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The Maze Runner Files Page 2
Author: James Dashner

We are and will continue to be in good hands. The noble endeavor we began over a decade ago will see itself through to fruition. Our efforts, and for almost all of us, our lives, will have been spent justly and for the greater good. The cure will be built.

Honestly, this is more of a personal note. To thank you for your friendship, your compassion, your empathy in the face of such difficult tasks.

One word of warning: It gets bad in the end. Do not fight your decommission. I did, and now I regret it. Just leave and end the suffering.

It has become too much.

Thank you.

And goodbye.

WICKED Memorandum, Date 231.5.5, Time 0716




I only have two fingers left.

I wrote the lies of my farewell with two fingers.

That is the truth.

We are evil.

They are kids.

We are evil.

We should stop, let the Munies have the world.

We can’t play God.

We can’t do this to kids.

You’re evil, I’m evil.

My two fingers tell me so.

How can we lie to our replacements?

We give them hope when there is none.

Everyone will die.

No matter what.

Let nature win.

WICKED Memorandum, Date 231.6.22, Time 1137

TO: The Replacements

FROM: Thomas [Subject A1]

RE: The Purge

I take total responsibility for what we have had to do over the last few days.

What we have to keep in mind, though, is that WICKED is alive and stronger than ever. The Maze is up and running and our studies are in full swing. We are on the path and we cannot stray from it.

All I ask is that what we have done here remain within the organization and never be referred to again. What’s done is done, and it was a mercy. But now, every waking thought has to be devoted to building the blueprint.

Ava Paige is the new chancellor of WICKED, effective immediately.

WICKED Memorandum, Date 232.1.28, Time 0721

TO: My Associates

FROM: Ava Paige, Chancellor

RE: Regarding Chuck

I wanted to share some quick thoughts about Chuck’s death since talk of it is rampant around the compound. Though not surprising, the reaction disappoints me.

We all understand what it is we have been asked to do, and we all knew that we would be expected to do things that are difficult. But WICKED’s purpose is about the long term, and everything will have been for nothing unless we accomplish our ultimate goal. Showing small mercies along the way does no one any good.

The Psychs have determined what we need to stimulate our subjects and seek the patterns; their edicts are our first concern. Chuck was a wonderful child full of life and sweet tenderness. Of all our subjects, he may have been the one most likely to earn our sympathies, as well as those of his companions. Ironically, that is the very reason why what happened needed to happen. You saw the results for yourself.

Most importantly, and to ease your conscience, remember that Chuck was not a potential Candidate and most certainly would have met an even worse death eventually. If anything, we did show him a mercy by setting up the scenario that led to his murder.

There is not much else to say. I do not need to preach about morals or right and wrong. We are in survival mode, and the only thing that matters is maximizing the number of lives saved in the long run. Please visit our in-staff counselors if need be, but then please move on and stay on course for the Scorch Trials. The discussions regarding this matter must cease immediately to keep morale up.

Part II

Recovered Correspondence


The Flares Information Recovery Endeavor, henceforth known as FIRE, hereby calls upon municipal units, police agencies, social services and any surviving governmental entities for help. Because most means of communication have been rendered useless, this flyer is being disseminated to the four corners of the world by any available means, including Netblock, Berg, plane, boat, car, and horse.

So far FIRE comprises representatives from the North American Alliance, Russia, the European Union, the United States of Africa, and Mexico, all countries that have suffered catastrophic damage from the sun flares. We hope to gather more representatives from around the world as quickly as possible.

The globe has been ravaged by this disaster. But now is the time to pull together to do what we have always done: survive. FIRE’s first task is to assemble world leaders and collect information. We will then organize governing units, police forces, and food and shelter coordination plans.

If you read this message, please find a way to send word back to the FIRE headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska.

Post-Flares Coalition Memorandum, Date 217.11.28, Time 21:46

TO: All board members

FROM: Chancellor John Michael

RE: Population concerns

The report presented to us today, copies of which were sent to all members of the coalition, certainly left no room for doubt as to the problems that face this already crippled world. I am certain that all of you, like me, went to your shelters in stunned silence. It is my hope that the harsh reality described in this report is now clear enough that we can begin talking about solutions.

The problem is simple: the world has too many people and not enough resources.

We have scheduled our next meeting for a week from tomorrow. I expect all members to come prepared to present a solution, no matter how extraordinary it seems. You may be familiar with an old business saying, “think outside the box.” I believe it is time we do just that.

I look forward to hearing your ideas.

To: John Michael

From: Katie McVoy

Subject: Potential


I looked into the matter we discussed over dinner last night. AMRIID barely survived the flares, but they’re confident that the underground containment system for the most dangerous viruses, bacteria, and biological weapons didn’t fail.

It took some wrangling, but I got the information we need. I’ve looked through it and come up with a recommendation. All the potential solutions are far too unpredictable to be usable. Except one.

It’s a virus. It attacks the brain and shuts it down, painlessly. It acts quickly and decisively. The virus was designed to slowly weaken in infection rate as it spreads from host to host. It will be perfect for our needs, especially considering how severely limited travel has become. It could work, John. And as awful as it seems, I believe it could work efficiently.

I’ll send over the details. Let me know your thoughts.


To: Katie McVoy

From: John Michael

Subject: RE: Potential


I need your help preparing my full proposal for the virus release presentation. We need to focus on how a controlled kill is the only way to save lives. Though it will make survival possible for only a select portion of our population, unless we take extreme measures, we face the eventual extinction of the human race.

You and I both know how hypothetical this solution is. But we’ve run the simulations a thousand times and I just can’t see any alternative. If we don’t do this, the world will run out of resources. I firmly believe it is the most ethical decision—the risk of race extinction justifies the elimination of a few. My mind is made up. Now it’s a matter of convincing the others on the board.

Let’s meet at my quarters, 1700. Everything has to be worded perfectly, so prepare yourself for a long night.

Until then,


To: Randall Spilker

From: Ladena Lichliter


I’m still sick from the meeting today. I just can’t believe it. I can’t accept that the PCC actually looked us in the eyes and presented that proposal. Seriously. I was stunned.

And then more than half the room AGREED WITH THEM! They supported it! What the hell is going on? Randall, tell me what the HELL is going on? How can we even THINK about doing something like that? How?

I’ve spent the afternoon trying to make sense of it all. I can’t take it. I can’t.

How did we get here?

Come see me tonight. Please.


Post-Flares Coalition Memorandum, Date 219.02.12, Time 19:32

TO: All board members

FROM: Chancellor John Michael

RE: EO draft

Please give me your thoughts on the following draft. The final order will go out tomorrow.

Executive Order #13 of the Post-Flares Coalition, by recommendation of the Population Control Committee, to be considered TOP-SECRET, of the highest priority, on penalty of capital punishment.

We the Coalition hereby grant the PCC express permission to fully implement their PC Initiative #1 as presented in full and attached below. We the Coalition take full responsibility for this action and will monitor developments and offer assistance to the fullest extent of our resources. The virus will be released in the locations recommended by the PCC and agreed upon by the Coalition. Armed forces will be stationed to ensure that the process unfolds in as orderly a manner as possible.

EO #13, PCI #1, is hereby ratified. Begin immediately.

To: John Michael

From: Katie McVoy

Subject: Potential


We received the following radio message from soldiers at Ground Zero EU: an exchange between a Lieutenant Larsson and a private named Kibucho that began during a helicopter flyover. I have to warn you, it’s a little disturbing.

*Begin transmission*

Larsson: What the *expletive* is that down there? Through that gash in the roof. What’s all that movement?

Kibucho: They’re supposed to be *expletive* dead by now. It has to be animals or something.

Larsson: No way. But it’s too dark. We need to get down there and have a look.

Kibucho: I’ll tell them.

*Three-minute break in transmission*

Larsson: Open the door.

Kibucho: Are you sure?

Larsson: Open the *expletive* door, Private!

Kibucho: Going in.

*Two-minute break in transmission*

Kibucho: He chopped off my leg! He chopped off my *expletive* leg!

Larsson: What? What the *expletive* are you talking about?

Kibucho: [Garbled response.]

Larsson: Private! What’s going on?

Kibucho: Half of them are alive! Get me out!

Larsson: Backup, backup, backup! We need backup in Sector Seventeen of Ground Zero EU immediately!

Kibucho: [Garbled screams.]

Larsson: Holy *expletive*! Holy *expletive*! They’re eating him! My God, they’re eating him!

Kibucho: [Garbled screams that cut off abruptly.]

Larsson: They have me cornered! Oh, *expletive*, they have me cornered!

*End transmission*

We need to gather the board.


To: Randall Spilker

From: Ladena Lichliter

Subject: Unbelievable

I know you’ve been sick, but the reports are flying in now. Have you seen any of them? These aren’t rumors anymore, Randall. They have at least 27 confirmed sightings of infected groups. The virus didn’t kill them! None of the doctors or scientists can nail down what’s gone wrong. But most of the people living at Ground Zero locations are completely insane, like animals. They’re monsters!

But that’s not even the worst part. What has the Coalition terrified is that victims even had time to escape from the remote camps. The Coalition thought the incubation period and onset of death would be much faster. And there are reports of symptoms in citizens outside the hot zones. Everywhere.

Randall, we have a major, major crisis on our hands. They should’ve listened to us. They should’ve listened!

James Dashner's Novels
» The Fever Code (The Maze Runner #5)
» The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner #2)
» The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner #1)
» The Kill Order (Maze Runner #0.5)
» The Death Cure (Maze Runner #3)
» The Eye of Minds (The Mortality Doctrine #1)
» A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring #1)
» The Maze Runner Files
» The Void of Mist and Thunder (The 13th Reality #4)
» The Journal of Curious Letters (The 13th Reality #1)
» The Hunt for Dark Infinity (The 13th Reality #2)