up at him and admonished, “I’m always telling you, Sam, you need to learn Italian.”

“Why?” he replied. “This is the second time in my life I’ve been here.”

Sam had only been in Italy twice?

Hmm. Interesting.

“Because,” she returned.

Kristen Ashley's Novels
» Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)
» Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4)
» Midnight Soul (Fantasyland #5)
» Sebring (Unfinished Hero #5)
» Wild and Free (The Three #3)
» Hold On (The 'Burg #6)
» Ride Steady (Chaos #3)
» Wild Man (Dream Man #2)
» Law Man (Dream Man #3)
» Jagged (Colorado Mountain #5)
» Motorcycle Man (Dream Man #4)
» Breathe (Colorado Mountain #4)
» Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell #1)
» Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain #3)
» Play It Safe
» Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain #2)
» Knight (Unfinished Hero #1)
» The Gamble (Colorado Mountain #1)
» Creed (Unfinished Hero #2)
» Fire Inside (Chaos #2)